Oregonians have the right to know about potentially harmful chemicals in children's productsArsenic. Cadmium. Mercury. Bisphenol A. Formaldehyde. These are just some of the potentially toxic chemicals in products intended for use by children. Chemical and toy companies don’t want you to know about it. Sign the petition to support SB 1569, requiring manufacturers to disclose products that contain these chemicals. Right now in Oregon, manufacturers aren’t required to tell us about potentially toxic chemicals that are in products intended for children. There’s a heated battle in the legislature and chemical company lobbyists are working hard to convince legislators that it’s simply too big a burden to tell us what’s in these products. Sign the petition NOW to demand that the legislature pass SB 1569 to help protect our kids from harmful chemicals. Oregonians deserve to have ALL of the information when it comes to chemicals in products, especially those used by children. Claims by chemical and toy manufacturers that it’s just too big a burden are ridiculous. Washington State already has a very similar law. Our kids deserve the same protections. Tell the Oregon Legislature to pass SB 1569.Sign the petition and let’s not allow big, out-of-state lobbyists to win the day.869 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by BlueOregon Action
BOYCOTT UNIVERSAL MUSIC GROUP & THEIR SUBSIDIARIES FOR USING HIP HOP TO DISRESPECT THE HISTORY OF...Dear Friends, We have collected over 1200 signatures thus far, please begin to talk about this issue, promote and gain more signatures for our cause. The masses are ready to see corporations be accountable for the negative messages they promote. For those of you who don't know, on February 13, 2014, an artist signed to Universal, by the name of Nikki Minaj, released an album cover desecrating the memory of Malcolm X at the approval of her labels Cash Money Records, Young Money and Universal Def Jam. Several days later Rick Ross the former police officer pretending to be a drug dealer from the "hood", released a song disrespecting the memory of Trayvon Martin, at the approval of his labels Maybac Music and Universal Def Jam. Months earlier, Russell Simmons, the co-founder of Def Jam, promoted a "sex tape" which depicted Harriet Tubman having sex with slave masters to free slaves.This type of blatant disrespect should not be tolerated by anyone. Kids of all colors black, white, and brown are falling into the trap that some Hip Hop artists and labels are promoting. Therefore, we are petitioning Universal, Def Jam, Cash Money, Young Money, Geffen, Interscope and all other subsidiaries of Universal as we are sick and tired of Hip Hop being used to promote the degradation of all people, the high incarceration of black people and the corruption of youth. We Call on Lucian Grainge to stop promoting Hip Hop Artists who are being used as puppets to destroy what we created. We object to the use of our creative works being manipulated to promote Anti-African American Pride, Violence, Rape, and/or the degradation of African American Men or Women or Men and Women of any other culture. We demand a public apology from Lucian Grainge and a percentage of funding from all Hip Hop Albums to go to community programs to create jobs and resources within the African American Community and other communities who have been influenced by this negativity or we will not support anything distributed by the Universal Music Group, subsidiaries, or affiliates including but not limited to music, movies, youtube videos, or any other product or service you extend to the public. We ask for your support by signing the petition and boycotting Universal Music Group, their subsidiaries and products. Please have everyone in your household sign and SHARE***SHARE****SHARE**** WITH ALL EMAIL CONTACTS AND ON ALL SOCIAL NETWORKS Thank you, Eryka Pac1,870 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Erica Chriswell
Stop the Comcast-Time Warner Cable Mega-Merger!Comcast, the nation's largest cable and internet company, has announced plans to purchase Time Warner Cable, the second largest, for $45 billion. But the FCC and the DOJ can still stop this monopolistic merger. The deal would cement Comcast's stranglehold over an industry in which consumers already have few options and face steep prices and unreliable customer service. This merger would mean even less competition over price and service. High speed internet access is more important than ever, whether you want to get a job, start a business, get an education or just watch a movie. But the United States already trails every other developing nation in internet speed and affordability. We need telecom companies to expand access and build out 21st-century infrastructure to bring us up to speed with the world. Instead, telecom CEOs are only concerned with maximizing profit and gobbling up the competition. President Teddy Roosevelt would roll over in his grave. This kind of monopolistic behavior must not be allowed. Tell the FCC and the DOJ to block the merger.4,130 of 5,000 SignaturesCreated by Joe Dinkin
Tell Safeway to Label GMO Foods!There is no issue more profound or more basic than the food that we put into our bodies. While more research needs to be done on the full impact of GMOs, they are not without risks. For example, some GMOs are designed for increased pesticides, which have been linked to serious health and environmental impacts. Consumers have a right to know when GMOs are in their foods and to make purchasing choices for themselves. Eleven months ago, Whole Foods committed to labeling their store-brand products in response to consumer demand. GMO companies like Monsanto and their Big Ag allies have spent millions to defeat efforts to win labeling laws. However, Whole Foods has shown that if enough of their customers demand it, grocery stores will label their products. People power is what will win this effort – please sign the petition, send it to other Safeway or Vons shoppers you may know, and get involved in the local movement.181 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Sam Wilson-Moses
