• Demand that Facebook add the Flag of South Vietnam!
    Facebook tries very hard to suppress the viewpoints of many groups of people in its user base. They recently added the Communist Vietnamese Flag (gold star on red background). To all of the refugees of the Vietnam War living across the world, we do not recognize this flag. The only true flag for Vietnam is the Heritage and Freedom Flag (Lá cờ vàng 3 sọc đỏ VNCH). If you are a Vietnamese patriot, please sign this petition to tell Facebook to add the flag of South Vietnam to their emojis, stickers, gif. Share this petition with everyone you know to send Facebook the message "we want our flag." Facebook(FB) đã nhiều lần đàn áp các quan điểm khác nhau của nhiều nhóm người trong trang mạng xã hội FB. Gần đây họ đã phổ biến Cờ Việt Nam Cộng Sản (ngôi sao vàng trên nền đỏ), trên máy đánh chữ của các phone trên FB qua những hình emojis và icons. Đối với tất cả những người VN tị nạn đang sống trên thế giới, chúng tôi không chấp nhận lá cờ này. Lá Cờ thực sự duy nhất của Việt Nam là lá cờ Tự Do Màu Vàng 3 sọc đỏ VNCH. Nếu bạn là người Việt Nam Yêu Nước. Xin hãy giúp tôi ký tên vào kiến nghị này để yêu cầu FB bỏ lên lá cờ vàng 3 sọc đỏ TỰ DO này trên màn đánh chữ của phone trên FB emojis, stickers và icons. Sao khi ký tên xong, xin vui lòng chia sẻ kiến nghị này đến tất cả người dân Việt Nam Yêu Nước trên toàn thế giới. [If you are a Vietnamese Patriotic. Please help me sign this petition to ask FB to put up this yellow flag with 3 red stripes FREEDOM on the phone screen on FB emojis, stickers, and icons and when finished, please share this suggestion to all the Vietnamese people around the world.] Thank you for all your support.
    95,055 of 100,000 Signatures
    Created by FaithLinh Rowe
  • Bring Back Coach Doria
    Because I'm passionate about Coach Doria's passion.
    35 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bobby Graham
  • Please give back oOLovemoonOo account
    The real owner, who spent $100k on Com2us game. They invited him to the stream and somehow leaked his account ID on stream. Their security sucks and his account got hacked a week later. They refused to give it back. If someone who spent $100k got treated like that, I am afraid for my account and many others. More detail on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ei5wwsC5VQ&t=94s
    171 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Trung Nguyen
  • Nut Allergen Alternataive
    Many people around the world are at a loss because they are unable to eat many, many candy bars because of their nut allergy. We believe that these people should not be forced into eating only certain types of candy, and every candy with nuts should have a nut-free alternative.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Eads
    This petition is to demand that Congress take action against Sinclair Broadcast Group becasue of its politically polarizing monopoly on American news media, thereby suppressing voices of opposition - which is a deliberate undermining of Democracy and a free thinking society. Different viewpoints are essential to a healthy democratic society and are representative to various degrees of the current state of mind of the people in their respective municipalities, locales, districts, and states. When one or two (or a few) industrial bodies gain a monopoly, Democracy in said arena is dead and the conversation officially beomes one-sided in order to increase that body's profit margin. This is not freedom. In the case of Sinclair, it is brainwashing, and thereby enslavement of the audience through a continuous chain of misinformation, advertisements, and a directional politically-oriented agenda. Sinclair Broadcast Group must be broken up and scattered into the wind, never to return, in order to begin restoring the foundation of our Democracy along with the integrity of our news media.
    35 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marcus Perriello
  • Stop Advertising on Sinclair Broadcast
    Sinclair Broadcast Group is owned by David S. Smith, a controversial figure who forces his stations to report skewed and inaccurate right wing propaganda. Sinclair struck a deal with Jared Kushner during the 2016 Presidential campaign to provide special access to Trump in exchange for broadcasting of campaign rallies without commentary. In April 2017 Sinclair hired Boris Epshteyn, a Russian immigrant and former Senior Advisor to the Trump campaign, as its senior political analyst after leaving his role as Special Assistant to the Trump Administration. Sinclair is acting unethically as the Trump State Media. As recently reported by Deadspin Sinclair Broadcast reporters are lockstep with a narrative that champions the President's inaccurate and blatant lies and attacks on the true media as fake. We deserve a fair press free from being state sponsored. https://theconcourse.deadspin.com/how-americas-largest-local-tv-owner-turned-its-news-anc-1824233490
    26,658 of 30,000 Signatures
    Created by Jon Beard
  • Demand a public audit of Facebook
    The Facebook scandals just keep coming; every day we learn of a new way Facebook has put our communities’ safety at risk. First, we found out Facebook allowed Cambridge Analytica - a shady campaign firm working for Trump - to exploit the private personal data of 50 million people without their knowledge. Now we’ve learned that Facebook data is being used by ICE to track people. Enough is enough. Facebook needs to take responsibility for the numerous ways they continue to put our communities at risk. Only through a public audit of all of Facebook’s practices and programs can real systemic changes be identified that will make Facebook the type of platform where people can share photos without fear a white supremacists trolling them, talk about racism and Black experiences without fear of being put in “Facebook jail,” and keep up with our families over distance without worrying that our private information will be shared with nefarious companies. Demand a public audit of Facebook!
    65 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rashad Robinson Picture
  • Choice to filter Adult Content on Phones
    Nearly every person who has a smartphone has been affected by pornography. Currently the option to block pornograghy on a phone plan is weak and normally non-existant. We want the freedom to choose to block pornography on our phone plans.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steven Lloyd
  • Laura Ingraham Must Go
    It is Mr. Hogg today, but it will be you tomorrow. This kind of behavior is no longer acceptable. The world does not need the likes of Ingraham - they represent yesterday.
    7,636 of 8,000 Signatures
    Created by Enku Kebede-Francis
  • Rainbow Six Siege | Appeal System for Toxic Bans
    Users are being silenced in an online game. We cannot speak freely or speak how we want to without being reported and banned. People are being banned for using simple swear words and sometimes not anything at all. Ubisoft has introduced a very unjust and unfair ban system and has no way that people can appeal their bans.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Connor
  • Get the Ubisoft Account B.A.D.G.R permanent toxicity ban revoked
    Ubisoft Toxicity Permanent ban on first offense.
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Badgr
  • Tell the Department of Justice to stop the Bayer-Monsanto merger!
    Bayer the Bee-Slayer and Monsanto the Butterfly Killer are trying to merge into one giant pesticide corporation. If this merger goes through, the new company would be the largest manufacturer and seller of herbicides. It would double down on making toxic chemicals like glyphosate (a.k.a. Roundup®) -- which is a key culprit in monarch butterfly declines and is a probable human carcinogen. We can't let that happen.
    302 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Peter Stocker