• Public Safety Before Profits for Uber and Lyft
    We want a level-playing field for drivers without compromising public safety. We believe that finger-printing is not a burden and keeps the public safe and confident in the industry which is also good for working drivers. Read about the sexual assault cases: http://wpo.st/0LjE2 and http://bit.ly/2fGtAI3 Read related article on Uber background check: http://bit.ly/22qGg7L
    137 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Peter Ibik
  • Tell Mark Zuckerberg to ban hate organizations like Brietbart News on Facebook
    Facebook allowed fake news sites and racists news sites to influence the US Election. Chief among them was Brietbart news, who ran a trending fake news story alleging that Hillary Clinton was about to be indicted by the FBI. Brietbart News also spreads anti-semitic, alt-right, and white supremacist 'news' stories throughout Facebook. Facebook should support an inclusive, open community, not serve as a channel for hate and divisiveness. We are all affected by Mark Zuckerberg's decision to allow hateful and fake news to take over Facebook. Keep Facebook safe for all people, regardless of creed, color, religion, or sex orientation and sign the petition today!
    93 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Andrew
  • Tell the Media: Do your job!
    The media is failing to report the truth about Trump, his closest advisors, and their plans for the country that are dangerous for our democracy. Trump just appointed Steve Bannon, an unabashed leader of the white nationalist movement and a domestic abuser, as his chief strategist, but you wouldn't know that from the headlines. USA Today called him a "loyalist." Wall Street Journal and Washington Post said he's an "outsider." CBS described him as a "former Goldman Sachs executive." It's irresponsible reporting like this that led to the election of a racist, serial sexual predator in the first place. In fact, these news outlets largely ignored women who came forward about being assaulted by Trump in the last weeks of the election. America needs a free, open, and truthful press now more than ever. Major news outlets need to do their job and stop covering up the truth about Trump.
    76 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nita and Shaunna
  • Legislate disclosure of private business interests
    There are too many potential issues of conflict of interest, bribery, manipulation of foreign policy and undermining of military interests to allow non-disclosure of business interests to Congress. In addition, family members of Trump (or any president's family) should be exempt from consideration for access to classified materials, just as they are prohibited from holding formal positions in the administration.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Deborah Christensen
  • Tell Facebook to Flag Hoaxes
    A majority of U.S. adults get their news from social media sources. However, there is a proliferation of debunked stories and hoaxes that get "liked" and "shared," and then continue to gain traction. Facebook can and should fact check the articles that circulate on its website. Facebook can simply add a badge to false reports, for example stating whether a shared article is a "Hoax," "Debunked" or "Satire." Even our President-Elect defended retweeting a debunked news story by stating "All I know is what's on the internet" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93fgU_WNDPo It's time for Facebook to let subscribers know the difference between the truth, satire and flat out lies.
    259 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Ari Lieberman
  • Boycott news coverage of the KKK victory parade
    The media chases advertising dollars, and those are dependent on viewership. If we unite to ignore the KKK parade, it will get less media coverage, which is the best way to hurt their cause.
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Scott Schlief
  • Palm Oil Labeling
    We feel it is necessary for companies to write "palm oil" on their product labels and not the other 295 names which mean the same thing. Palm oil is connected to many shady operations, including child labor and poaching. Also, if you want to see the 295 names, they are here: http://www.palmoilinvestigations.org/names-for-palm-oil.html
    28 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bowman Robotics
  • 33 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ed McMorrow
  • Make president elect Donald trump show his tax returns
    We have a right to know he is not hiding something dishonest
    37 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michele m
  • Time For Trump to Disclose His Taxes
    Many citizens want to know why these documents remain hidden. I personally fear that Trump is in conflict with (and will continue to have) domestic and foreign conflicts of interest and which will imperil our nation's fiscal security and physical security.
    32 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carole Seliger
  • Donald Trump's Tax Returns. The American people need to know whether Donald Trump has committed ...
    Donald Trump has not been honest with the American people about his tax returns. Without that knowledge, there is no way for Americans to know if he has committed crimes which would keep him from assuming the office of the President.
    122 of 200 Signatures
    Created by robert h johnson
  • Bring DigniTEA To Those Who Bring You Tea
    Do you relish a cup of tea when you wake up in the morning? Did you know that the tea you are drinking could be produced by workers who suffer slavery-like conditions? Tea workers in Assam earn a meagre wage of 126 Rupees a day, which is less than 2 British pounds and lower than the minimum wage mandated by national law. In addition, they live in appalling conditions, with poor access to basic services like water, health and sanitation, which expose them and their families to malnutrition and preventable deaths. You can help to break this cycle! Bring digniTEA to those who bring you tea!
    56 of 100 Signatures
    Created by AccountabiliTea