Use of Disaster Relief Funds to defend HB2I have my own religious beliefs but do not think they should be imposed upon other citizens or cost the tax payers. Moreover, God is love and requires us to love our families, neighbors and enemies and we must treat people as we wish to be treated so discrimination is not part of God's plan and HB2 should not be used in the name of religion.34 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ann Harlan
Workplace Fairness At Grey Wolf Electric Now!!!End Workplace Abuse & Bullying Today. Support the reinstatement of Jevon Royster at Grey Wolf Electric. Support better wages, better benefits, and better working conditions for all workers.53 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Victor Monaco
Stop the Dow-DuPont megamergerDuPont poisoned thousands of us with C-8, and their irresponsible behavior is finally catching up to them. They've been ordered to pay 5.6 million dollars to David Freeman, who has testicular cancer as a result of their actions. But, DuPont is trying to use corporate tricks to avoid paying what they owe. If they are allowed to merge with Dow, the money will be hidden and we may never get the compensation we are owed. Even though we know they've planned it all out, DuPont hasn't said where the money will go, and until we have the answers, we can't let the merger go through. Attorney General Loretta Lynch is the only one that can stop this. Tell her to step in before it's too late. We can't let them put more people at risk!17,586 of 20,000 SignaturesCreated by Earl Botkin
.@SenateDems: Press @HillaryClinton & @TimKaine to Amplify TPP OppositionHillary Clinton and Tim Kaine oppose the corporate power-enhancing, democracy-undermining Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement [TPP]. [1] But even Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, longtime best friend to the Clintons and speaker at the Democratic National Convention, didn't get the memo. When Politico asked whether Clinton would turn around and support the trade deal she opposed during the heat of the primary fight against Bernie Sanders, McAuliffe said: “Yes." After Politico's article appeared, McAuliffe "walked it back" and said that was only what McAuliffe hoped Clinton would do, not what he knew she would do. [2] The same Politico article said Kaine "vocally supports the Obama-backed trade deal" [3] even though three days earlier, Politico reported that Kaine was against the TPP. [4] Urge Senate Democrats to press Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine to clarify and amplify their opposition to the TPP, including from the podium at the DNC, by signing our petition. References: 1. http://www.politico.com/story/2016/07/kaine-comes-out-against-trans-pacific-partnership-deal-226064 2. http://www.politico.com/story/2016/07/terry-mcauliffe-hillary-clinton-tpp-trade-226253 3. http://www.politico.com/story/2016/07/terry-mcauliffe-hillary-clinton-tpp-trade-226253 4. http://www.politico.com/story/2016/07/kaine-comes-out-against-trans-pacific-partnership-deal-2260646,894 of 7,000 SignaturesCreated by Robert Naiman
Tell the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission that you don't want a "Smart" meter on your home !Background: Public Service Company of New Mexico has asked the NM Public Regulation Commission (PRC) for permission to install electric "smart" (AMI) meters in the areas it serves. A "smart" or AMI meter is a digital, wireless, transmitting device attached to the exterior wall of your home. PNM has asked the PRC for permission to bill ratepayers for expenses related to their installation (about $130 million). "Smart" meter installations in other municipalities have shown that they put everyone at risk of: Large rate increases: In the application, PNM is basing their calculation of customer savings on the faulty premise that these AMI ("smart") meters will last 20 years. In practice, these meters are failing much sooner than that sometimes needing to be replaced in as little as 5 to 7 years. Thus, the projected savings will inevitably disappear and costs will skyrocket, this, at customers’ expense. Fires: Because they caused fires, utilities in Pennsylvania, Texas, Florida, Saskachewan, New Zealand and many other places have had to remove smart meters. This has resulted in additional expense rate to payers. Cyber security breeches: Smart Meters, being a wireless device are an easily hackable access point into the Smart Grid. Former CIA Director James Woolsey said , "A so-called 'smart' grid that's as vulnerable as what we've got (to hacking) is not smart at all. It's a really really stupid grid." PNM's application does not address how to prevent or mitigate cyber attacks. Invasion of your privacy: Detailed data about your household's power usage could be sold. This sort of information is already being sold to third parties in other states. Additionally this information could be used by thieves to determine when you are away from home. Health problems: "Smart" or AMI meters transmit data using 24/7 pulsing of Radio Frequency radiation. These RFs radiate along home wiring, exposing anyone within the building to levels of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) deemed a Class 2B carcinogen by the world health organization which puts it in a category with with substances like DDT and Asbestos. How does exposure to EMR affect pregnant women, children, people with implants, people whose bedroom walls hold a "smart" meter? Do we want to be guinea pigs? Or, do we apply caution and deny PNM's request? In its application, PNM stated that if the PRC does not allow it to pass on the costs of AMI meters to ratepayers, then it will not install them. PNM also stated that the project could become "uneconomical if the number of customers opting out becomes very substantial." We therefore believe that this costly, dangerous program can be stopped--if enough of us let the PRC and PNM know where we stand about “smart" meters before the PRC makes a decision about PNM's proposal. Please sign and then share this petition with everyone you know. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE ! The PRC is going to rule on this in the immediate future so ACT NOW !147 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Susan Porter
