• Youtube Must allow Channels with CANNABIS Content to be available on YouTube
    We feel that our CIVIL RIGHTS are being trampled upon. Many like-minded and Well-meaning human beings Heal with, Use, Grow, Consume, Cook with, Share with, And Just plain Enjoy Cannabis. Cannabis is a simple plant, With a complicated governmental relationship. This simple plant has been mistreated by the USA for far too long. We know that there are NO DEATHS from CANNABIS, That's NONE! As in ZERO ZIP NADA ZILCH. Yet the USA continues to allow thousands of deaths by NOT Ending CANNABIS Prohibition! There is currently a Big pHARMa induced opioid crisis in the USA, and YouTube and Google allow ads for big pHARMa. They continue to allow alcohol content. Many many MANY thousands of REAL LIVE HURTING HUMAN BEINGS turn to YouTube each day, They turn there looking for "That Plant" They are merely researching how to possibly save their lives, or the life of a loved one. Please RESTORE ALL the VAST CULTURAL CANNABIS HISTORY housed on all the Cannabis YouTube channels which you've silenced. We respectfully ask that you RESTORE all content from all Cannabis Channels and that you allow new channels to flourish as well. Please! We'd enjoy LEARNING how to grow cannabis, vape and smoke cannabis. Learn about the different types of strains and which one would be best for our diseases. Maybe we're learning, there is the possibility of HOPE for an EPILEPTIC CHILD, who otherwise would be forced to take large amounts of toxic big pHARMa drugs instead of a simple NON TOXIC Plant. Our Plant, For indeed it is OUR PLANT. If you chose not to learn about our investigate or HEAL with CANNABIS, that's your choice. WE are requesting THE RIGHT TO HAVE A CHOICE. Please ALLOW CANNABIS CONTENT to RETURN in all its fascinating and EDUCATIONAL GLORY to the YouTube Platform. ALLOW it so you ALLOW US to make INFORMED decisions. We LEARN by sharing. We learn by sharing video content on YOUR platform. PLEASE don't hold US hostage by not allowing Cannabis, We know its your choice as to what you allow on your platform. We fear your decision to cut US off is money based. Please. ALLOW it Anyway. YOUR Ability to HELP your entire planet HEAL is in YOUR hands. Will YOU DENY all Humans the simple ability to LEARN about CANNABIS on your platform? or will you ENCOURAGE GROWTH and HEALING for ALL your FELLOW HUMAN BEINGS? The choice is yours. Respectfully, Lisa Wooldridge, Vice President, The Human Solution, INTL. www.thsintl.org
    65 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lisa Wooldridge
  • It's Time To Break Up Facebook's Monopoly
    Most of us use Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Messenger. They’re important ways for us to communicate and connect with each other. But Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg have amassed a scary amount of power. Facebook unilaterally decides the news that billions of people around the world see every day. It buys up or bankrupts potential competitors to protect its monopoly, killing innovation and choice. It tracks us almost everywhere we go on the web and, through our smartphones, even where we go in the real world. It uses this intimate data hoard to figure out how to addict us and our children to its services. And then Facebook serves up everything about us to its true customers -- virtually anyone willing to pay for the ability to convince us to buy, do, or believe something. And it is spending millions on corporate lobbyists, academics, and think tanks to ensure no one gets in their way. Just this week, a whistleblower revealed what many of us have known: They Facebook executives prioritize profit over public good—whether the devastating results support genocides, lead to depression among teenagers, induce violence against people of color, spread disinformation about COVID-19, or incite attacks against our democracy. And on Monday, when Facebook's service was interrupted for 5 hours, it also took down Instagram and WhatsApp, which is a major network of communication in many developing nations—showing once again how the concentration of power in one corporation can have truly crippling impact on communities and the economy. Enough. The five members of the Federal Trade Commission, which is the part of our government tasked with overseeing Facebook, can make Facebook safe for our democracy by breaking it up, giving us the freedom to communicate across networks, and protecting our privacy. Congress can pursue investigations to expose the extent of Facebook's unchecked power and pass legislation to limit its power and protect our privacy. And the Department of Justice must pursue every avenue to reduce the concentration of power Facebook holds and abuses. Together, we will make sure that they do.
    5,843 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Miller
  • Mannington District Fair
    I think if we have the fair like others in our state, where you pay one price and everything except the food and souvenirs are included, it would be a lot better on us citizens and the board would make more money. Also, get rid of this fake music and having the same one every other year and get back good country like years ago. Also, have one day for the rock fans out there. But please stop the fake. With the prices of admission and having to pay for everything else and the fake boring entertainment, our fair has gone way downhill just in the last 10 years. Take a stand; help the community and make things better.