Stop the Comcast and Time Warner MergerThis petition is to prevent the merger of Comcast and Time Warner Cable. This merger should not be allowed to happen due to the fact that it opens the door for Comcast to monopolize cable and internet services. Meaning that they will have the ability to control all of our means of watching tv, internet speeds and other aspects of cable. America is so successful because of competition and if this merger is allowed to happen we send the message to world that competition does not mean anything anymore and that we are allowing a few individuals to own all the acess to cable priviledges.22 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Tyler Jeski
Stop the Comcast/Time Warner Cable MergerThis merger would mean less competition and put too much controlling power over the internet in the hands of just one company.214 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Shawn Logue
Rep. Cleaver: Thank you for supporting a Government By the PeopleBig money in politics is a big problem. In fact, MoPIRG and Demos found that in 2012 the top 32 donors to Super PACs spent as much money as every single small donation to Obama and Romney combined, equaling the gifts of over 3.7 million Americans. The Government By the People Act would change the way our elections are financed through a combination of matching funds for small donations, and a “My Voice” tax credit. Instead of relying on Wall Street executives or lobbyists, participating candidates would rely on the ones the founding fathers intended them to represent: we the people. Thank Rep. Emanuel Cleaver II for cosponsoring this legislation and ask him to see it pass the finish line.68 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Alec Sprague
What's in the Jam, Smucker's?Hi y’all! My name is Rita Frost, and I'm a senior at the College of Wooster, just a few miles down the road from Smucker's headquarters in Orville, Ohio. I have a right to know if there are GMOs in the foods that I'm eating and Smucker’s (dare I say Schmucker's) is spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to stop people like you and me from finding out. Ohio and over 25 other states are considering GMO labeling laws this year. Let’s make sure the labeling laws stand a chance and show Smucker's and other food giants know that blocking GMO labeling will be bad for their brand. Sign this petition to CEO Richard Smucker and I'll hand deliver them to his corporate headquarters.341 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Rita
Hy-Vee in Pierre, SDI am tired of the prices and limited hours of what they call "grocery stores" here. I would like to have the pricing and selection that Hy-Vee grocery stores offer.1,649 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Stef Kerr
Sign the petition: Stop protecting polluters and start protecting North Carolina's peopleOn February 3, a Duke Energy coal ash pond ruptured—spilling more than 80,000 tons of coal ash into North Carolina’s Dan River. That’s enough toxic sludge to fill 73 Olympic-sized pools. In the past year, three Clean Water Act lawsuits were filed against Duke Energy—and each time, the North Carolina Department of the Environment and Natural Resources blocked any federal enforcement by intervening to craft a toothless “settlement.” It’s no wonder. North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory worked at Duke Energy for 28 years. Sign our petition to Gov. McCrory: Stop protecting polluters and poisoning your own people. Allow the federal authorities to do their job enforcing the Clean Water Act.499 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Paul Hogarth
Pay it Forward: Ban Yelp from Google and all Search Engines until they stop filtering legitimate ...I have no problem at all with legitimate reviews of a business, but Yelp is not interested in the truth. They are predatory with a clear conflict of interest. My business, income, and my reputation have been damaged by the strong-arm tactics of Yelp, as I have refused to pay them to 'fix' my problem of a one star rating, which they caused in order to profit from me paying them to 'fix' it, while 'filtering' my legitimate five star reviews. I have a defamatory false negative one-star review posted on my business Yelp listing, while all of the legitimate five-star reviews from my clients are 'filtered' by Yelp. I am not the only business and person affected by Yelp. Small business owners, employees, and the public are harmed everywhere by Yelp. See the articles, websites and the class action lawsuits by business owners against Yelp. === Update 11 September 2019 Could it get any worse? Where is the justice for Yelp victims? Help the honest hard working people and the victims of extortion. Pay it Forward: Ban Yelp from Google and all Search Engines until they stop filtering legitimate positive reviews and stop allowing false reviews to appear on business listings. Thank you! Groupon may pursue deal with online-review company Yelp https://www.foxbusiness.com/markets/groupon-may-pursue-deal-with-online-review-company-yelp === Update 12 December 2018 I have managed to re-open my petition on change.org. I do not know why it was closed. Anyway, it is re-opened. Please sign that one