No Giant Bonuses for Scamming Wells Fargo CustomersUPDATE: WE DID IT! On September 27, Wells Fargo announced that its CEO would forfeit about $41 million in pay, and the executive who directly oversaw the abuse would give up $19 million in compensation. While we're glad some of the money is coming back, it's still only about one-third of the fines Wells Fargo's been charged for their abuse. That means shareholders and pensioners will still have to bear much of the cost of the $185 million in fines Wells Fargo incurred due to their abuses. It shouldn't take a PR disaster like this for companies to claw back bonuses. As a next step, will you join us in urging the regulators to strengthen their executive compensation rule, so that the regulators have the power to demand claw backs -- instead of leaving up to the company that committed the abuse? http://bit.ly/nobonusforfraud ORIGINAL PETITION: In early September, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) found that Wells Fargo employees, facing pressure to meet unrealistic sales quotas, opened more than two million deposit and credit card accounts for customers who never asked for them. The CFPB and other agencies fined Wells Fargo a total of $180 million for these illegal acts. But the executive in charge of this division at the bank isn’t being fired -- they’re “retiring,” and walking away with nearly $125 million in stock, options, and other compensation! We call on Wells Fargo to claw back the compensation of the executive responsible for millions of phony accounts. We also call on Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf, who is ultimately responsible for the entire bank, to give back the bonuses he earned from May 2011 - July 2015, when this misconduct occurred. Wells Fargo must take responsibility, and not reward widespread, illegal behavior that scammed its own customers. Sources: 1. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Fines Wells Fargo $100 Million for Widespread Illegal Practice of Secretly Opening Unauthorized Accounts, http://www.consumerfinance.gov/about-us/newsroom/consumer-financial-protection-bureau-fines-wells-fargo-100-million-widespread-illegal-practice-secretly-opening-unauthorized-accounts/ 2. Stephen Gandel, Wells Fargo Exec Who Headed Phony Accounts Unit Collected $125 Million, http://fortune.com/2016/09/12/wells-fargo-cfpb-carrie-tolstedt/67,839 of 75,000 SignaturesCreated by Lisa Donner, Americans for Financial Reform
Department of Justice: Investigate Pam Bondi's Connection To Donald TrumpFlorida's Republican Attorney General, Pam Bondi, personally solicited and accepted a political contribution from Donald Trump while ignoring complaints of fraud at Trump University from Florida Residents. The Orlando Sentinel has chronicled how Pam Bondi received a $25,000 campaign contribution from the Donald J. Trump Foundation in September of 2013, just three days after her office announced it would not join a New York lawsuit that accused Trump University of fraudulent practices. Even worse, Donald Trump held a fundraiser for Pam Bondi at his Mar-a-Lago property less than a year after Bondi passed on the Trump University Lawsuit. Pam Bondi has not answered any questions from the media regarding her Donald Trump’s political contribution, and any illegal activity between Bondi and Trump has not been investigated by Florida prosecutors. If we want to protect the public trust and ensure that Florida residents are protected from fraudulent schemes like Trump University, then we need to hold corrupt politicians like Pam Bondi accountable for their unethical behavior. We demand that the U.S. Department of Justice launches an investigation on the unethical behavior between Pam Bondi and Donald Trump.760 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Juan Escalante
Stop Chris Wallace from being Presidential Debate ModeratorChris Wallace has a massive and obvious conflict of interest with being a moderator for a Presidential Debate because of his connection to Roger Ailes. Furthermore, it makes no sense to reward a propaganda outlet with a moderator spot.1,216 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Laurie Wheeler
End Pharmaceutical CorruptionWatch Video: https://www.youtube.com/embed/DIJGmbwkNvU Too many people have been the victim of pharmaceutical price gouging, especially over life-saving medicine such as the EpiPen and Insulin. Pharmaceutical Action Network for Disadvantaged Americans believes it is time we begin to show the pharmaceutical industry how strong we can be when we stand together. Find out more about how you can help at pandahelps.com1,207 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by William Swisher
Demand Apple Pay What It OwesThe European Commission just found that Apple – with the help of the tax haven of Ireland – has been dodging billions of dollars in taxes. The EC’s ruling states that Apple must pay up to $14.5 billion in back taxes to Ireland on its European profits. Now it is time for the U.S. Treasury Department to follow suit and investigate Apple’s profit shifting and tax dodging. Apple has more than $215 billion in profits stashed offshore on which it could owe the American people more than $60 billion in taxes. Stand with us in demanding that the U.S. Treasury Department immediately investigate Apple for profit shifting and U.S. tax avoidance. Demand that Apple pay what it owes to America in back taxes!16,512 of 20,000 SignaturesCreated by Americans for Tax Fairness Action Fund
Mylan's Heather Bresch Should ResignThis petition is being started on behalf of the families of children with dangerous allergies , who are being bilked out of their hard-earned money, while CEO Bresch has enriched herself ($18.9 million dollars) at their expense.398 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Robert K. Dean
Senator Stone: Please Vote "Yes" on the California DISCLOSE Act!AB 700 will strike the biggest blow yet against the unlimited secret money unleashed by Citizens United. It requires ads about ballot measures -- and ads about candidates by outside groups like SuperPACs -- to clearly and prominently disclose their top 3 true funders, right on the ads themselves. With more secretive big money than ever poised to be spent in California's election, we must pass AB 700 now. AB 700 faces its final vote on Tuesday, August 30th. Please sign and share this petition to Senator Stone asking him to vote “Yes”!60 of 100 SignaturesCreated by California Clean Money Action Fund
