• Student Loan Reforms
    Student loan debt is going past 1.5 trillion dollars and when this bubble bursts it will affect our entire economy. Time to fix this and allow the students to pay, tax payers don't. I've paid 75k on my 108k loan and I owe 213k and its growing. This is predatory and the government should not be creating indentured servitude on the backs of student and their families.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lisa Pool
  • Assemblymember Harper: Stop Billionaires from Buying Elections With Secret Money!
    The California DISCLOSE Act, AB 14, will fight secret money in politics by making it illegal for political ads to mislead voters about who's paying for them. It requires ballot measure ads and ads about candidates by outside groups to clearly and prominently disclose their top 3 true funders — on the ads themselves. AB 14 is facing a do-or-die vote in the Assembly Elections Committee, and your Assemblymember, Matthew Harper, is a crucial vote. Sign the petition now to ask him to vote "yes" and to do all he can to pass AB 14.
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by California Clean Money Campaign
  • Assemblymember Cunningham: Stop Billionaires from Buying Elections With Secret Money!
    The California DISCLOSE Act, AB 14, will fight secret money in politics by making it illegal for political ads to mislead voters about who's paying for them. It requires ballot measure ads and ads about candidates by outside groups to clearly and prominently disclose their top 3 true funders — on the ads themselves. AB 14 is facing a do-or-die vote in the Assembly Elections Committee, and your Assemblymember, Jordan Cunningham, is a crucial vote. Sign the petition now to ask him to vote "yes" and to do all he can to pass AB 14.
    289 of 300 Signatures
    Created by California Clean Money Campaign
  • Assemblymember Calderon: Stop Billionaires from Buying Elections With Secret Money!
    The California DISCLOSE Act, AB 14, will fight secret money in politics by making it illegal for political ads to mislead voters about who's paying for them. It requires ballot measure ads and ads about candidates by outside groups to clearly and prominently disclose their top 3 true funders — on the ads themselves. AB 14 is facing a do-or-die vote in the Assembly Elections Committee, and your Assemblymember, Ian Calderon, is a crucial vote. Sign the petition now to ask him to vote "yes" and to do all he can to pass AB 14.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by California Clean Money Campaign
  • Assemblymember Weber: Stop Billionaires from Buying Elections With Secret Money!
    The California DISCLOSE Act, AB 14, will fight secret money in politics by making it illegal for political ads to mislead voters about who's paying for them. It requires ballot measure ads and ads about candidates by outside groups to clearly and prominently disclose their top 3 true funders — on the ads themselves. AB 14 is facing a do-or-die vote in the Assembly Elections Committee, and your Assemblymember, Shirley Weber, is a crucial vote. Sign the petition now to ask her to vote "yes" and to do all she can to pass AB 14.
    54 of 100 Signatures
    Created by California Clean Money Campaign
  • Boycott Donald Trump!
    I am tired of waking up wondering who Donald Trump is going to threaten next. I am tired of wondering when he is going to spark a worldwide nuclear conflagration which would reduce all humans to cockroach food. We can all be cremated equally. https://grabyourwallet.org/ has a list of companies that support Trump industries that you can boycott. You can also pledge to vote against any politician who supports Trump.
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Pat Thompson
  • Disney: Drop Chase as the Bank Supporting the Disney Visa card!
    Our family is a Disney family. We love the parks, the cruises and the Vacation Club. Part of the appeal for us, as many, is how Disney works to better America, through philanthropy and preserving America for the future through Disney's conservation efforts. Disney’s stance on environmental impact is a “Commitment to The Planet”, supporting efforts to reduce emissions, divert waste, and conserve water. (1) In addition to its focus on environmental impact, “The Disney Conservation Fund, founded in 1995, is a key pillar in Disney’s efforts to protect the planet and help kids develop lifelong conservation values. The fund supports the study of wildlife; the protection of habitats; the development of community conservation and education programs in critical ecosystems; and experiences that connect kids to nature across the globe.” (1) The 2016 Disney Data Citizenship Table opened its report with a message from Christine M. McCarthy, the company’s CFO, stating, “At the Walt Disney Company, we believe that conducting our business responsibly, creating our products in an ethical manner, reducing our environmental footprint, promoting the well-being of kids and families, and inspiring others to protect our planet are essential components of what makes Disney a great company.”(2) It is because of Disney’s significant conservation focus that we are petitioning Disney to immediately terminate business with Chase as the bank supporting Disney’s Visa card. Chase’s lack of interest in conservation and the environment couldn’t be more starkly contradictory to Disney’s. They are one of the banks funding the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL). (3) Pipelines such as DAPL interrupt habitat, reinforce oil production which negatively impacts climate change, and threatens water. Contamination of ground water by crude oil is a well known problem. (4) If Disney is truly conservation conscious, it is essential to loyal customers such as myself that they move to a conservation friendly—and not an environmentally destructive—bank. To maintain Chase as the funding bank for the Disney Visa card is entirely inconsistent with Disney’s efforts. Further, DAPL is an assault on the Native American population of the region. Disney is a company that promotes diversity, kindness and respect for all through its