• Stop buying Trump merchandise: Not Made in USA!!
    President Trump insists that American companies stop outsourcing production. Yet, he and his daughter continue to outsource production of their merchandise, with no commitment to stop. They continue to benefit financially from outsourcing. He is in effect saying,' Don't do as I do; do as I say.' This is the height of hypocrisy!!!
    54 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ella L Atkinson
  • Tout Benefit Corporations
    This petition is about changing the core of the world’s financial structure by changing the way corporations function. I have been affected by this, as has nearly every other person in the world, because democratic systems of government have been corrupted by persons who have no interest in making society fair, nor making the lives of workers more satisfying.
    57 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Arthur Jackson
  • Stop HB 436
    The General Assembly is considering a bill (HB 436) that would prevent local municipalities from imposing impact fees on developers. If developers aren't made to pay their fair share of infrastructure costs to support growth that they profit from, residents either will pay increased property taxes to support their profits or residents will suffer from more congested roads and overwhelmed infrastructure. I'm sure this is an issue that will impact other municipalities and it is yet another example of the "small government" Republicans over-reaching to try to regulate municipal government. Raleigh's infrastructure is not keeping up with growth – resulting in terrible traffic congestion. Developers say everyone should live near where they work so they can walk or bike everywhere, but that’s not practical for all. Gentrification is leading to rising housing prices, crowding out the already inadequate supply of affordable housing. Developers say density is preferable to sprawl, but most of the density seems to be luxury condos and apartments and replacements of modest homes with McMansions, forcing those looking for affordable housing to move further away and thus contributing to sprawl. Those who work in Raleigh (teachers, first responders, hospitality workers) can’t afford to live near their work places, so we are getting sprawl nonetheless. Developers say residents benefit from growth through increased property values, but residents may be forced out of their homes because they can’t afford the higher property taxes. And there’s nowhere affordable for them to go. Developers make the money and residents pay the bill – welfare for the rich.
    151 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Stef Mendell
  • No Tax Returns? No Tax Reform!
    The Constitution is vague on many things, but it is not vague about the Founders' concerns that politicians would use public office for personal financial gain. That is why they wrote the Emoluments Clause. Transparency -- particularly on financial matters -- is absolutely essential to a functioning democracy.
    152 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Gregg Gordon
  • ATT: Hello, can you hear me?
    We are about 1600 families in our Community and are experiencing very bad cell phone signal while at home. Our calls often drop and switching to wireless calling is not helping as a work around. It's sad that for a million dollar community, ATT is unable to provide adequate cell phone signal. I have checked with City of Frisco and apparently there are no additional cell towers planned in near future. We need ATT to consider improving the service at the earliest possible, failure of which we will change our service from ATT to a better service provider.
    108 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Gopster
  • Overtun Citizens United
    Corporations need to pay their fair share of taxes, not create tax loopholes or hoard money in off shore accounts. America needs infrastructure overhaul and decent people to run our government, not greedy politicians emboldened to corporations.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gloria A Mucci
  • Rep. Newhouse, Protect Our Internet Privacy on March 28th!
    Everyone who uses the internet should be alarmed at the prospect of all our browsing and app activity being vacuumed up by the giant broadband internet providers. With only a simple majority, the Senate has already approved the rollback of internet privacy protections and the House of Representatives will vote on March 28th.
    151 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Gina McCoy
    The Libertarian Koch Brothers are controlling OUR political system and with $80 Billion they can bribe a lot of politicians. Their RADICAL agenda includes controlling women’s bodies, recklessly polluting the environment for financial gain, sabotaging solar and wind energy progress, taking away worker’s rights, privatizing our infrastructure and doing away with: Social Security, ACA, Medicaid, Medicare, the EPA, the Post Office, etc. The Koch Brothers blatantly bribe OUR representatives with large donations and threaten to withdraw their financial support any time a politician does not maintain their dictates. Therefore, we the American people, vow to EXPOSE every politician and PAC that takes their money, BOYCOTT every group that involves the Koch brothers, and BOYCOTT every Koch product, such as: American Greeting Cards Angel Soft Brawny Paper Towels Dixie Plates and Cups Georgia Pacific products Kittensoft Lycra Mardi Gras Quilted Northern Soft N Gentle Sparkle Stainmaster Vanity Fair Thermolite Americans for Prosperity Freedom Partners Research more items, especially in tech, clothing, ag, building, chemical, oil/gas and packaging industries (ex): https://www.sanders.senate.gov/koch-brothers http://www.kochind.com/companies/ http://boycottkochbrothers.com/ http://www.kochwatch.org/2013/10/28/28/#comment-431 http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2015/01/26/koch-brothers-network-announces-889-million-budget-for-next-two-years/22363809/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_activities_of_the_Koch_brothers http://www.alternet.org/story/150078/how_you_can_boycott_the_kochs (Note: Koch brothers work directly and indirectly to establish their agenda)
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ann Harlan
  • Stop PGE's Price Gouging and Unethical Billing Practices
    My bill more than doubled inexplicably, then, that amount tripled, while my already minimal use has become more minimal. After hearing from others in my area and doing research, I see this has become a practice of PGE as of late.
    656 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Susan
  • Suspend Trump's Twitter account
    Donald Trump is endangering our country with his impulsive tweets.
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steffie Buerk
  • Tell Congress: Save Public Broadcasting
    The White House just released a budget proposal that would eliminate funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), which supports National Public Radio (NPR) and the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS). We can’t let this happen. For 50 years, Americans have turned to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting for local news, quality educational programming, and independent journalism without corporate or political influence, no matter where they live. In rural communities with few or no free broadcasting options, the CPB is a critical lifeline for information. The Corporation for Public Broadcasting relies almost entirely on the federal government for its funding. It’s one of the last remaining U.S. media groups that is insulated from commercial or political pressure -- and in today’s fragmented news landscape, the independent voices it supports are more valuable than ever. The threat is real: We’ve seen profit-driven outlets cozy up to Donald Trump to boost ratings and ad revenues. Last year, the president of CBS defended wall-to-wall coverage of Trump, saying that “it may not be good for America, but it's damn good for CBS” -- because “the money’s rolling in.” NBC refused to part ways with Trump as executive producer of its reality show The Celebrity Apprentice. And CNN continues to try to appeal to Trump by hiring his former campaign officials. Over the next six weeks, Congress will consider Trump’s request to cut the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and legislators will release their own budget proposal. We can’t afford to lose the unique voices and perspectives that PBS, NPR, and hundreds of local stations across the country contribute to our public debate -- and it’s time to make sure our representatives know it. Take action now: Don’t let Trump wipe out public broadcasting!
    6,647 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Cynthia Padera, Media Matters
  • Tell SiriusXM to dump Breitbart Radio
    Breitbart 'News' is corrupting American news cycles and misleading a broad portion of the American public.
    806 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Annette