Stop Facebook Censorship of La BlogaI write for La Bloga and our work is a vital life line to Latinx writers, readers, and all literate people.113 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Lisa Alvarado
STOP Pharmaceutical Companies from Advertising on TVBig Pharma is sending the wrong signal to America... Everyday Citizens DO NOT need Pharmaceutical advertisement, these should be directed to the Medical Field, Doctors, Nurses & Hospitals. The Average Citizen only gets the fear of "I have that, I need that medication...!" (preying on a populaces of hypochondriacs)... Every other Nation with the Exception of New Zealand and The United States of America, Have BANNED Pharmaceutical advertisement..and America should follow suit....15 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Robert M. Gisonno
Demand that Marriott cancel hosting of Anti-Muslim groupI'm a loyal customer of Marriott who is dismayed to hear they are hosting an event for an anti-Muslim radical right hate group - Act for America. The Southern Poverty Law Center designates ACT for America an anti-Muslim hate group. I and other loyal customers will cancel our business with Marriott if they continue to host this type of event.31 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jeffrey Johnson
Boycott Fox BroadcastingBy watching Fox Broadcasting or Fox channels you are supporting 21st Century Fox which owns FoxNews. FoxNews commentators act like newsmen. Giving misleading information, half truths and is the defacto proganda arm for President Trump and the GOP. STOP THE BIASED PROPAGANDA. BOYCOTT THEM!7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Gary Weinstein
Say NO to tax subsidies for Amazon's new headquartersAmazon has American cities bidding against each other, offering tax breaks to Amazon to choose their town as the location of its new headquarters. Amazon has done more than any company except perhaps Wal-Mart to destroy local retail businesses. It dominates online sales. It has billions of dollars in cash on hand. Only a handful of retailers in the country sell more than Amazon does. Its stock is worth more than almost every other company of any kind, and its stock price keeps rising. Amazon can afford to pay for its own headquarters. Taxpayers should not have to subsidize this giant corporation. Every dollar a city gives to Amazon is money that could be spent on schools, transportation, and other public services. Every tax break that Amazon gets is money that the chosen city will have to collect from individual taxpayers and other businesses. Amazon should not get special treatment that its competitors don't get. Say NO to public funding of Amazon!5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Peaceful Communities
Keep current Net Neutrality ProtectionsThe FCC is planning to change the protections in order to give the Internet Service Providers more control over the way we use our internet.29 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Iliana Gomez
Equifax Protection ActI am starting this petition because credit worthiness impacts many facets of all of our lives per Attorney General Eric Schneiderman from New York State. It not only impacts whether you can obtain a loan, but also how much you can borrow, what your interest rate will be, if you have to place a deposit for utilities, insurance rates, whether you can rent an apartment, employment opportunities and more. This is a serious loss of personal information that has impacted more than half of the American public and can for years to come.92 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kevin King
Tell your State AG: Join the investigation of the Bayer-Monsanto mergerIf Bayer and Monsanto's merger goes through, the new company would be the world’s largest vegetable seed company. It would control seeds for many of the crops we eat regularly, like broccoli, carrots, and onions. In short, we’d be giving a single corporation unprecedented control of our food supply. We can’t let the future of our food system be handed over to Bayer and Monsanto. Help stop the Bayer-Monsanto merger: Take action NOW!144 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Peter Stocker
Tell the company that owns Olive Garden: Say NO to the use of routine antibioticsDarden -- the owner of Olive Garden -- is still refusing to adopt a responsible policy to protect public health by limiting the use of antibiotics by its meat suppliers. Those antibiotics get into our food supply. They fuel the rise of antibiotic-resistant infections in people -- one of our nation's leading public health threats. In two weeks, Darden’s shareholders will vote on a proposal to prohibit its suppliers from giving antibiotics to animals that are not sick. We need your help to ramp up pressure on Darden to act! Tell the owner of Olive Garden: Stop serving meat that is raised with routine antibiotics!231 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Peter Stocker
