Support Fat Fast FashionWith the majority of women in America (67%) being considered plus-sized, many clothing brands still do not cater to this market. Companies such as J. Crew should cater to larger sized people to support both fashion and socially responsible endeavors.32 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Cody Dawkins
Stop the CSX cargo trains from blowing horn during night time and early morning hoursWe live in Gaithersburg and many communities are situated around the CSX train lines. This is unavoidable due to urban development and housing costs. We ask that the cargo trains have a little consideration when blowing their horns because many of us have young children that need their sleep.19 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jeff Woo
Tell "Watts The Safeword" Massage isn't sex.This Youtube Channel has a reputation for good, accurate information (with a track record to support that). Their spreading this detrimental misinformation will only lead to more massage therapists being sexually harassed by their clients. Please help petition them to edit " WHAT IS SESTA /FOSTA?!" to no longer include massage therapists in the list of sex workers.12 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Aiden Caraway
Get the NRA off the Board of America's Largest Gun MakerWe have an opportunity to push back on the NRA and to create change at Sturm Ruger — America’s largest gun manufacturer and maker of an AR-15 style rifle similar to the one used to kill 17 people in Parkland. Instead of following the lead of large retailers and banks now working to stem gun violence, Sturm Ruger has doubled down in opposing tighter gun regulation, using rhetoric you’d expect from the NRA. Sandra Froman has been an NRA leader for 26 years and has been openly hostile to any efforts to reform the gun industry. When gun maker Smith & Wesson supported reforms during the Clinton administration, Froman vigorously supported the NRA’s nearly successful effort to put the company out of business. She has no business being on Sturm Ruger’s board. If you have a 401k or otherwise have investments through companies like BlackRock or Vanguard (which together own more than 25% of Ruger stock), your voice is extremely important. Because of you, they have a seat at the table on May 9th, at Sturm Ruger’s shareholder meeting where they will vote on whether Froman — and the NRA — should continue sitting on the company’s board. Even if you're not an investor, your voice still matters. Major fund managers want to be seen as responsible companies, especially in light of events like Parkland which makes it impossible for them to ignore the voices of everyday people whether they're customers or not. Please join us in calling on BlackRock, Vanguard, and other fund managers to do their part to send a message that Sandra Froman — and the NRA — should not have a voice on the Sturm Ruger board.267 of 300 SignaturesCreated by James Rucker
Hey Google: Don't displace working familiesGoogle wants to buy public land to build a new 20,000 employee mega-campus in downtown San Jose. Let's make sure the tech giant doesn't worsen inequality and displace the diverse communities that make San Jose great. We’re calling on Google to ensure our families can thrive as the company grows: - Partner with us to fight displacement, gentrification and homelessness - Ensure family-supporting jobs and a voice at work for local workers in construction and operations - Support local schools to promote education and career opportunities for all children - Broaden access to transit and mitigate traffic impacts - Provide community oversight of community benefits We need members of the public to sign our petition demanding accountability from Google so it knows the whole world is watching. It’s time to set a new direction for equitable tech growth. Sign the petition.226 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Silicon Valley Rising
No more junk mail!Almost all of the mail we receive is junk mail sent from marketers and mass mailings. This is a complete waste of energy and resources and we need to put an end to it. This was never what the Postal Service was intended for.10 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Meghan Miller
STOP TRUMP’s TWEETS!Okey dokey.... it is time to STOP Trump’s threatening tweets (e.g. threats to North Korea and Syria). They are dictating world events and international perceptions. Which is dangerous and could have very serious implications. PLEASE SHUT DOWN TRUMP’s TWITTER ACCOUNT!! Seriously. Twitter profits are not worth jeopardizing people’s safety. Trump continues to be in direct violation of Twitter policies (see details below). Stand by (or require) Twitter policies and standards. Or for members of Congress, identify and create policies to address proper protocols for social media for elected officials. Shut Trump’s tweets down. Be a hero. Background info: Trump’s tweets are in direct violation of the following Twitter policies: Violence and physical harm Violence: You may not make specific threats of violence or wish for the serious physical harm, death, or disease of an individual or group of people. This includes, but is not limited to, threatening or promoting terrorism. You also may not affiliate with organizations that — whether by their own statements or activity both on and off the platform — use or promote violence against civilians to further their causes. Hateful conduct: You may not promote violence against, threaten, or harass other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or serious disease. Read more about our hateful conduct policy. https://help.twitter.com/en/rules-and-policies/hateful-conduct-policy21 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Karyn Nolan
Bring back Ms. Mae's biscuitsWe do not want the pre-packaged breakfast you are offering at Circle K. We want our sweet, little lady, Ms. Mae to go back to cooking.61 of 100 SignaturesCreated by VICTORIA HODGE
Keep Political Events Out of Upper Darby School District FacilitiesWE are creating this petition to take politics out of the use of the Upper Darby Performing Arts Center. UDPAC should not be a partisan institution. We the undersigned, ask that the permits for use exclude use by a singular political party for meetings or conventions that do not include all residents.14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Agnes Bedard
Facebook: Voluntarily Suspend Political Ads 60 Days Prior to ElectionsI've started this petition due to the realization that overturning Citizens United may be a long way off, so in the meantime, I've been thinking on ways to approach it from the grassroots level. Personally, it is my hope that voters rediscover legitimate news sources, the art of having real conversations to solve real problems, and that social media rediscovers its civic duty.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Alison Lorraine
Take action now: Tell Interior Secretary Zinke to stop handing over our public lands to corporati...Zinke is doing everything he can to destroy protections for our National Parks and public lands. He's once again stacking his advisory committees with corporate cronies who benefit from having influence over our public lands and wild places. We need to send 40,000 signatures to show Zinke that our parks are not for sale. His job is to protect our national treasures, not exploit them to benefit giant corporations.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Peter Stocker
Boycott advertisers on Sinclair owned stationsSinclair has made its corporate mission to actively support those who pose a distinct danger to free speech, freedom of the press and other guaranteed rights which form the basis of our USA democracy. They must be hurt where it really matters to them - by significantly reducing advertising dollars that enable their fascist agenda.28 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Michael E Wallman