    773 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Julie Leasure
  • State AGs: Investigate NFL Blacklist Of Colin Kaepernick
    The New York Times recently reported on audio they received of an October 2017 meeting between NFL owners and players in which player representatives said they believed Colin Kaepernick, the quarterback who started the “take a knee” protests, was being blackballed by the league’s owners. There is some evidence to support that theory. This raises several issues. First of all, the NFL’s collective bargaining agreement specifically prohibits discrimination on the basis of political viewpoint. NFL rules (which are guidelines) also require players to stand at attention during the national anthem. They claim the right to do so as private-sector employers. However, several states (including some with NFL teams) have laws against blacklisting former employees. Colin Kaepernick is uniquely affected by blacklisting, because there is only one National Football League in the United States. Another issue is that the owners made clear in the Times report that they were not eager to attract further criticism from Donald Trump. But that brings us to 18 U.S. Code § 227, which states that no employee of the legislative or executive branch can wrongfully influence employment decisions. Kaepernick is currently involved in a civil suit accusing the NFL of collusion, but this is also a serious public matter that chilled freedom of speech. President Trump has no legal right to prevent Kaepernick from making a living in his specialized area. The NFL shouldn’t get to have it both ways by clamping down on political views as private employers while taking public funds for their stadiums. Sign the petition if you agree that the Attorneys General in the states that host an NFL franchise should investigate this case and protect players from viewpoint discrimination. You may also contact your Attorney General or State’s Attorney directly in the following states where NFL teams are located: AZ, CA, CO, FL, GA, IL, IN, LA, MD, MA, MI, MN, MO, NJ, NY, NC, OH, PA, TN, TX, WA, and WI. The National Football League’s office is in New York. Inside the Confidential N.F.L. Meeting to Discuss National Anthem Protests, https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/25/sports/nfl-owners-kaepernick.html NFL Anthem Protests: Protected Concerted Activity, https://onlabor.org/nfl-anthem-protests-protected-concerted-activity/ Colin Kaepernick can score big in NFL collusion case, Judge Nap explains, https://www.foxbusiness.com/features/colin-kaepernick-can-score-big-in-nfl-collusion-case-judge-nap-explains Can President Donald Trump Legally Command the NFL To Suspend, Fire Players? https://www.si.com/nfl/2017/09/24/donald-trump-nfl-comments-fire-players-protests Colin Kaepernick Sentenced to NFL Limbo for the Crime of Speaking His Mind, http://bleacherreport.com/articles/2698098-colin-kaepernick-sentenced-to-nfl-limbo-for-the-crime-of-speaking-his-mind 18 U.S. Code § 227 - Wrongfully influencing a private entity’s employment decisions by a Member of Congress or an officer or employee of the legislative or executive branch, https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/227
    975 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Susan Madrak
  • Amazon Sunday
    As we approach October's contract negotiations with Amazon, there should be new additions to any contract or agreement between Amazon and the United States postal service. #1. During Sunday, all large packages should be taken to each customer's door with the exception of small packages or envelopes, which can be delivered to mailboxes/parcel lockers if said package fits. #2. During holidays that are recognized as official holidays where the postal service is not officially operating but packages are being delivered from Amazon, any and all regulars, RCA's, and ARCS who are required to report for duty should receive holiday pay equal to 1 1/2 times the normal pay rate for the holiday. #3. Priority, First Class packages should be optional to be delivered on Sunday in cases where it does not get delivered on the day prior due to extreme weather conditions or hazards beyond the carrier or the postal service's control. Thank you in advance.
    265 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Michael Clark
  • Petition to bring to vote reconsideration of BroadStar contract
    We, the 20% of the voting owners at Bay Island Condominiums, respectfully request that the Board of Directors of SIA, Sun Island Association hold a special meeting to conduct a vote as time is of the essence involving the issue of a contract under Chapter 718, Florida Statutes, the Florida Condominium Act, and Chapter 720, Florida Statutes, the Florida Homeowners’ Association Act. We believe the Board of Directors' vote to enter into a contract to change our current cable/internet vendor to one that requires Dish (Satellite) installation should have required a community vote of the 713 units at Bay Island since the Dish installation is a material change to a common area. One Board member has argued that said vote was to simply engage in entering into a contract for Cable/Internet Services. We argue that since the contract included the installation of Satellite Dishes, the common area rule applies. The Board has argued that the rule does not apply as Satellite Dishes had been on the premises at a prior time. However, no one can recall such time and no evidence has been supplied to support that fact. We request a vote from the Board to cancel the BroadStar contract. We also request to be heard to support arguments to reconsider all Cable/Internet options previously set forth by Spectrum including those that do not include the use of Fiber Optics as well as the renewal of the existing contract.
    195 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Judith Califano
  • Petition To Make The Royal Caribbean Web Site Like It Used To Be (More User Friendly)
    There are many Royal Caribbean cruisers that are disgusted with their new website. It is very frustrating to use. Would like it changed.
