Stop Destiny USA from Charging for Scooter AccessDisabled people are the largest minority group in the world. Destiny USA was funded through massive federal, state, and local tax breaks and subsidies. Now, Destiny and its parent company, Pyramid, are charging mobility impaired people $10 to rent a motorized scooter to traverse the massive mall. This is nothing more than an access tax by ableist corporate America. Enough is enough.54 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Steve Kassirer
Hold the Media Responsible for Trump's Election!America has been damaged by the Trump election and the media is in many ways part of the reason. They have hyped and followed him like dogs in heat with a benign attitude that influened the 2016 election. They broke it, they buy it. Time is of the essence to unearth details and actions that Trump has done to disqualify him from the presidency.15 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Lisa Dane
Boycot TrumpBoycott Trump's properties and products until he demonstrates that we no longer need to boycott.52 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Art Ross
Tell President-elect Trump: Drop Steve MnuchinPresident-Elect Donald Trump has announced his plan to appoint former Goldman Sachs banker Steve Mnuchin U.S. Treasury Secretary. Mnuchin, who served as Trump's Campaign Finance Chair, made millions at Goldman Sachs and has been labeled a "foreclosure machine." Does that sound like someone who understands ordinary Americans?673 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Dan Kildee
WE THE PEOPLE ask the 44th President of the United States of America - Barack Obama - to believe ...We the people have a vision. We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, with integrity and in solidarity of Tribal Sovereignty within the United States of America, to form or to join international Credit Unions. We make this historic Public Commitment to ask that every citizen and public figure from every Country in our world who claims to be in solidarity with Standing Rock to prove so with the Peaceful Action of Bank Exit. We believe, as Water Protectors and Mother Earth Protectors, that water is life and that all like minded people and various organizations past, present and future are in consensus with the civil right, economic right and freedom to Bank Exit from the ongoing harmful decisions of Big Banks in Big Oil. We ask that all like minded political organizations, companies and people transfer any and or all accounts to Credit Unions beginning November 25, 2016 so that in future celebrations of Thanksgiving Big Banks will no longer determine the will of we the people. This EVENT is ongoing. The EVENT is in response to all continuous Rallies and Marches inspired by Standing Rock Camp that are now related to the Circular Economy Movement and celebration of Tribal Sovereignty in the United States. Our peaceful action to Bank Exit will demonstrate Community appreciation for the Water Protectors of Standing Rock Camp. We petition for what is reasonably requested by the indigenous tribes and all World Citizens in solidarity with the tribal and environmental community. We request that all claiming solidarity be in Integrity with such solidarity. We the People of this historic petition, EVENT and peaceful action, commit to researching the benefits of Bank Exit and honor Standing Rock Camp by making a commitment to join Credit Unions before meeting with family and friends this holiday season and every holiday season to demonstrate and to celebrate Thanksgiving.143 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Brooke Teal Robbins
North Dakota Tourism BoycottNorth Dakota Access pipeline protest. Lawless police, civil and human rights violations. No police oversight. My personal safety would be at risk if i vacationed there.47 of 100 SignaturesCreated by James Silverstone
Tell Kelsey Warren/Energy Transfer Partners that they are not above the Law!Within days of our Election we have devolved to a state where there is no law and order in our land. This will destroy any legal system we have. Law-abiding citizens who hold respect for the body of the law are outraged that this Corporation is allowed to act with impunity, injuring and maiming Water Protectors on their own land, withheld from the United States by two Treaties which Mr. Warren and his Board of Directors intend to disregard - again. Is there no one in this land that can make this Corporation obey the law? Only us. Only us. Stand with Standing Rock because it is US!375 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Chris Christian
Information Accountability ActThe FCC is well behind the times when it comes to defending the public trust. The proliferation of misinformation is a big problem for the electorate, regardless of which side of the aisle you are on. People's lack of trust in the information they are getting has polarized our democracy. There needs to be some designation that is trusted by everyone to be at least mostly accurate and non partisan.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Paul Kimble
Ban @realDonaldtrump Twitter accountYou can also report @realDonaldtrump for any of the following. He's guilty of them all:63 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Alan Marling
President-Elect Donald Trump, release your tax returns as promisedDuring the campaign Donald Trump promised to release his tax returns if he won the election. The future of the United States is in his hands, he has promised to do this, where are they? What conflicts of interest do they contain? The American people want to know!23 of 100 SignaturesCreated by IRENE LAMBERT
MSNBC - It's Time to Bring Back "The Ed Show"Because The Ed Show needs to be brought back to the MSNBC daily lineup13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Bill King
Stop Donald Trump's conflicts of interestAmericans deserve elected officials that are beholden to voters, not outside influences or their own personal financial interests. That’s why we’re worried about the massive conflicts of interest looming over a Trump presidency. President-elect Trump controls more than 500 businesses, with assets valued at over $1.5 billion. There are simply too many opportunities for Trump to use the powers of his office to increase his personal wealth. The only solution is to sell these assets off and set up a blind trust. Just one example: The Trump Organization just opened a new hotel in the Old Post Office Pavilion in Washington DC. The property is leased from the federal government through the U.S. General Services Administration, the head of which will be appointed by President-elect Trump. That’d make Donald Trump both landlord and tenant -- and any questions or disputes regarding the terms of the lease or maintenance costs of the property will directly impact President-elect Trump’s personal finances AND U.S. taxpayers' finances. We cannot tolerate this massive conflict of interest. Nearly every president in modern times has set up a "blind trust" to avoid this -- where an independent trustee manages the officeholder’s assets without the officeholder's involvement or knowledge of where they're invested. Trump’s proposed solution is to put his children in charge of his company -- but that's not even close to the same thing. A truly blind trust must be managed independently, not by his family. And even if the President-elect were to put an independent manager in control of the Trump Organization, it still wouldn't qualify as a blind trust because Trump has full knowledge of the Trump Organization's assets, holdings and business partners. Voters deserve better -- Donald Trump must sell all of the Trump Organization's assets, and set up a blind, independent trust to manage his wealth while he serves as President. Add your name today to demand that President-elect Trump put his assets into a blind trust.2,797 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Common Cause