• TerraFormer sale on CC
    The TF rank on CC not going on sale along with everything else on the website has personally affected me. It made me very upset, I feel lied to I need some support. The deadline for 500 signatures is by Christmas, DEC. 25 2017
    104 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Nathan
  • Save the internet: Overturn the FCC's repeal of Net Neutrality!
    July 2018 update: The FCC's repeal of net neutrality went into effect on June 11th. Now it's even more important to get lawmakers to act. Senators passed a resolution to save net neutrality via the Congressional Review Act. It's up to our congressional representatives to do the same. ------- On December 14, the Federal Communications Commission repealed net neutrality, handing control of the internet to Big Telecom. The repeal of net neutrality gives monopolistic internet providers like Verizon, Comcast, and AT&T the power to block, censor, and slow down your favorite sites on the web. 83% of Americans support net neutrality protections. Congress, as the oversight body for the FCC, can overturn this massive giveaway to the telecom industry. Since the FCC voted to end net neutrality, 20 senators have already pledged to reverse the FCC's vote, and we can convince others to join us. We need to build on this momentum -- tell your member of Congress to support the resolution to restore net neutrality now!
    108,655 of 200,000 Signatures
    Created by Demand Progress
  • Congress should take action to protect Net Neutrality
    The FCC has voted to reverse the policy of Net Neutrality; despite a letter sent prior to their decision by the Attorney General of New York State. This letter alleges fraudulent negative statements involving possible Identity theft made during the comment period. Congress should suspend implementation of this policy until an investigation of these allegations is made
    80 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Steiner
  • Net Neutrality: CA State-Wide Internet Service Provider
    This petition is in response to Ajit Pai and the FCC's attack on net neutrality. In response, the CA legislature should strike back at the profitability of telecom companies by providing at-cost internet service to the state.
    960 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Fred Curry
  • Against the Repeal of Net Neutrality
    My internet, and amendment rights were taken from me when the White House voted to repeal net neutrality. Our freedom is our top priority, and if net neutrality is taken away we are not a free people.
    166 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Lydia Yahn
  • Costco: Remove "Humane" labels from products connected to animal abuse
    Investigators with Direct Action Everywhere recently exposed horrific violence at a Costco egg farm in Colorado. At this “cage-free” farm, hens were packed into enclosures so tightly that they were often piled three high. The bodies of trampled birds were left to rot inside the farm. These eggs are sold at Costco as “certified humane.” During the investigation, activists rescued one hen named Bailey who was trapped inside the farm’s machinery. According to egg industry estimates, more than 1 million hens die every year by getting stuck this way! See her story at dxe.io/costcocagefree. Costco is known as a progressive company, but there is nothing progressive about animal abuse and consumer fraud. Tell Costco to stop lying about the conditions that animals live in!
    3,567 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Direct Action Everywhere
  • New York Times: Suspend Thomas Friedman
    New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman wrote an article he named “Saudi Arabia's Arab Spring, At Last." He maintained that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman was bringing a new era of liberty to Saudi Arabia even though it is obvious that the reverse is happening. As Salman is grasping more and more power we see the ramping up of censorship, arrests, imprisonments without fair trials and other forms of repression against dissent. Friedman barely mentioned Salman’s war on Yemen terming it a “humanitarian nightmare” as if it were some natural event like a flood or earthquake rather than a deliberate attempt to force Salman’s will on Yemen through violence and siege. Nor does he explain that the U.S. government has given Salman a blank check for his violence and human rights outrages. Friedman’s article was a piece of propaganda and he should be disciplined by the Times out of respect for journalistic integrity.
    45 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stanley Heller
  • Stop 7-11 Predatory Card Holds
    This petition is about social justice. The 7-11 company sells their gas to working class people, never informing them that just buying gas with a card could lead to an outrageous card hold of $125 held for 3 weeks. This practice must stop immediately.
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gina Miller
  • Restrict credit agency fees
    Since the Equifax data breach folks are more concerned with data security and not becoming victims of identity theft. I went to freeze my accounts and found out that these agencies can charge consumers in California for this access. To unfreeze is also a fee. So anytime one wants to have better control over who can access their credit information, it's a fee to you. This is ludicrous and must stop. For years agencies have controlled our credit worthiness and have been benefiting, without our consent, from our personal information by selling it to merchants. If they are allowed to collect our personal information, we must be allowed - without charge - to manage, access and control who can and cannot be permitted to see it.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David
  • We The People
    We The People, in keeping faith and trust in the FIRST AMENDMENT, DEMAND that Net Neutrality as defined: "the principle that Internet service providers should enable access to all content and applications regardless of the source, and without favoring or blocking particular products or websites." remains as the guiding principles of the internet as intended in the Constitution.
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joyce Korbin
  • We The People
    We The People, in keeping faith and trust in the FIRST AMENDMENT, DEMAND that Net Neutrality as defined: "the principle that Internet service providers should enable access to all content and applications regardless of the source, and without favoring or blocking particular products or websites." remains as the guiding principles of the internet as intended in the Constitution.
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joyce Korbin
  • American Girl Blind Doll
    American Girl supports all types of young girls, even ones with physical disabilities, but they don't support those of us with an invisible disability. I want a doll that is truly like me. I am unable to identify with the other dolls though I do love them dearly. It's time for a change.
    114 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Kit