• Save Prescott Valley Sam's Club 86314
    This will be closing the only Sam's club available within a 100-mile radius of our town. This is totally uncalled for and will hurt a lot of the members!
    117 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Bryan Sebring
  • Investigate the Identity theft cases involved with the FCC net neutrality vote
    I believe that an investigation into the identity theft of over 2 million Americans involved in the comment board of the FCC on net neutrality should be looked into. It is worth looking into whether these cases of identity theft were caused by radical random individuals or by people in power or corporations. I believe that people that steal people's identities should be held accountable.
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mike
  • Tell Target to Stop Funding Hate
    As Target workers who are or support LGBTQ workers, we find it unconscionable that Target executives fund hate-based politicians who actively harm us as workers and members of the LGBTQ community. These actions by Target executives are completely at odds with their self-professed values of promoting diversity and inclusivity. We demand Target executives live up to their own standards and stop enabling hate. For more information please read our report "A Tale of Two Targets" at targetworkersunite.com
    679 of 800 Signatures
    Created by NRVstrike
  • Faster Internet UT Warehouse
    I am personally affected every single day with how slow our internet is. My workflow is hindered by our bandwidth, and I find a lot of time being wasted waiting for pages to load, even on sales calls. I personally believe that faster internet and a higher bandwidth would increase the productivity and revenue office-wide.
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kayden Heiner
  • Please Fire Hue Jackson
    The Browns have one of the most passionate fan bases in football, and these fans should not be subjugated to this mess. If Tennessee fans can get Greg Schiano out, help us get Hue Jackson out because we are sick of watching something we love get taken away from us every Sunday!
    92 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nate Ellis
  • Make Internet Service a Public Utility for Washington state
    The internet is being attacked by corporations and their greed. A free and open internet is a benefit to everyone and by making the internet a public utility, it will ensure that it's availability to everyone in the state of Washington is guaranteed.
    1,353 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by John Hust
  • Make Internet Service a Public Utility for Illinois
    The FCC has voted against net neutrality. We must take a stand to protect the people's access to internet here in Illinois from the inevitable corporate censorship and greed that we can already see in the outrageous rates charges and poor service. The best way to do this is to give regulatory power over internet service to a representative body of the people of Illinois
    153 of 200 Signatures
    Created by William Jaster Jr.
    I heard a story on WNYC that I found greatly disturbing. It seems that fascists, Nazis, white supremacists and the like have learned how to use Facebook greatly to their advantage. Therefore Facebook has unwitting helped the persecution of the Rohingya in Myanmar and facilitated the rise of authoritarian proto-fascist regimes in India, Turkey, Hungary and others. It seems that FB’s algorithm greatly favors the kind of inflammatory comments that get many progressive comments AGAINST them. FB “favors” those posts that draw the most comments – and so I have noticed lately that pro-Trump inanities attacking progressive posts, once they have drawn many responses against them, are seen on the top of the “response feed.” Therefore a fascistic post or even simple (-minded) trolling gets priority – no matter that the comments are 90-95% against it. If FB would change their algorithm to weight the CONTENT of the comments, as opposed to favoring those who get the greatest NUMBER OF REPLIES, LIKES, ETC, that would obviate this problem. What do you think? Isn’t DEMOCRACY at stake?
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mike Glick
  • Tell UPS: Stop forcing drivers to work 70-hour weeks!
    UPS is forcing package drivers to work up to 70 hours a week this holiday season. Forcing exhausted drivers to work so much is unsafe to workers and the public. Rather than creating a holiday safety hazard, UPS should create more full-time jobs that pay a living wage.
    2,057 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Working Families Party
  • State Street Corporation: Remove 'Trump' from your hotel
    Donald Trump is the first president to refuse to divest from his business holdings while in office. Coupled with his refusal to release his tax returns, that level of secrecy makes it impossible to know when he’s representing us as a nation and when he’s representing his own business interests. The President has a choice: to lead the country or to continue enriching himself. And until Trump makes the right call, his business partners must not enable corruption. That’s why we’re calling on these companies, starting with State Street Corporation and the GE Pension Trust, the owners of the Trump International Hotel and Tower in NYC, to remove President Trump’s name from their building. The Trump International Hotel and Tower by Columbus Circle is one of the most recognizable Trump branded properties in the world. We need to send a signal that New Yorkers won’t stand for this kind of blatant corporate greed in their own backyard. We must band together to demand that State Street and the GE Pension Trust stop doing business with the Trump Organization, and drop Trump’s name. There is already momentum. On Nov 22, the Trump Organization announced that they will be “walking away” from the Trump SoHo Hotel—which has been marred in scandal, and financial woes.(1) Now, Trump is facing scrutiny from the Maryland and DC AG’s office who are starting to investigate his Washington DC hotel stating that it “enables him to make money from foreign and domestic governments, breaching two Constitutional clauses intended to prevent that.”(2) This is an unprecedented conflict of interest. Companies should not be profiting from this corruption. Buildings like Trump International Hotel and Tower should drop Trump’s name while he’s in office. If we act now to pressure other properties to drop the Trump brand we can demonstrate just how toxic his corruption is. After all, a commander in chief who has ongoing involvement in a private business that bears his name cannot truly represent our interests because we aren’t his constituents first. Instead, we’re his patrons, workers, and competition. We need a president who puts country before company. If President Trump won’t divest from his businesses while in office, we need to make sure that companies refuse to profit from corruption. Take a stand against corruption: tell State Street Corporation and the GE Pension Trust to remove President Trump’s name from their hotel.
    399 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Lead Not Greed
  • End the deletion of legal content posted to secret Facebook groups
    Facebook has become increasingly anti-free speech by deleting legal content it finds inappropriate and or against facebooks beliefs in private/secret groups. Secret groups are a way for like-minded people to share ideas, beliefs, and content in a forum designed to opt-in and participate in within a closed private group. Facebook has taken it upon themselves to remove and punish those (aka Facebook Jail) for posting legal content it disagrees with. Please sign this petition and share in the interest of free speech and protecting our 1st amendment! We the people are not helpless and must demand our rights!
    73 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jason Roland
  • Stop big Pharma from profiting from opioid addiction
    Our country is being devastated by an opioid crisis while our duly elected Republican congressmen accept bribes to pass laws protecting the pharmacutical companies from DEA enforcement.
    296 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Harold C Rummel