• AOL CEO Tim Armstrong: Pregnancy is responsible for benefit cuts?!
    Tim Armstrong, CEO of AOL, just had a staff-wide conference call to announce drastic cuts to benefits. He then viciously blamed the cuts on two female employees who had recently had difficult pregnancies covered by the company's health plan. The cut was made a day after AOL announced 2013 had been "its most successful year in the last decade" with revenues of $2.3 billion. Armstrong himself made $30 million from a patent deal with Microsoft (how's that for a bonus?) and last year his annual salary was quadrupled to $12.1 million. Yet, two pregnant women are blamed for a cut in benefits. It is wildly inappropriate for a multi-millionaire CEO who heads a corporation gaining record profits to make a greedy move cutting benefits and then blame pregnancy. If we let Armstrong have his way, then other CEOs can slash benefits with the same sexist justification. We need to send a message to corporate America that women will fight back and speak up for their rights at work. Will you sign the petition demanding CEO Tim Armstrong apologize for blaming pregnant women for AOL's greedy move and then restore benefits to employees?
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nita and Shaunna, UltraViolet
  • Bank of America: It's Un-American to Profit from Gun Violence
    It's bad enough that more than a year after the Sandy Hook massacre, Congress hasn't acted on common sense gun laws, but should Wall Street profit and laugh all the way to the bank? The Wall Street firm Cerberus Capital Management still hasn't honored its promise to divest itself of Freedom Group, the manufacturer of the military-style assault weapon that killed 20 first grade children and six educators at Sandy Hook Elementary. Cerberus is still dragging its feet and holding out for a generous buyer to take on Freedom Group, despite its growing toxicity. Even some of Cerberus' own investors are fed up and demanding to divest from gun manufacturer. Now Bank of America is stepping in -- to help the side that uses gun profits to lobby against laws that prevent gun violence. Bank of America is leading the effort to raise money on behalf of Freedom Group, so that the gun manufacturer can buy off those responsible investors trying to get out. (To the tune of $175 million.) Meanwhile, Cerberus hangs onto its other Freedom Group investments. Don't let Bank of America get away with it. Demand that they pull out of the deal immediately. Sign this petition.
    13,663 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Campaign to Unload
  • DALnet IRC NETWORKt: Please reopen #Davao channel
    DALnet, in behalf of chatters from Davao and other city in the Philippines. This channel is also important to us since it represents our city (Davao City) one of the biggest city here in the Philippines. The Land of Promise.
    68 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alexis DALnet
  • Stop Sea World Field Trip-Colonel Santos Benavides Elementary
    My goal is for my school to stop supporting Sea World by planning field trips there. Just like us, animals deserve freedom! Killer whales have emotions, I only went to Sea World once, but now I regret it. Now, I am educated on Sea World's animal cruelty. Sea World treats the whales horribly.
    130 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Marielle Regalado
    We must fight back against big money special interests and prevent super PACs and dark money interests from drowning out the voice of everyday Americans. One way to protect the voice of everyday Americans is by encouraging them to make small campaign contributions. Rep. Sarbanes' new Government by the People Act does this by matching small donations at a rate of $6 to $1, and by providing a $25 refundable tax credit for contributions.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sara Smith
  • Senator Warren Please Filibuster the Fast Track!
    How Dare the corporate 1% not allow us and our representatives to see what they want us to approve. Do they think we're stupid? It's our job to stand up for ourselves.
    39 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bram Haver
  • Senators: Support Innovation Act H. R. 3309
    Currently the Reflective Insulation Manufacturers in the US are subject to a series of suits by a Patent Troll company. My company and my supplier as well as all the major companies are named in these suits. The patent troll company has no interest in insulation, do not make or market any insulation. Their only goal is to hold the industry hostage to collect money.
    86 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Wadsworth
  • World Wide March Against Government Corruption New York City USA
    For far to long the people of the New York, The United States and the world have been used as a pawn in a global power game played by both the Corp 1% and and our governments. it is time for the people to stand up and fight back enough is enough. A government of the people and by the people! On March 1st, 2014 we will come together Globally to demand, of those whom we have put are Trust and Faith in by electing them to office. to hear the voices of so many who stand as one and say enough, we demand change and these are the change we demand with out compromise! Please sign this Petition in support of the March 1st Action by the People! Here is the Link to the Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/447865121982033/453885458046666/?comment_id=453995728035639¬if_t=like Please Share Far and Wide!
