NET NEUTRALITY Petition to CongressI personally would be affected by Net Neutrality, and so would all of you if they let the Net be divided into sectors. We've already seen Netflix and hulu. Lets not let the Internet start charging us for watching it.28,742 of 30,000 SignaturesCreated by kathleen leibacher
Fox News: Fire Judge Jeannine PirroThis is important to me because I believe that people shouldn’t make threats like that. There is so much wrong with statement. First and foremost, Pirro is setting the stage for crackpot Trump supporters to take to the streets in an outburst of violence. She didn't bother to offer any objection to the uprising she's predicting. That will serve as permission to the StormTrumpers who believe that their Leader is God's anointed savior of the alt-right's America. She should also be indicted and arrested118 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Abraham Alrai
Tell Fox News to fire Sean HannityHannity attacks the Mueller investigation, FBI, and Department of Justice because they are looking into potential criminal activity by Trump's campaign, his business, and personal lawyer Michael Cohen. Yet Hannity did not disclose this obvious conflict of interest until a judge demanded to know why Trump's lawyer was hiding Hannity's identity. Hannity serves as a special mouthpiece for the Trump agenda, and it's reasonable to assume he may have been getting talking points and segment ideas right from the Trump team. Is it any surprise Trump so frequently promotes Hannity and Fox News? A few years ago someone I know and love, an avid Hannity fan, raised her arm in a fist and mimicked a punch just short of my head, when I dared mention that Fox represented "opinions about facts" rather than news itself. According to my Facebook experience, this is not an uncommon difficulty inserting itself these days into families and loved ones' interactions. For all the talk of 'fake news' and America First it really is remarkable how Hannity uses his show to attack award-winning members of the media, defend accused child molesters like Roy Moore, and push conspiracy theories. Fox News will probably never be my preferred source of news, but they will gain some public trust back if they fire San Hannity. His deceit should not be tolerated.9,389 of 10,000 SignaturesCreated by Barbara Molloy
AARP needs to stop advertising on Sean Hannity's showI am a member of AARP. They should stop subsidizing Sean Hannity and the biased Fox News.1,766 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Edward Hall
We are the voice for those without oneWomen must stand together with our dollar and our voice! When someone encourages,minamizes,and disreguards through their position and public forum the moral duty we as people have to our young women then all of us must say NO! We vote as women( mostly because we are the main purchasers) with every dollar we spend. Think about that for a moment.....when we say NO with our dollers then companies listen. So Procter and Gamble are continuing to support Sean Hannity and his disreguard of our young womens safety by encouraging them to consent to sexual activity with older men.....because Mary was a teenager.....Insanity Hannity!!! Procert and Gamble stop supporting this behavoir because we as the Americian consumer vote with our dollars and we as people knowing our moral duty to the young are watching your behavior!43 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Cawrythwren Kaleighen
City of Rochester: No cell tower at 144 Meaderboro RoadThe Meaderboro Road community is firmly united against a cell tower at this location. We already gathered over 200 signatures against AT&T's proposal of a tower at the same location in 2014. After being denied, AT&T walked away from their application because they realized they were in the wrong. Since then, another home has been built extremely close to the proposed location, homeowners in the neighborhood lost money on the sale of their home due to the possibility of T-Mobile's proposal, and eleven other locations in the area have been identified as possible alternatives, many of them much farther away from neighbors and less visible. The Meaderboro Road area is one of the most beautiful parts of Rochester, and we feel it should be kept that way. There are other locations that would not harm the scenic or historic nature of the road and would not financially harm the residents of the road.183 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Andrea Veal
Equifax must notify hacked victims!Equifax must be compelled by Congress to contact all people who had their information compromised on Equifax's watch. Equifax must create a victims clearinghouse to provide information to victims regarding remedial actions they should take. There must be no cost borne by victims to remedy Equifax's mistakes. No taxpayer funds are to be used toward these actions; the cost must be borne solely by Equifax. The responsibility to cure this data breach must fall on Equifax, not the victims.42 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mikki Weidman
Tell the FTC to stop Facebook from buying up more companies until they’ve conducted a thorough in...The FTC’s role is to promote and safeguard competition, and the actions it has allowed by Facebook in recent history has clearly failed that obligation. They have broad legal authority to look into companies using their massive networks to stifle competition, and Facebook clearly fits that description. When Intragram presented a viable competitor to Facebook’s social media presence, they paid $1 billion to acquire them. When WhatsApp began competing against Facebook’s Messenger platform, Facebook spent $19 billion to stamp down on their potential competition. Facebook even developed a program, called Onavo, that uses user data to detect potentially competing services that Facebook users commonly utilize. Outside of the clear privacy concerns, this makes obvious to everyone that Facebook is using their social network to actively copy and undermine any fast-growing competitors. Sign this petition to stand up against using a massive market share to crush competitors, and for a fair and open dialogue about protecting our democracy.36 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Citizens Against Monopoly
Investigate the Whitefish Energy contract!Congress must fully investigate and hold public hearings on the massive no-bid contract awarded to the two-employee Montana company Whitefish Energy to rebuild the Puerto Rican power grid devastated by Hurricane Maria. Whitefish Energy is located in Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke's hometown. The contract also contains troubling provisions that prevent claims against Whitefish for delays AND prevents government entities from "the right to audit or review the cost and profit elements" of the contract. We deserve the answers to why this massive contract was awarded to this tiny company with these strange and troubling clauses.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Common Cause
Tell the FEC: Require Online Political Ads to Disclose FundersIn the 2016 election, 65 percent of Americans identified the internet, or an online platform, as their leading source of information. Yet our outdated transparency rules — which still include references to telegrams and typewriters — don't require adequate disclosure for online ads. No matter if it’s organizations with ties to Russia or wealthy special interests at home, Americans have a right to know who is paying for online political ads. More than three in four Americans — 78 percent — want full disclosure of who paid for political ads posted to social media platforms. That includes 80 percent of Republicans and 82 percent of Independents. It’s time for the FEC to make it happen.1,809 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Courtney Fuller
STOP Bill O'Reilly's being brought back to television by Sinclair Broadcasting CorporationIt does not seem like main stream Corporate America is taking the issue of sexual harassment seriously, as evidenced by Sinclair Broadcasting Group's considering putting Bill O'Reilly in a position of power, from which he can once again sexually harass women. It is obvious that Bill O'Reilly does NOT take personal responsibility for his actions, given his recently aired statement in which he blames God for his problems. He shows absolutely NO remorse!!! It is time for American citizens to have a place to register their outrage at the continued harassment/abuse of women, Sincerely, Me Too546 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Leslie Arnold-Rautman
Facebook Must Inform Users How They Were Exposed to Russian PropagandaFacebook enabled Russian interference in the United States election in 2016, but refuses to provide a full account to the public. In fact, it has recently removed data that allowed independent researchers to understand the nature and scale of the problem. American citizens that use Facebook deserve to know how they were exposed to Russian disinformation and propaganda. Facebook should provide this data to users in an application that makes it easy to understand. Users should be able to see how content and advertising messages from identified Russian sources appeared in their timeline, whether they interacted with such media, and basic metrics that quantify their exposure.1,322 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Justin Hendrix