• Get Corey Lewandowski Off CNN
    Corey Lewandowski works for the Donald Trump Campaign while still getting paid by CNN. This is a conflict of interest. He needs to resign from CNN
    75 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mark D
  • Stop $3.6 Million in Tax Credits to Pawtucket Slumlord
    This petition is needed because Pawtucket has been through enough with the PawSox fiasco and the closure of the Memorial Hospital Birthing Center and ICU. Why is it always Pawtucket that gets abused? From Larry Lucchino(PawSox) to Dennis Keefe(Memorial hospital) to this slumlord, Pawtucket lacks any sort of defense against the governor and state house leaders allowing wealthy individuals to come in and ravage our local economy and suck every last dime out of our struggling community.
    57 of 100 Signatures
    Created by DAVID NORTON Picture
  • McDonald's: End Rampant Sexual Harassment at your stores TODAY
    Working at a fast-food restaurant like McDonald’s means dealing with rampant sexual harassment. A new report finds that four out of every ten women working in fast-food face sexual harassment on the job – more than 60% higher than other industries. Not only do fast-food workers get paid too little to live and support our families – we’re forced to face sexual harassment on the job. McDonald’s has the power to crack down on sexual harassment at their stores. They can increase punishment for offenders and make reporting easier for targeted employees. Instead, they keep silent. Worse, they IGNORE the people brave enough to come forward and reach out for help on their own. It’s wrong – and it needs to stop now.
    115 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Rhonda Wilson, Fight for $15
  • Tell the Oregon legislature: Pass campaign finance limits now!
    Everyone's voice should be heard in our democracy – but that’s not happening right now. The Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision was a terrible mistake. It's allowing big corporate donors to drown out the voice of everyday voters. Like you, I'm sick and tired of these billionaires running roughshod in our elections. But what can we do about it? Here's what: Oregon can lead the way. As Secretary of State, I’ll fight to reform Oregon’s campaign finance system. We can pass tough campaign finance limits that directly challenge Citizens United. Time and again, Oregon has led the nation in a progressive direction -- women's suffrage, popular election of Senators, public beaches, the bottle bill, and more. It's time to do it again. Let’s take a stand in Oregon: Corporations are not people and money is not speech!
    502 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Brad Avakian
  • Stop the Monsanto-Bayer merger!
    Bayer and Monsanto are already giant corporations. If allowed to merge, they would control enormous market share in GMO seeds and related pesticides. This is the latest in a series of big agriculture company mergers — leaving just a few companies with control over the building blocks of our food system. This consolidated market leaves farmers with fewer options and higher prices, and it results in fewer real options for everyone at the grocery store. Monsanto and Bayer already exert outsize influence to downplay the negative consequences of their products, including neonicotinoid pesticides, which harm bees and monarch butterflies, and glyphosate, a probable human carcinogen. Federal regulators should block this merger to prevent further corporate control of our food supply. Sign the petition to the Department of Justice to reject this mega-merger!
    86 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Alexander Picture
  • State, County and City Treasurers
    Taxpayers in the United States can not sustain the on-going egregious practices of fraud and malfeasance by banks who have been fined by DoJ, regulatory bodies and state attorneys.
    39 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Matthew H
  • Initiate Immediate IRS Audit of Donald J. Trump Foundation
    Any candidate for the President of the United States must be closely scrutinized and ultimately held accountable, especially when evidence for blatantly criminal behavior exists. The IRS must begin investigating the Donald J. Trump Foundation immediately - before the November 8th election - and refer the matter to the DOJ as soon as possible.