too! Thanks! https://www.change.org/p/larry-page-ceo-pay-it-forward-ban-yelp-from-search-engines-until-they-stop-their-harmful-practices-yelp-is-destroying-small-businesses-help-small-businesses-succeed-and-you-will-help-all-economies-prosper http://www.prostfilms.com/blog/where-the-film-stands-dec-2018/ 'Where The Film Stands – Dec 2018 Posted on December 10, 2018 Share: Facebook twitter google_plus pinterest linkedin tumblr mail Hello everyone! Let us start off by saying we can’t thank you enough for your continued support of Billion Dollar Bully and it’s message. We apologize we haven’t been on top of releasing updates. Going forward, we’re going to be better about updating everyone! Today’s update is regarding some things we’ve been dealing with for a bit of time. Things we weren’t sure we should share with the public. Since this isn’t just our fight, we decided it would be a good idea to share with you all what’s been going on behind the scenes lately. As we’ve mentioned previously, Billion Dollar Bully is fully finished! Its been seen during several private screenings, and has been very well received. We’re currently sitting on several distribution offers that will help Billion Dollar Bully be seen by a very wide audience. And for that, we’re so excited! The thing is, we can’t sign any distribution deal. Why? Well, because in order to sign a distribution deal a film must have insurance. We posted a blog here about the process we went through just to be approved for insurance. While we have been approved, insurance has not yet been purchased and we will explain why. As we came to learn, there’s an industry standard for the price of insurance for documentaries. Billion Dollar Bully was quoted an insurance number that was 8x that of a normal insurance cost! A big blow to a film that’s been made on a limited budget. Some distributors will take a film and put money upfront to pay any additional costs. Given that this is our first film and we don’t have any “industry connections,” this has not been our case. All distribution companies are requiring that we figure out a way to finance the insurance first. We’ve had many uphill battles completing the film, so we did what we’ve done before. We got to work! We starting looking for ways to secure the insurance. And as we fought to complete the last battle to ensure Billion Dollar Bully was released, strange things started happening… A few sales agents reached out to us, several times, wanting to see the film. They claimed Elon Musk was very interested in seeing the film, and possibly interested in buying it. At first, an exciting prospect. But on closer inspection we realized that Jeremy Stoppleman, CEO and founder of Yelp, and Elon Musk go way back. Together, they were part of the “PayPal Mafia”. And since Elon Musk isn’t in the movie buying business, as far as we’re aware, and he and Mr. Stoppleman are what we can only assume are friends, it seemed strange. And then? Our emails got hacked. Several times. People started reaching out to us claiming they could help secure the insurance. And after countless wasted hours, we’d find out they were somehow connected to Yelp. Current and former employees of Yelp reached out to us; some of them admitted they were with Yelp, and some would try to hide the information. It took a bit of digging on our end to figure out who these people were. There was rabbit hole after rabbit hole. The truth has always been, and remains the truth today, that Yelp is a billion dollar company that knows it has something to hide. It knows that what they’re hiding could cost them a billion dollars. And so, our fight to complete and release the film has been an uphill battle. We want you to know that we aren’t giving up and that we’re out here getting very close to securing insurance for the film and signing that hard won distribution to deal. Billion Dollar Bully WILL be seen. It NEEDS to be seen. Yelp continues to abuse their very own consumers! Ben Kohn recently reached out with a lovely graph that shows reviewers for his business being filtered, but those same reviewers leaving other companies reviews and their review being considered legitimate. Here’s a video you can watch of him showing his ad campaign and what he did (and didn’t) get out of it. Your continued support is more appreciated than you know! We hope you all have a wonderful holiday season with those you love. Mellissa and Kaylie' Update 2 December 2018 ...8,856 of 9,000 SignaturesCreated by Steve Davis
AOL CEO Tim Armstrong: Pregnancy is responsible for benefit cuts?!Tim Armstrong, CEO of AOL, just had a staff-wide conference call to announce drastic cuts to benefits. He then viciously blamed the cuts on two female employees who had recently had difficult pregnancies covered by the company's health plan. The cut was made a day after AOL announced 2013 had been "its most successful year in the last decade" with revenues of $2.3 billion. Armstrong himself made $30 million from a patent deal with Microsoft (how's that for a bonus?) and last year his annual salary was quadrupled to $12.1 million. Yet, two pregnant women are blamed for a cut in benefits. It is wildly inappropriate for a multi-millionaire CEO who heads a corporation gaining record profits to make a greedy move cutting benefits and then blame pregnancy. If we let Armstrong have his way, then other CEOs can slash benefits with the same sexist justification. We need to send a message to corporate America that women will fight back and speak up for their rights at work. Will you sign the petition demanding CEO Tim Armstrong apologize for blaming pregnant women for AOL's greedy move and then restore benefits to employees?7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Nita and Shaunna, UltraViolet