Save Our Locally Owned/Community Boost Mobile StoreBecause my business has been slated for termination by Sprint for a misunderstanding or an alleged misapplication of rules for operating promotional opportunities. This termination is being done without any consideration for allowing us to know the full particulars concerning the closure and without being able to defend ourselves. This will dramatically impact the livelihood of the employees of 4 Real Wireless and effectively close two thriving and successful retail stores in a part of Omaha that has seen far too many businesses come and go. This needs to be stopped.72 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Eric Stevens
Bonbrook Plantation Energy IssuesPower cycling through our neighborhood has caused numerous problems including financial loss due to electronics burning out, physical distress, and frustration.24 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Braden Lake
Thank you, Clean Money and DISCLOSE Act volunteers!Big Money special interests that dominate politics have the advantage of a Supreme Court that says money equals speech and laws that allow secret spending. But we have something even more powerful -- people like you! Clean Money and DISCLOSE Act volunteers like you have gathered and entered tens of thousands of signatures, made thousands of phone calls, given hundreds of presentations, packed the halls in Sacramento, signed targeted petitions, or made quick phone calls at key times. That's how SB 52, the California DISCLOSE Act, made it through the Senate – and how we'll beat dark money to get it through the Assembly and signed into law next year. Won't you take a moment to sign the petition thanking ALL our amazing activists? If you especially appreciated particular volunteers or activities this year, say so in the comment area. We'll share them with all our volunteers!1,263 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Trent Lange, President of the California Clean Money Campaign
Walmart's latest outrageI work hard at Walmart and I shouldn't have to donate plasma just to pay my bills. But as the father of three, I struggle each month just to keep my kids fed. It's gotten so bad that I'm forced to live payday loan to payday loan. This year, I'm on track to make just $12,000 at Walmart. And I'm not the only one. Recently, news broke that Walmart was actually running a food drive asking its own employees to donate to hungry coworkers so they could enjoy Thanksgiving. That isn't right. While the Walton family has more wealth than 42% of our country combined, many Walmart workers like me are forced to turn to government assistance just to pay our bills. It's time for a change. That's why I'm calling on the Walton family to publicly commit to paying us a decent wage. Legal Disclaimer: UFCW and OUR Walmart have the purpose of helping Wal-Mart employees as individuals or groups in their dealings with Wal-Mart over labor rights and standards and their efforts to have Wal-Mart publically commit to adhering to labor rights and standards. UFCW and OUR Walmart have no intent to have Walmart recognize or bargain with UFCW or OUR Walmart as the representative of Walmart employees.104,021 of 200,000 SignaturesCreated by Anthony Goytia
End Corporation "personhood"The Citizens United decision has crippled our democratic system. It must be reversed NOW! We want a government of the people, by the people and for the people.14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by harland burr
Tell Catholic University of America: Don't take the Koch brothers' moneyShould America's flagship Catholic university take a million dollars from the Koch brothers to spread their right-wing, anti-poor agenda? The billionaire Koch brothers are the biggest funders of the tea party movement and the anti-government think tanks that are waging war on anti-poverty programs. But even though the Koch brothers' efforts are clearly out of step with Catholic social teaching, the Catholic University of America just announced a million dollar donation from Charles Koch to their business and economics school. The Koch brothers' past donations to universities have come with strings attached -- Charles Koch used a similar donation to veto most of the professors another university wanted to hire with his donation. Catholic University needs to put its academic integrity and commitment to social justice ahead of the Koch brothers' radical agenda.93 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Michael Sherrard, Faithful America
Developer trying to take Westwoods private propertyDeveloper is trying to take our homeowners private property because he wants additional entrance for his commercial shopping center. We would loose our property as well as our quality of life,16 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Elyce Werner
Denver Tell Walmart: Decent Pay, Not Handouts!Shocking! Earlier this week, news broke that in Ohio Walmart has been holding a food drive, asking its employees to donate to their hungry coworkers. I have a better idea for Walmart: Pay your workers enough to feed their families. But there is hope for change! Around the country Walmart workers are standing up and across the country over the last few weeks they even went on strike for their right to speak out about issues like their low-wages without fear of Walmart retaliating against them. Workers and their supporters plan to hold protests at 1,500 Walmart stores around the country and in Denver this Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving and the “Superbowl of Retail.” Sign my petition calling on Walmart to stop relying on other people’s generosity to support its low-road business model.758 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Jamie Way
Los Angeles Tell Walmart: Decent Pay, Not Handouts!Shocking! Earlier this week, news broke that in Ohio Walmart has been holding a food drive, asking its employees to donate to their hungry coworkers. I have a better idea for Walmart: Pay your workers enough to feed their families. But there is hope for change! Around the country Walmart workers are standing up and in Los Angeles earlier this month they even went on strike for their right to speak out about issues like their low-wages without fear of retaliation against them. Workers and their supporters plan to hold protests at 1,500 Walmart stores around the country this Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving and the “Superbowl of Retail.” Sign my petition calling on Walmart to stop relying on other people’s generosity to support its low-road business model.1,148 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Jamie Way
Seattle Tell Walmart: Decent Pay, Not Handouts!Shocking! Earlier this week, news broke that in Ohio Walmart has been holding a food drive, asking its employees to donate to their hungry coworkers. I have a better idea for Walmart: Pay your workers enough to feed their families. But there is hope for change! Around the country Walmart workers are standing up and in Washington State earlier this month they even went on strike for their right to speak out about issues like their low-wages without fear of Walmart retaliating against them. Workers and their supporters plan to hold protests at 1,500 Walmart stores around the country this Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving and the “Superbowl of Retail.” Sign my petition calling on Walmart to stop relying on other people’s generosity to support its low-road business model.357 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Jamie Way
Chicago Tell Walmart: Decent Pay, Not Handouts!Shocking! Earlier this week, news broke that in Ohio Walmart has been holding a food drive, asking its employees to donate to their hungry coworkers. I have a better idea for Walmart: Pay your workers enough to feed their families. But there is hope for change! Around the country Walmart workers are standing up and in Chicago earlier this month they even went on strike for their right to speak out about issues like their low-wages without fear of Walmart retaliating against them. Workers and their supporters plan to hold protests at 1,500 Walmart stores around the country this Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving and the “Superbowl of Retail.” Sign my petition calling on Walmart to stop relying on other people’s generosity to support its low-road business model.143 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Jamie Way
Miami Tell Walmart: Decent Pay, Not Handouts!Shocking! Earlier this week, news broke that in Ohio Walmart has been holding a food drive, asking its employees to donate to their hungry coworkers. I have a better idea for Walmart: Pay your workers enough to feed their families. But there is hope for change! Around the country Walmart workers are standing up and across they country they even went on strike for their right to speak out about issues like their low-wages without fear of Walmart retaliating against them. Workers and their supporters plan to hold protests at 1,500 Walmart stores around the country and in Miami this Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving and the “Superbowl of Retail.” Sign my petition calling on Walmart to stop relying on other people’s generosity to support its low-road business model.244 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Jamie Way