    78 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mark Apollo
  • Tim Tebow: Cut ties with worker abuser T-Mobile
    NFL star Tim Tebow has made headlines for standing up for his religious beliefs and his passion for his faith. But he recently teamed up with notorious worker-abusing company T-Mobile to produce ads for the Super Bowl. Now, he has the chance to demonstrate the depth of his moral convictions by supporting T-Mobile workers who are fighting for their rights on the job. T-Mobile has been using “brutal psychological terror” on its workers -- like verbal abuse, threats, and, in one workplace, forcing workers to wear dunce caps and sit in a corner if they don’t meet their quotas. Many workers have reported suffering from migraines, stroke symptoms, high-blood pressure, anxiety and depression because of the abuse. It’s gotten so bad that in one town that doctors describe people as having “T-Mobile disease.” And when workers try to change their workplace environment, they’ve been fired, disciplined, and interrogated in basements and systematically told to not collectively voice their concerns. Tim Tebow isn’t shy about using his celebrity status to take controversial stances. Now, he should stand up for worker rights by cutting ties with T-Mobile, sending a message that he won’t support a company that treats its workers this badly.
    102 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Katherine Venables
  • Stop Dark Money Non-Profits from Hiding Their Funders!
    Last election secretive out-of-state non-profits connected to the Koch brothers funneled $15 million of dark money into California. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Californians deserve to know who is influencing their elections. SB 27 will make sure billionaires and corporations can't hide behind secretive non-profits. It requires any group spending $50,000 in California elections to reveal exactly who gave the money. It is a key step before passage of the California DISCLOSE Act (SB 52). The final Assembly vote on SB 27 could come any day. Join Progressives United and the California Clean Money Campaign and sign our petition today demanding that Assembly members vote YES to close the dark money loophole.
    2,479 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Erin Wagner, Progressives United
  • Demand Justice for Working Mother Unfairly Terminated from Whole Foods!
    My name is Rhiannon Broschat and I've been working at Whole Foods for almost two years. Chicago experienced severe weather on Tuesday, January 28 with subzero temperatures and high windchill prompting Chicago Public Schools to close. The dangerous cold and schools closing in addition to me being a single mother, left me scrambling for childcare and unable to find anyone to watch my special needs son. As a result, I was forced to call off work to stay home to stay home and care for him. Whole Foods, instead of understanding my difficult situation, fired me. Recently, Whole Foods promised a more fair attendance policy which includes excused absences for "a metro wide weather disaster, which affects a significant number of people." I work hard every single day to make Whole Food's a thriving business, yet they claim I was abusing their attendance policy. Stand with me as I protest this unfair termination and demand that Whole Foods immediately reinstates me!
    191 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Nazly Damasio
  • Stop Dark Money Non-Profits from Hiding Their Funders!
    VICTORY! Governor Brown has now signed SB 27, the bill to force Dark Money non-profits to reveal their secret funders in California elections! As California Clean Money Campaign President Trent Lange said afterwards in the Sacramento Bee: “Governor Brown’s signature of SB 27 marks a turning point in the fight to reveal secret funders of political campaigns. It starts to shed light on dark money in California and serves as an example for the entire nation." Your petitions and calls worked! SB 27 became law after more than 40,000 people like you signed petitions. More than a thousand people applied extra pressure by calling their legislator. SB 27 was a great coalition effort in which the California Clean Money Action Fund worked with not only the bill author Senator Lou Correa, the sponsor FPPC, and our CA campaign finance friends at California Common Cause, California Forward, and the League of Women Voters of California; but also with national organizations like Public Citizen, CREDO Mobile, Courage Campaign, Progressives United, Represent.Us, causes.com, MoveOn.org, Money Out Voters In Coalition, MapLight, Label GMOs: California's Grassroots, Lutheran Office of Public Policy - California, Moms Across America, and others. Thanks to everybody who signed and helped us achieve this historic victory! PLEASE ADD YOUR NAME TO THE PETITION and we'll tell you how you can help pass other crucial bills to end the dominance of Big Money in politics, like SB 52, the California DISCLOSE Act and SB 1272, the Overturn Citizens United Act. -- Your friends at the California Clean Money Campaign (www.CAdisclose.org)
    6,871 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by California Clean Money Campaign