• Restore John Wisniewski as superdelegate
    This petition seeks to correct injustice.
    3,271 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by James Devine
  • Reinstate The Fairness Doctrine of 1949
    Anyone can vote for who they like, but they need to be told the truth in order to make choices based on fact. We need a fair playing field to challenge these people. Since we have an election year, we have a local guy that will do anything to promote the Republican agenda. I have called many times to challenge him on things he says that or half truths or total lies. If anyone calls and says. for example, "Trump is scary or racist," he will spend at least 5 minutes trying to explain how that's not true. They have him on 3 times a day. There were a couple of last straws for me. The first" a woman called in and said she no longer watches the news, just him. He was pleased with that and encouraged it. The second time was when a woman called in and said that the president was Muslim and his daughters were adopted because Michelle was a transvestite. This woman honestly believed that(no joke). He shouldn't have even played the call but he did. This woman was serious and he said nothing to correct her. I think it is despicable to purposely mislead people so you can sway them to your agenda. This is not fair or balanced. It's propaganda.
    181 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Cindy Durrwachter
  • Why is Trump hiding his taxes? Sign the petition demanding that Donald Trump release multiple yea...
    For the past 40 years, it has been tradition that presidential nominees of both major parties release multiple years of their tax returns. They do this in part to ensure the public that there are no conflicts of interest. Donald Trump is refusing to, hiding behind a phony excuse that he can’t until the IRS finishes auditing him. We demand that – like his predecessors – Donald Trump release multiple years of his tax returns. That way the American people can get the truth about his business dealings, claims of extreme wealth, how he truly makes his money, what tax loopholes he is using to dodge taxes, the tax rate he actually pays -- and how his tax plan would benefit him personally.
    58,155 of 75,000 Signatures
    Created by Americans for Tax Fairness Action Fund
  • Billion Dollar Corporations Influencing New York legislators
    Uber & Lyft are trying to expand into Upstate New York using money to influence New York State legislators! Reform is needed statewide to prevent Billion dollar corporations from influencing elected officials putting public safety of New Yorkers at risk! Please sign if you support reform! AMID DEMANDS FOR ALBANY ETHICS REFORM, UPSTATE TAXI GROUP SLAMS UBER FOR BUYING ITS WAY THROUGH THE LEGISLATURE Uber Has Spent Millions on Misleading Lobbying Efforts, Advertisements, Robocalls and Mailers to Avoid Safety Regulations That Would Protect Upstate Riders As Albany corruption scandals abound, a May 31 Siena poll found 96 percent of New Yorkers think it’s important to pass ethics reform before the end of the state legislative session. But even while that push grows stronger than ever, Uber is engaging in Albany politics by spending millions to avoid safety regulations in legislation for its proposed statewide expansion. Uber spent over $750,000 on New York lobbying in 2015 alone, and in recent days the multi-billion-dollar company has launched a new six-figure push with advertisements, robocalls and mailers. In response to Uber’s political tactics, Mark Ilacqua, spokesperson for the Upstate Transportation Association, released the following statement: “As New Yorkers demand ethics reform in Albany, Uber is spending millions to avoid fingerprint background checks and other vital safety regulations. It’s the same old story — Albany politics are putting corporate interests ahead of the public. “If lawmakers let Uber expand without a fingerprinting mandate, dangerous drivers will get behind the wheel and put millions of upstate riders at risk. New Yorkers deserve lawmakers with the ethics to protect public safety instead of being swayed by Uber.” About the Upstate Transportation Association, Inc. (UTA) The mission of the UTA is to promote safe and sustainable transportation solutions in New York State. We are committed to working with government to develop fair and consistent policy at the State and Local level. Our work will improve the effectiveness of private transportation services to meet the growing needs of consumers, through public and private partnerships. The UTA is comprised of taxi, livery, and medical transportation fleets in Upstate New York.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Limo Bus Taxi Operators
  • Don't Throw the California Primary on June 7th
    There are rumors that the media will announce at 8 p.m. EDST (5 p.m. PDST) that Hillary Clinton has won sufficient delegates to clinch the nomination before the California primary is over. This call will be based on adding super-delegates to elected delegates. This will occur when California voters are still voting in a year when the California outcome is critical. The effect will be to discourage California voters from voting at that critical time. The results of the California primary could also affect who the super-delegates will support. This is in keeping with the media announcing Ronald Reagan won the 1980 election before polls closed in the Central, Mountain, and Pacific time zones and the sudden declaration that George W. Bush had won the 2000 election. There was also a case where public furor caused one of the three corporate networks to avoid running a scene in a show that was to assert that President Clinton's White House passed up an opportunity to assassinate Osama bin Laden, something that did not happen. Media tampering with politics, unfortunately, happens and it could happen on June 7. The media, including PBS, have also over-covered Mr. Trump and ignored, disparaged, or said 'he can't win' about Senator Sanders, suggesting a strong media bias that is fundamentally incompatible with the proper and vital role of news sources in a democracy. The public needs to monitor what the media say to assure that all information needed by the public to make informed decisions is available without lies, spin and explicit or covert electioneering and that opinions are clearly identified as such.