    708 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Jennifer Knott
  • Breakup the corporate media monopoly
    The purpose of the free press, as enunciated by key founders of America, was to keep the citizenry informed, engaged, and in dialogue with one another about the crucial issues of the day. The health of any democracy can be diagnosed by the degree to which information flows freely in the culture. Anything that interferes with that free flow of information is a form of censorship, which acts to derail, distort, and deny the efficacy of any true democratic experiment. Why is no one mentioning that the corporate media is controlled by seven corporations with conservative boards which dictate what news will be printed or reported? Evidence: if you haven't read or heard about the Downing Street memo; that the Iraq action was an illegal invasion and occupation which violated the Geneva Conventions, the principles of the United Nations, and Article VI of the US Constitution; that Osama bin Laden is not wanted by the FBI for 9/11 because it says it has no evidence against him; that World Trade Center Building #7, one block away from the other Trade Center buildings went down in its own footprints in only one second more than the other buildings and was NOT hit by a plane--these and more show that the news has been restricted and censored. We should fight to break up the monopoly that the media has become so that the public can make educated decisions. The evidence of a vigorous democracy is a free press. We do not have that. We petition the US Representatives and US Senators to pass legislation that would break the monopoly of the present corporate media with no corporation owning more than one medium.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by frank belcastro
  • San Jose Mercury News: Withdraw your endorsement of Ro Khanna
    On September 22, Mike Honda for Congress filed suit against Ro Khanna, Ro Khanna for Congress, and campaign manager Brian Parvizshahi alleging cyber crimes violating the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act and the Federal Economic Espionage Act. These alleged cyber crimes and data thefts include lists with private contact information of supporters and donors of Rep. Honda. “You have the theft of confidential, proprietary information that’s then used against the supporters of a rival campaign,” states Gautum Dutta, an attorney for Rep. Honda's campaign. Mr. Khanna contacted and harassed Honda supporters seeking political support and financial contributions. My private contact information and that of my family and friends were stolen. I ask the Mercury News not to lose sight that the data represents individual lives that have been negatively affected by the Khanna campaign. These actions highlight an alarming trend by Ro Khanna of cheating the system to advance himself and his political ambitions. The San Jose Mercury News has not yet withdrawn their endorsement.
    209 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Lisa Freedman Shaffer
  • Stop Before It's TOO LATE!
    Danger to a tranquil community. Hillcrest Golf Club is a rolling 40+ acre golf course located in a nice, peaceful neighborhood on the border of St. Paul, Oakdale and Maplewood. Golfers/club members and their families can enjoy the comfort of golfing on the edge of the city without of the feel of the city. What many don't realize is that as they golf with family, friends and colleagues, the Hillcrest neighbors and residents along Winthrop Street North live in fear of golf season. They fear that children, their pets and they, themselves will be hurt or even killed by a golf ball coming directly to them over the golf course fence (which measures less than six feet tall!!) at between 130 - 140 miles per hour*. It is estimated that between 500-1000 golf balls leave the course at high speed, hitting houses, cars, walkers, pets, windows and walkers per year. * The average speed of a golf ball in flight on a fairway drive. Who are the neighbors on this short stretch of Winthrop st North? They are middle income median wage earners, retirees, developmentally disabled group home residents, children, walkers and pets enjoying the spring, summer, and autumn weather. How and Why? In what other neighborhood, you may ask, would this ever, ever be allowed? This is a thriving neighborhood, a highly-populated and favorite public walking route. The answer appears to be that the golf course management is mission is profit driven. The course is a private investment venture where the risk of injury is tolerated in hopes of higher short-term financial returns. Until an individual is hurt sufficiently to merit a lawsuit, no amount of money will be allocated toward building a preventative barrier. Civil liability is at the door...It is only a matter of time until there is a serious injury. The question remains whether the known risk of serious injury -- repeatedly documented, and serially ignored, may also leave the director and the board open to eventual criminal charges. The director and board have told the neighbors that a fence would cost too much money. The savings to the course are more important than the neighbors on the other side of the course's five-to-six-foot fence. Frequent damage and minimal response, disturbing close calls: The golf balls not only take a toll on