ALEC is bad for our democracy. It’s time for Enterprise to drive away from ALEC!Enterprise, the largest rental car company in the United States, is a funder and member of ALEC -- the shadowy corporate lobbying group that is weakening our democracy while pretending to be a charity. ALEC works behind closed doors to help big corporations like Exxon Mobil, Comcast, Pfizer, & Koch Industries secretly lobby politicians for favorable treatment. Ordinary voters and everyday Americans’ voices are being shut out of the process; whether it's big oil or big tobacco, corporations should not be able to get a tax write-off for funding a lobbying organization that lets corporations have the same say on “model” bills as lawmakers. We all pay the price with more pollution, lower wages, higher medical bills, and cuts to public schools when ALEC’s corporate-backed “model bills” undermine environmental protections, access to healthcare, workers’ rights, and public education funding. It’s a system that undermines our democracy, putting wealthy special interests above the American people. It’s surprising that Enterprise is funding ALEC, given that over 100 major companies like Google, Coca-Cola, Facebook, General Motors, Expedia, and Ford Motor Company have all left ALEC in recent years, due to its extreme agenda and the fact that ALEC is committing tax fraud as it works as a lobbying group but is registered as charity. That means corporations like Enterprise can get a tax write-off for their funding to ALEC. Our democracy should belong to all of us, not just wealthy special interests at ALEC. That’s why Enterprise needs to join over 100 other major companies and stop funding ALEC’s dangerous corporate-funded political agenda and anti-democratic activities.34 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Common Cause
Enterprise: Drive away from ALECEnterprise, the largest car rental company in the world, was recently revealed by the Center for Media and Democracy and the Guardian to be a dues-paying member of the American Legislative Exchange Council. ALEC helps right-wing lawmakers fulfill corporate wishlists on a variety of topics that undermine American health and safety – including spreading climate change denial and blocking climate solutions. Enterprise makes “green” commitments to plant trees and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in public but funds ALEC in private. Enterprise must cut ties with ALEC immediately.17,310 of 20,000 SignaturesCreated by Emily Southard
Stop Immoral Price Gouging for Life-Saving EpiPen*UPDATE: The company’s “solution” in the face of overwhelming public outcry is to offer more coupons. But it has not lowered the price ONE CENT. So keep the pressure up!* Millions of children and adults in the U.S. are at risk of fatal allergic reactions from common occurrences like getting stung by a bee or accidentally consuming peanuts. A pocket-sized medical device called an EpiPen can be a literal life-saver for these folks. But Mylan — the multinational pharmaceutical company that makes the EpiPen — has been steadily jacking up the price. - In 2007, the wholesale price on an EpiPen in the U.S. was $57. - Today, just nine years later, it’s over $300. - Even though each EpiPen contains only a few dollars’ worth of medicine. - Even though a two-pack is just $85 in France. - And even though Mylan, which has a near monopoly in the U.S., has seen its profits from the EpiPen alone skyrocket to $1.2 billion a year. Now, many people who could actually die without an EpiPen can’t afford one! Tell Mylan CEO Heather Bresch to immediately reduce the price of this life-and-death treatment that so many people depend on.331,816 of 400,000 SignaturesCreated by Glenn Simpson
Chris Stegman: Restore Milwaukee's Newspaper Archives!Students, scholars, and all manner of active citizens have relied on free access to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel archives to better understand our community's history. The removal of these archives on Tuesday, August 16 makes it impossible for most citizens to view this valuable information. Please show your support for our city by restoring access to these archives.203 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Ted Chisholm
The Koch Brothers find democracy inconvenient -- let's expose themEveryone deserves to know who is spending money on our elections -- it’s the only way for voters to know who is trying to influence our views and our elected representatives. This November, South Dakota voters will have the chance to make that right to know a reality -- when they vote on Measure 22, a package of democracy reforms that includes full public disclosure of political donors. But the Koch brothers and their big-donor network are bankrolling a big-money effort against Measure 22, buying ads and hiring staff to turn voters against these common-sense solutions that an overwhelming majority of Americans support. The Kochs are notorious for spending big to promote their agenda -- but this goes one step further. In attacking Measure 22, the Kochs are opposing common sense reforms to create a democracy that represents all of us -- preserving the Big Money status quo that benefits them. The fact that the Kochs are fighting so hard to keep their political spending a secret should tell you something. Transparency is a necessary first step if we want to have a government that represents all of us, and not just wealthy donors like the Kochs. The Democracy Is Strengthened by Casting Light On Spending in Elections (DISCLOSE) Act, currently before Congress, would set strict disclosure requirements on any individual or corporation that spends money to influence elections. Disclosure gives voters the information they need to hold secret donors and elected officials accountable. That’s why the Koch brothers and their allies are fighting so hard against it -- and that’s why Congress must immediately pass the DISCLOSE Act.5,611 of 6,000 SignaturesCreated by Common Cause