    1,762 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Gordon Miller
  • NETWORK HEADS: don't lie about the Dem nomination on June 7
    Multiple sources, including Chris Matthews on MSNBC, have revealed that they plan to announce Hillary Clinton as having won the Democratic nomination as soon as the polls close in New Jersey on Tuesday, June 7. They will do this knowing full well that the claim will be completely false, as she could only be said to have enough delegates if you count super delegates—and super delegates are not pledged delegates, have not voted yet and will not do so until July 25 at the Democratic National Convention. It is virtually impossible for Hillary Clinton to obtain enough pledged delegates in voting on June 7 to clinch the nomination based on pledged delegates alone. The networks know this. And by announcing her as the winner—something that is NOT POSSIBLE and will be a bald lie—they will suppress voting in California. Anyone uninformed about this who is waiting to vote may hear that she has "won" and believe their vote is moot and go home (or stay home). The networks know this, too, and have actually speculated out loud about the effect might have. To PLAN this kind of voter suppression is an outrage, especially since the DNC Communication Director (Luis Miranda) himself has said that super delegates should not be included in totals "because they're not actually voting (until the convention in late July) and they are likely to change their minds. Look at 2008—what happened then was there was all this assumption about what superdelegates were going to do and many of them did change their mind before the convention and it shifted the results in the end." As Shaun King of the Daily News puts it, “Anyone who ‘calls the election’ on June 7th, be it the Clinton campaign or television networks, is knowingly and deliberately going against the very rules of the party.” Many grassroots efforts are afoot to spread the word about what is being planned, to educate people about the realities of math and super delegates, to make sure that #StayInLineCA trends on June 7, and to encourage boycotts of the networks on June 7. But the fact is that there are many people who watch and listen to these "news" organizations who we might not reach. For a year now, the onus has been on citizens to push back on the endless wall of spin, twisted narratives, skewed math, and total blackouts that issue from corporate media's blatantly biased newsrooms. It has been an enormous effort. Now, on the eve of one of the most important races in this primary cycle, they are on the offensive in an utterly disingenuous, openly intentional manner. And they have so much money and reach, they appear to expect very little challenge. We can do our best to out-report them, but I believe we can do more. I won't just sit back and let them knowingly tell an outright lie in a last ditch effort to give their floundering candidate an easy push. Will you? Please sign now to tell these network heads that what they are planning is nefarious and unconscionable. Please join me in demanding of the major networks that they obey the express orders of the DNC and do not include superdelegates in their counts—and that they do not falsely claim Clinton as the nominee on June 7. Join me in demanding that for once they show honesty and transparency and report the truth: that on June 7, neither candidate will have secured the 2,383 delegates required to clinch the nomination, and a contested convention is imminent. Thank you for your participation on behalf of fair elections and a movement to restore democracy and justice to America. 1 - https://www.facebook.com/TheBernReport/videos/287455514922871/ 2 - http://www.nydailynews.com/news/election/king-clinton-media-counting-superdelegates-dnc-pleas-article-1.2655752 3 - http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/king-tv-networks-ready-give-hillary-clinton-premature-win-article-1.2649536
    777 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Robyn Landis
  • Don't Throw the California Primary on June 7th
    There are rumors that the media will announce at 8 PM EDST (5 PM PDST) that Hillary Clinton has won the California Primary - three hours before the polls close. This is in keeping with the media announcing Ronald Reagan won the 1980 election before the polls closed in the Central, Mountain, and Pacific time zones and the sudden declaration the George W. Bush had won the 2000 election. There was a case where public furor caused one of the three corporate networks to avoid running a scene in a show that was to assert that President Clinton's White House passed up an opportunity to assassinate Osama bin Laden, something that did not happen. Media tampering with politics, unfortunately, happens and it could happen on June 7. The media, including PBS, have also over-covered Mr. Trump and ignored, disparaged, or said 'he can't win' about Senator Sanders, strongly suggesting a strong media bias that is fundamentally incompatible with the proper and vital role of news sources in a democracy. The public needs to monitor what the media say to assure that all information needed by the public to make informed decisions is available without lies, spin and explicit or covert electioneering and that opinions are clearly identified as such.
