• Eliminate Koch Brother influence on election
    The Koch brothers financial support to Tea Party Republicans have changed the Congress to a "road block party". Koch 's empire produces a wide spectrum of industrial and consumer products that we use every day, like Norton Tissue, ......Tridum filter, etc. When we all stop buying the Kock product, it will hurt their sales and profits where they need the most. They will think twice before opposing peoples' wishes.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Matthew Atwong
  • Know What You Are Eating
    Allegations of the effects of diet upon the lives of our children and family must be investigated. We cannot stand idly by and assume that our best interests are being met. We must be proactive in our own lives and for our future.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marc and Susan Severson
  • American government: defend artist expression!
    My name is William Sowder. I've always dreamed of being a guitar player in a band. I've also always dreamed of living in a country of equal opportunity, and expression. Today, myself and my band are facing a legal quagmire, as American International Group, an insurance giant that was bailed out by the American taxpayer, has deemed our band name unacceptable. According to wikipedia, American International Group had a market capitalization of $57.3 billion, with a capital B! If you believe in progressive political change, please, help me tell the government that we can't let megacorporations run rough-shod over our voices, our dignity, and our freedom of expression!
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by William Sowder
  • Todd Spitzer: Save Holtz Ranch
    The canyon communities have been fighting to preserve the historic 320-acre Holtz Ranch in Silverado Canyon for over 30 years. St. Michael's Abbey proposes to develop a Monastery/Church/Sanctuary, Convent, Private Boarding School/Dormitories, Gymnasium/Athletic Facilities, Guest Cottages, Chapel/Cemetery, Agricultural Maintenance Buildings, and accessory gift shop, which threaten the Silverado-Modjeska Specific Plan, critical habitat for the endangered arroyo toad, cactus wren and meadowlark habitat, Native American archaeological sites, historic orchard, historic agricultural buildings, dark sky, road safety, air quality, and the overall quality of life for canyon residents. Measure M funds were almost used to acquire this property as permanent open space because OCTA recognized Holtz Ranch as a top tier property for its natural and cultural resource mitigation value. Now the county has reversed its opinion as a favor to St. Michael's Abbey, an exempt religious institution. The county has an opportunity to preserve the historic 320-acre Holtz Ranch as a natural and cultural landmark for the benefit of everyone.
    1,614 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Joel Robinson
  • Ask Dunkin Donuts to stop using Styrofoam
    I have spoken to multiple Dunkin Donuts store managers to ask them to stop using styrofoam. They state it is a corporate policy. Only the requests of many people can persuade Dunkin Donuts to change to paper.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Margaret Davino
  • Sen. Kirk: Avoid Another Shutdown—Close Corporate Tax Loopholes
    Recent federal budget cuts have hurt Illinois' most vulnerable populations. Instead of taking money from schools and other vital services that help children, people with disabilities, seniors, and unemployed veterans, it's time to make profitable corporations pay their fair share.
    2,170 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Ryan Canney, Illinois Fair Share
  • Tell Toys R US to End its Anti-Education, Anti-Environment Ad Campaign
    Nature is lame. Plastic toys are better than science and environmental education. That’s the message conveyed by the new Toys “R” Us commercial about the “best field trip” kids could “wish for.” The ad depicts bored, yawning kids on a school bus labeled “Meet the Trees Foundation” as they begin a nature-oriented field trip. The kids are then showered with confetti as they jump for joy at the guide’s announcement that they’re actually taking a trip to Toys “R” Us — where the fun is, according to the ad. Children are already constantly bombarded with commercial messages suggesting that fun and childhood go hand in hand with an endless supply of plastic toys and violent video games. But we can’t recall an ad that so mocked education and nature in order to promote material consumption. The marketing campaign not only focuses children in the wrong direction, it burdens parents by undermining their efforts to make their children enthusiastic about school activities. The commercial is irresponsible and contrary to American values.
    125 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Glenn Simpson
  • Prosecute Angelo Mozilo for liar loans
    The banksters who created this financial crisis need to be prosecuted and jailed, period. Not coddled and allowed to be above the law.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jeff White
  • Tell The Washington Post: Fire Richard Cohen
    The Washington Post has a big problem and his name is Richard Cohen, a syndicated columnist for the paper. In July, he wrote a column justifying the racial profiling that led to the murder of unarmed Trayvon Martin. In September, he blamed Miley Cyrus and the MTV Video Music Awards for "so-called Steubenville rape," adding that the issue in Steubenville was less about criminality and more about "decency." Now he's gone too far--way, way too far--again. On November 12, he wrote a column suggesting that interracial marriage is offensive to many Americans and makes them want to "gag." Enough. This isn't a one-time mistake from Cohen--it follows a long history of deeply offensive rhetoric. And The Washington Post needs to know that this time, we're not letting them sweep it under the rug. Will you sign the petition asking the Post and its new owner, Amazon.com's Jeff Bezos, to fire Cohen?
    110 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Nita and Shaunna, UltraViolet
  • CBS's apology over its blatantly political Benghazi story is too little too late.
    Too few people seem to take seriously the threat to one of the fundamental pillars of our democracy, an informed electorate. Manipulation of the truth for selfish, political purposes by the corporate media charged with reporting truth is not acceptable and there should be public consequences for the misuse of the forum CBS and the other powerful corporate interests who purport to report the news have been granted by us, the people.
    95 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Koenig
    In the cocoa fields of the Ivory Coast, child slavery is ‘normal.’ It’s routine. It’s accepted. Children as young as 7 are sold – deprived of their childhood, ripped from their families, and subjected to routine abuse – to work long, backbreaking days picking cocoa. And it all stems from our love of chocolate. While many chocolate brands have made public commitments to find the best solution, Warner Bros. is lagging behind. As we head into one of the busiest times of the year for Warner Bros. theme parks, children excited to experience the world of Harry Potter will be asking their parents to buy these chocolates. That's why taking a stand right now will make a big impact. Ask Warner Bros. what steps they’re taking to ensure Harry Potter chocolates are slavery-free.
    118 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jessica H.
    The Fair Food Program has made historic progress in tackling forced labour and exploitation on Florida’s tomato farms. A massive 90% of growers have already joined the Fair Food Program, an initiative with a proven track record in fighting modern slavery. And four of the five biggest U.S. fast food giants have signed the Fair Food Agreement, investing in the fight for a slavery-free agricultural industry. But one company stands in the way of progress: Wendy’s refuses to ensure slavery is not in its supply chain. If Wendy’s follows the lead of McDonald's, Subway, Burger King and Taco Bell, their immense purchasing power could help bring the last 10% of farms to the table and ensure the tomato industry never sees another case of modern slavery. Call on Wendy’s – the final fast food hold-out – to help end slavery forever in Florida’s tomato fields.
    152 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jessica Hollinshead