residents' sense of safety but on their personal property as well. There have been dozens of incidents of damage to residents' houses, cars and guests’ vehicles. The balls break windows, damage roof shingles, and create body damage on nearly every car that is parked regularly in the neighborhood streets and driveways. When these accidents happen, golfers are often unaware or choose to walk away hoping they will not be fingered for whatever happens when their drives go unintentionally off course. What is the response from Hillcrest management? Officially the damage from golf balls are "not their problem," legally speaking, of course. When Hillcrest management receives phone calls from residents such as myself for these damages, the response from their management team and manger Paul Hayne is always the same, “Hillcrest Golf Club is not responsible for any damage done if the golfer did not own up to their fault.” Additional responses from Hillcrest’s management team are that neighbors should call their own insurance to pay for these damages. This means that deductibles will come out of the resident's own expense. A disturbing close call: In addition to property damages that have been ongoing for years, there was a recent incident this past June that Hillcrest Golf Club chose to ignore. A resident was out walking her dogs when a golfer yelled out warning; when she looked up a golf ball was flying towards her head. Only by quick reflex she was able to save her face by blocking the ball with her hand. The golf ball hit her hand with so much force that the ball bounced 20 feet away from her. The resident was so upset that she did not get the golfer’s name. Her neighbor drove her to Hillcrest Golf Club in hopes of obtaining the golfer’s information, only to come back empty handed. Her neighbor emailed Paul Hayne, the manager at Hillcrest and Mr. Hayne replied back stating that he had already contacted the young woman and she said everything was fine. This was not true, as Hillcrest’s only attempt to contact her was a message from the manager in their catering department, stating that she would pass this message onto upper management. The young woman’s fingers were painful, swollen and bruised but she was unable to get any medical attention due to lack of health insurance. If this had happened to an elderly person or a child, whose reflexes are much slower, this would have been a very bad accident. The impact of a golf ball can be fatal; there have been people with brain injuries due to direct impact of golf balls to the head. Where else would this be allowed?? Despite Hillcrest Golf Club’s management team’s knowledge of property damage and this recent incident, there has been minimal effort from Hillcrest Golf Club to makes changes. Residents in this neighborhood have also contacted their City Council (Ward6) and City Attorney of Saint Paul (Peter Warner) only to get similar discouraging responses, "We have no power or say in this matter; residents need to talk to the golf course." Hillcrest Golf Club has not made any any real change and minimal efforts have been made to "calm residents," but nothing substantive to remove what is seasonally a constant source of bodily and property harm. When it comes down to it this comes close to violating the very principles of what makes life in the United States so precious! The United States’ Declaration of Independence notably states, “Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” and the Constitution promotes the “general welfare” of the people; we are the people and we are living in fear in our own home. Residents and their children should not have to live in fear; we...
    108 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Teng Lor
  • Boycott the destruction of Garden Station
    Wayland Ventures/City Properties Group is not welcome in the Dayton community. They are evicting a community garden art park, 3000 volunteers, and 8 years in the making called Garden Station. GS is nationally recognized for its amenities such as environmentally sustainable structures an edible forest and large-scale sculptures and murals donated by local artists. These things can not be "relocated." Letters from community members and organizations such as the Montgomery Soil & Water conservation District and the Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association have flooded into Wayland Ventures/City Property Group and have been rebuffed. Rather than include this very important amenity of the Dayton community that means so much to us, as a part of their "lifestyle district" they are going to rip through it and turn it into a parking lot or a bar.
    713 of 800 Signatures
    Created by maggie ottoson
  • Stop the Monsanto-Bayer merger
    Monsanto and Bayer have announced plans to merge, creating what would be the world's largest seed and pesticide maker. Monsanto produces RoundUp, in addition to genetically-engineered seeds designed to withstand the herbicide. Bayer manufactures neonicotinoid pesticides, which have been implicated in bee die-offs. So what do we get in return for their profits? Fewer options and higher costs. The Monsanto-Bayer merger would create a near-monopoly over our food and agriculture. Tell American and European antitrust agencies to deny the merger.
    702 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Alexander Rony, SierraRise