    109 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Gordon Miller
  • Boycott Home Depot (Co-founder supports Trump)
    The Hispanic and Latino community are a huge clientele and work force of Home Depot, affording Home Depot in reaching the pinnacle of a successful corporation. For one of the co-founders, Bernie Marcus, to support a xenophobic, misogynistic, racist bigot like Donald Trump and stand by his divisive, hateful rhetoric is beyond acceptable and appalling. We will stand up and speak up, hitting Home Depot where it hurts the most: in their stock value, reputation, and pocket book. Si se puede!
    2,272 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Sandy
  • Justice for Dharma
    On May 28th, my friend, Chase Lackey, took his dog ,Dharma, to a local groomers, Mona's Pet Crossing, after a casual check up at the vet's office. Upon his picking her up, he picked up a traumatized, bleeding, and terrified dog home that was far from the family member he had dropped off. Her injuries were so bad that he had to make a visit to the Veterinarian ER to have her examined and taken care of the following day. No handler should have to be worried about a pet's well-being when dropped off at a groomer. Kentucky has no law against businesses abusing animals in such a way and there is no way for charges to be pressed against Mona's Pet Crossing for the cruelty they've committed against Dharma and many other animals who have been 'taken care of' by this place. Animals are family members and this is far more than just abuse!
    641 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Amanda Hehl
  • Give Bernie A Voice!
    Sanders wants to debate...Trump said he wanted to, but then changed his mind. So, let's give Sanders the chance... When the media silences Bernie, they silence us all!
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mary Parks
  • Ebay Allows Hunting as Auction Item
    We now know scientifically the importance of the role mountain lions play in the health of the ecosystem. The death of our native wildlife should not be an ad permitted to be posted as an auction.
    83 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sherry Ferber
  • Tell Congress: Require all presidential nominees to release their tax returns.
    Ever since Watergate, Democratic and Republican presidential nominees have released their tax returns to the public. Why? Because the American people deserve transparency and information when choosing who to vote for to run our country. And, ever since Watergate, presidential nominees recognized that and released their tax returns. A tax return cannot spin blatant exaggerations and opinions into facts. A tax return cannot pander and only present one side. A tax return cannot fabricate income, charitable giving and tax shelters. A tax return tells the truth. Once in the light, a tax return cannot be explained away by conspiracy theories, bravado or misdirection. It is what it is: a very telling document. What does the candidate value, give to charity? Does the candidate pay their fair share of taxes? Is the candidate telling the American public the truth about their finances? This is why presidential nominees have released their returns for nearly 40 years. And it’s why the American people shouldn’t have to rely on the benevolence of a presidential nominee to know exactly who they are voting for President of the United States of America. I’ve introduced the Presidential Tax Transparency Act to require all presidential nominees - no matter their party - to release their tax returns after the nominating convention. So stand with me. Tell Congress to pass the Presidential Tax Transparency Act! --Ron
    2,804 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Senator Ron Wyden