    59 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eileen Jeung
  • Establish Public Broadband in Cities in New Mexico
    Municipal high-speed broadband has energized municipal areas such a Chattanooga. Albuquerque was on the verge of developing this resource when Comcast backed Mayor Berry and all efforts were cancelled. Establishing speeds of gigabit and 100 gigabit speeds has helped to revitalize the economies that have adopted it around the world. We need to develop this in Albuquerque.
    51 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Greathouse
  • AT&T: Be honest about your lobbying activity with shareholders and customers
    AT&T has admitted to paying more than $1 million to the shell company controlled by Trump attorney and “fixer” Michael Cohen. AT&T's shareholders have been asking the company for five years to be honest about the extent of its lobbying, but the company has opposed disclosure at every turn. Corporate reputation is an important component of shareholder value. Without transparency, corporate lobbying can present reputational risk that harms shareholder value. In the case of AT&T and its hidden payments, AT&T management is getting a crash course in what happens when you try to influence politics in secret. To prevent further harm to the company and promote transparency in our democracy, AT&T must fully disclose all of its lobbying information.
    215 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Courtney Fuller
  • Ameren UEs Deposit An Outrage And Disrespect To The Citizens Of Saint Louis and or Surrounding Areas
    My name is Rebecca. I have an 80 plus-year-old mother who has Congestive Heart Failure, COPD, among many other things that ail her. So in her 50+ years being a consumer of Ameren/Union Electric, there has only been one time that she has been disconnected, and mind you that the time prior to that, her electricity had gone off for hours on end, with no explanation as to why, yet no adjustments have been made pertaining to these unexplained instances. They have also disconnected my mother after she made her payment - the very morning after she posted, leaving her in a state of distress and panic. So due to their incompetence, they now send my mother, who has all these health ailments, after getting her bill to a balance of $67.00 along with the $30.00 reconnection fee she owes, Ameren wants an additional charge deposit for $65.00 extra for 3 months and they said they will give it back plus interest if she goes a full 12 months with no late bills and no disconnections. I also forgot to mention how they said they would provide us with a medical packet for her and her physician/cardiologist to fill out, but those weren't sent to her. Instead, they add more funds in the hottest months of the year. She is a long time consumer and what type of loyalty do they show her, adding extra money she doesn't have on to her bill. She pays for her medicine out-of-pocket and has been all her life. Please join me in this regard that neither our senior citizens nor our children should be held liable for these deposits, and also please keep in mind that one of their conditions is if you file bankruptcy. I'm sorry but help me understand; doesn't that mean you don't have the extra funds to pay an extra deposit over three months for electricity you are already paying for along with taxes? Please sign, as this is unjustified to do to new couples moving in a home, senior citizens who have to pay out of pocket for expensive medication and bills, and for the rest of our fellow Missourians. Thank you for reading and God bless you all. Let's show these high corporate offices that we already pay enough for our utilities. We don't need this, nor can the salary some of us make afford this.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rebecca A Ruoff
  • Congress: End Cruel Experiments on Dogs
    A recent Direct Action Everywhere (DxE) investigation at one of the largest dog research facilities in the world found thousands of puppies confined in solitary wire cages, sleeping on their own filth, and going insane from isolation. Julie, a blind puppy I rescued from Ridglan, was one of the dogs who would have been sent to her death in a horrifying experiment. We rescued her, but thousands of crying dogs were left behind. Americans don’t want our tax dollars used on wasteful and unethical practices, and we’re asking the federal government to do for dogs what it has already done for chimps: end the abusive experiments.
    34,745 of 35,000 Signatures
    Created by Wayne Hsiung
  • Tell Mark Zuckerberg to make it easy for us to protect our friends and family from manipulators a...
    Facebook spies on us almost everywhere we go on the Internet. It even tracks where we move and what we do in the real world. This shouldn’t be a surprise. From the start, Mark Zuckerberg said he built Facebook not to keep people connected but to "get access to information about anyone." Facebook then sells that information to corporations and bad actors that want to trick us into buying things we don’t want, even to voting in ways we never intended. That’s their business model. That’s how they make so much money. Zuckerberg now says he wants to "do more to keep us safe” from surveillance and exploitation. But Facebook and Facebook-owned Instagram are not living up to this promise. They could give us a “one-click” option to escape the targeting that’s at the heart of their manipulation machine. Instead, they hide their privacy controls in a hall of mirrors that makes it almost impossible to protect our families and communities. Tell Mark Zuckerberg to make it simple for us to protect ourselves from manipulators and scammers. Sign the petition: “Mark, we won't be your product any longer. Facebook must give us the choice to turn off targeting with one click.”
    48 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Miller