TV and radio programming as well its other theatrical outlets. It is again entirely contradictory to the company’s messaging that Disney would do business with Chase, thus supporting efforts that are taking advantage of the Native population for the benefit of the oil industry and to spare more empowered populations from having the deal with the very real potential environmental consequences of DAPL. We have a Disney Chase Visa and we use it for everything. We wish to continue to use Disney Visa as our primary credit card but cannot allow our money to finance environmentally destructive initiatives that violate the rights and concerns of our Native American population. We implore you, Mr. Iger and Ms. McCarthy, to move from Chase to a bank that does NOT fund pipelines and desecrate Native American lands so that we can remain loyal and happy Disney customers. Disney cannot be genuine in its promoted claims of being conservation focused and supportive of diversity and respect for all if they continue to have business partnerships with companies that promote the exact opposite through their actions and business dealings. Change this by moving the Disney Visa card to an environmentally friendly bank, many of which are listed here: https://www.greenamerica.org/take-charge-of-your-card/get-a-credit-card-that-benefits-people-and-the-planet.cfm. In conclusion, customers are watching what their money is funding, and we will not allow our money to continue funding DAPL. We hope Disney will move away from Chase so that we do not need to move away from Disney. #DefundDAPL! References: 1. The Walt Disney Company, The Disney Conservation Fund. Accessed at https://thewaltdisneycompany.com/environment/ on April 14, 2017. 2. The Walt Disney Company. 2016 Disney Data Citizenship Table. Accessed at https://ditm-twdc-us.storage.googleapis.com/TWDC-FY16-Data-Table-Final.pdf on April 14, 2017. 3. Defund DAPL. Accessed at http://www.defunddapl.org/defund on April 14, 2017. 4. Delin GN, Herkelrath WN. Groundwater Contamination by Crude Oil. United States Geological Survey. Accessed at https://mn.water.usgs.gov/projects/bemidji/results/intro-final.pdf on April 14, 2017
    68 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Liza Barbarello Andrews
  • Apple: Child Labor
    I am a student that has spent months of research on Child Labor and I have learned the terrible effects it has on children and their futures. I am starting this petition to spread awareness of the negative affects caused by the use of children in unhealthy environments and inhumane conditions. Apple is a key culprit of using children in unhealthy and inhumane conditions which is why I have chosen them as a target.
    71 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cole Freeman
  • Oscar Munoz Should be Removed From His Position.
    No Passenger should be treat this way. Why does United treat its customer this way? Where is the right of the consumer? It could be me or you next time. United CEO holds ultimate responsibility for his employees actions.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gary Chen
  • Don't fly United
    A paying United passenger was physically removed against his will and physically assaulted after having been selected at random to give up his seat for a United employee. This is a violation of his civil rights as well as an example of contemptible behavior toward a paying customer who had not caused a problem. The video can be seen here: http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/04/10/523275494/passenger-forcibly-removed-from-united-flight-prompting-outcry?utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=npr&utm_term=nprnews&utm_content=20170410
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nick Ciciretti
  • Citizens for Responsible Helicopter Tours Over Sedona
    The FAA has jurisdiction of the airspace over Sedona and surrounding wilderness and has issued an Advisory Circular (AC No: 91-36D) which recommends that aircraft flying in the Sedona area to fly not less than 2000 feet AGL (above ground level). Since this is only an advisory (recommended) and not enforceable, none of the helicopter tour companies abide by this recommendation. This results in low flying flights that are not only noisy and disruptive to homeowners, visitors, and hikers but poses a significant safety hazard to both the tourist occupants themselves and our citizens and their homes. We the undersigned seek to have the FAA turn this advisory (which is only a recommendation at this time) into an enforceable FAA regulation.
    85 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Citizens for Responsible Helicopter Tours Over Sedona
  • Close The Loophole - In Washington and In Your State
    We urge you to sign on to legislation to close the billionaire loophole and stop billionaires from paying less in taxes than school teachers and workers. Imagine a tax scam so outrageous that even Donald Trump admits it’s inexcusable. Hard to believe, I realize, but it’s all on tape right here. Wall Street money managers (like hedge fund managers) pay lower tax rates than many middle-income families, even while earning millions — or billions — of dollars per year. Closing the carried interest tax loophole would generate about 18 billion in revenue per year — enough to fund schools and infrastructure. The “carried interest loophole,” is an egregious symbol of how Wall Street billionaires have rigged the political system for their own benefit. Despite broad and bipartisan support, Trump and Republicans in Congress refuse to act and close the loophole for good. Meanwhile, legislators in eight states have already introduced legislation to close the loophole at the state level and use that money to invest in their citizens locally. With elections around the corner, now is the time to ask your members of Congress to stand with working families, not Wall Street. Sign the petition to tell your state legislators to support closing the loophole locally and you members of Congress to close the loophole at the federal level.
    140 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Hedge Clippers