Demand Fair Prices for Drugs Invented using Taxpayer MoneyDrug corporation Novartis is profiteering off taxpayers and children with cancer. Novartis announced plans to price its new cancer drug, Kymriah, at $475,000 per treatment. But American taxpayers invested over $200 million in the basic science behind the drug. What Novartis is doing is tantamount to extortion. But we can stop it. We're holding Novartis accountable. We're demanding Americans do not pay twice for a drug they helped invent. We don't have huge bank accounts like pharmaceutical corporations—but we have each other. We have our voices. Let's stand together and use them. Add your name to this critical petition now.3,891 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by Patients For Affordable Drugs
Mandate companies provide consumers with basic identity fraud protections following data breachesI would not expect McDonald's to offer me a year of free hamburgers (converting into a paid subscription for suspect hamburgers the following year) as compensation if they served me a hamburger that gave me a lifelong bacterial infection. Yet apparently this is essentially what Experian and Equifax have offered us in recent massive data breaches. A HUGE conflict of interest! It is time we demand Congress to act on our behalf for sensible data breach regulations: Within the first week after a notification of a data breach, a fraud alert should automatically be enabled on behalf of all affected customers. If the breach involves credit or core personal information (SSN, drivers license, financial, or health information), the option to enable an indefinite fraud alert should be offered for free without the requirement of waiting for an identity theft event. Any breach that involves core personal information entitles victims to complimentary credit freezes and thaws from all vendors indefinitely, without the requirement of waiting for an identity theft event. If there are processing costs associated with enabling these features at other companies, the company responsible for the breach shall be held liable. Any data breach involving core personal information requires a minimum of [10 years] of free ID and credit monitoring service chosen by the consumer from a marketplace. If the consumer was previously the victim of a data breach, an additional [10 years] of complimentary monitoring services will be added to their existing service. Build upon the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act and redesign annualcreditreport.com to handle adding, removing, and thawing credit freezes and fraud alerts across all credit bureaus (Experian, Equifax, TransUnion, ChexSystems, Innovis, etc.). http://www.lessismoreorless.com/2015/11/19/applying-common-sense-to-data-breach-response/ https://medium.com/@lessismoreorless/stop-drop-freeze-rinse-repeat-the-equifax-edition-ea201e8ef0fa http://www.lessismoreorless.com/2015/11/18/stop-drop-and-freeze-part-2/ https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/mandate-companies-provide-consumers-basic-identity-fraud-protections-following-data-breaches51 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Varun Almaula
Biofuel Oasis: Stop Selling Baby Chicks!UPDATE: We are now in conversation with the managers of Biofuel Oasis to educate them on the cruelty of using animals and hope to work with them in stopping the sale of baby chicks. -- Biofuel Oasis is a Berkeley-based biodiesel store that also sells baby chicks for people to purchase and raise for their eggs. This raises many ethical concerns including: male chicks - who are useless to the egg industry - being killed on the day they are born; hens bred to lay so many more eggs than they naturally would leading to painful and deadly health issues; hens who no longer produce as many eggs being dumped on sanctuaries because they are no longer considered “useful”; killing animals who value their own lives and want to live. Direct Action Everywhere (DxE) organizers reached out to the owners of Biofuel Oasis to request a conversation about this practice in an attempt to come to a mutually beneficial agreement. In response to the concerns raised by DxE organizers they stated via email “Our customers would most likely continue to buy eggs from a grocery store if they did not have fresh eggs provided by the chickens in their backyard. Many of our customers love their chickens dearly, give them an abundance of love and affection, and keep them after they are past their egg-laying years until they die of natural causes [...] We order chicks from a local hatchery. Our hatchery’s roosters and older flock go to agencies that rehabilitate wildlife; they become food for those animals.” It is not true that the only options available are buying eggs from grocery stores or raising chickens for eggs in your backyard. Millions of people choose to not eat eggs and this number is growing every day as more people become aware of the ethical issues with eggs. Sanctuaries and other rescuers receive constant requests to take in “spent” hens or roosters from people with backyard chickens. And, whether male chicks are ground up alive or suffocated (as it the practice in most hatcheries) or fed to other animals, the result is the same - thousands of dead baby birds. The bottom line is that animals are not property. They are individuals who should not be bought and sold as commodities. Exploiting them for their eggs and flesh reinforces their property status, causes them pain, and leads to the death of millions every year. Please tell Biofuel Oasis to stop this practice immediately and keep their focus on providing sustainable fuel to Berkeley.274 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Direct Action Everywhere