DNC Floor Fight against TPPWinning the fight against TPP is more important than winning the presidency. If multinationals can go through the back door to neutralize our laws, voting in elections will be pointless. Bernie must hold Hillary's feet to the fire on this, the biggest of all issues.38 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Barry Schaeffer
"Say Goodbye" to Verizon if they Build Cell Antennas All Around our Homes and SchoolsWe, the residents of Wesley Hills, are shocked and upset with VERIZON'S BLATANT DISREGARD for our neighborhood and children's schools. Verizon has contracted a third-party to install DOZENS OF CELLULAR ANTENNAS AND DEVICES AROUND OUR HOMES AND CHILDREN'S SCHOOLS throughout our neighborhood.240 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Wesley Hills Residents
Have Dewey Bryant Step Down From City CouncilDewey Bryant is the Odessa City Councilman for place 2. Dewey Bryant’s complaint about nuisance waterfowl at his business and subsequent abuse of power as a politician shows his lack of regard for the citizens he is supposed to represent. Dewey Bryant’s abuse of power is responsible for our city's rapid response to involve Texas Parks and Wildlife to deal with the overpopulation of waterfowl at the Memorial Gardens Park duck pond. As a result of this abuse of power, Texas Parks and Wildlife will be executing around 90 ducks and geese to control the population of waterfowl in the park. I am starting this petition to ask for the Resignation of Dewey Bryant as The City Councilman for the City of Odessa Place 2. We cannot have people in political office that are more concerned with the needs of their business than the needs of those whom they are in office to represent. Please join me in signing this petition. #bekindtooneanother #saveourducks349 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Joyce
Oppose Golf's Partnership with TrumpDonald Trump's hateful rhetoric and exclusionary policy proposals are divisive and dangerous. Despite professed disagreement with his abhorrent views and statements, two of American golf's leading bodies have continued doing business with him, and as such, they reward him materially and give him and his views undeserved legitimacy.1,070 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Golfers Opposing Bigotry
Tell Congress: Stop the Trans-Pacific Partnership!After years of behind-the-scenes negotiations, it's now up to Congress to decide whether or not we join the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a multinational trade treaty with disastrous implications for the American people. The TPP would devastate our economy. It would expand our trade deficit, drive down wages for American workers, and worsen income inequality. Under the TPP, big corporations would be incentivized to move our jobs overseas, leaving our working families struggling to make ends meet. The TPP threatens not only our economy, but also our health and safety. It would erode critical environmental and consumer protections, including our food safety standards, and would allow pharmaceutical companies to over-charge for life-saving medicines. The American people deserve better. We call on Congress to strengthen consumer protections, combat the threat of climate change, and create an economy that works for working families — and that means voting "No" on the TPP.506 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Darren Soto
Demand To "Ban Donald Trump" from Twitter; Stop the "Hate Tweets".We as a Nation America must bring to an end all types of racial ignorance. I have been attacked because of Trump's racist remarks about Latino Americans. I fear being killed. Many are acting on Trump's hatred across America. Donald Trump's "Hatred Spew" on Twitter daily must be banned along with him. We are sick of reading his daily "Hate Tweets," which the media pushes daily for rating and dollars. Enough is Enough! We DEMAND that Donald Trump and his Hatred Spew be BANNED from Twitter NOW! Please take a stand - help end hatred. Are you in? Sign the petition if you are sick of Donald Trump's Racism in your Nation. I fear that Trump hatred will get me and others killed. Racism kills.438 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Eusebia E Aquino-Hughes
Don't Let Big Business Hijack Criminal Justice ReformA basic, centuries-old tenet of our justice system is that ignorance of the law is no defense. But Corporate America's puppets in Congress are trying to sneak language into much-needed criminal justice reform legislation so that executives can get away with breaking the law. CEOs would be able to evade prosecution by claiming they didn't know what the law required of them. As if it's not obvious they shouldn’t sell defective products or rip people off. It's great that Congress, in a bipartisan push, is at last tackling ineffective and discriminatory law enforcement policies that have thrown vast numbers of people in prison for low-level, nonviolent drug offenses — at last taking steps to address the crisis of over-criminalization and over-incarceration. But corporate crime inflicts a horrific toll on our society. And there are far too FEW — not too many — corporate criminal prosecutions. Tell Congress: Reject any attempt to create an "ignorance of the law" defense that makes it harder to prosecute corporate crime.347 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Glenn