• Stop media monopolies: Block the AT&T/Time Warner merger
    Our democracy functions best when we we have a strong, diverse set of sources for media. But runaway media consolidation threatens that, and puts power in the hands of a few corporate executives. That’s why we’re alarmed at this week’s news that AT&T wants to merge with Time Warner -- and it’s why we must immediately respond by showing our grassroots power to stop this merger. With media consolidation at an all-time high, we all pay the price with higher bills for fewer choices -- and media consolidation makes it harder for new and diverse talent and content producers to access the platforms they need. We can’t let this anti-consumer, anti-democracy deal go through. Add your name now to say NO to the monopolistic AT&T/Time Warner Merger.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Common Cause Picture
  • Remove Walter Kane as Teamsters Local 812 Attorney
    To expose the leadership of Teamsters Local 812 unlawful conversion of 812 Memberships Dues money to Cary Kane LLP and Walter Kane esq. for their own political gain and survival. We want to remove Attorney Walter Kane or the Law Firm of Cary Kane LLP that is paid by Local 812 members Union Dues due to their actions, advise against the Local 812 membership. Retainer fees are now being used defend the leadership, consult the leadership and advise the leadership on how to threaten and intimidate the Local 812 members. To scare away members that stand up to this 812 leadership in their requests for a fair and legitimate investigation over the possible misdeeds by the Teamster Local 812 Leaders Ed Weber, Joe Vitta, John Visconti, Angel Martinez, Jim Surdi and Tom Staropoli. Illegally using membership money to retain an apparent anti member Law Firm to serve and advise the best interests of the leadership of Local 812. To use tactics of intimidation that are both deliberate and retaliatory against Teamster Local 812 members both professionally and personally in order to terminate and quiet the Teamster Local 812 members from standing up and being heard.
    42 of 100 Signatures
    Created by 812 Change To Win
  • Stop the AEE (PREPA) monopoly in Puerto Rico!
    For far too long there have been too many problems with the AEE. The most recent crisis, an island-wide blackout lasting a FULL week for many. In a TRUE democracy, we should have the choice between various companies competing to deliver LOWER rates, modern technology, real customer service and better salaries for their employees. The goal of this petition is to change our present situation: a virtual monopoly of the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (PREPA - AEE). We need the freedom to choose who provides the services we want at the rates we choose. Puerto Rico deserves only the best. Everyone who does sign this petition remember our goal is to provide solutions to lower your energy bill rates. You may not agree with healthy competition, however if you agree with the fact that the government of Puerto Rico should find various ways to implement LOWER RATES for our energy bill, you should definitely sign this petition.
    356 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Lana Slobodsky
  • Please Unblock Hejen Pize Qerej's Facebook account
    Dear Facebook Team, on 14th of October you blocked my facebook account (Hejen Pize) ; www.facebook.com/hejen.pze I am an anarchist and humanist Writer, free Journalist, women-, children- and animals right activist on Facebook under username ( Hejen Pize Qerej ), I, therefore, can't use my real Name, because it will be dangers for me and my Family in northern Iraq. As you know since 2008 I'm Facebook user and activist, all the Time I have been fighting racism, sexism, chauvinism, discrimination, militarism, fascism, child abuse and militarist. All the time I have been endorsed the solidarity between all human and being active. In the last 8 years I have written many articles on Facebook, all my archive is blocked and I can't download them. I know that you as a network provider or company under your rules have right to block or delete any user account, but I am as a user I know that I have right too to backup my archive for the year 2008 until 14th October 2016. I, Therefore, ask you please unblock my account (www.facebook.com/hejen.pze) or give me a chance to download my archive from my account, or please forward me my Archive backup. Yours sincerely, Hejên Pize
    73 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Hejen Pize
  • Require the Health Department to inspect restaurant play areas
    My 3-year-old son recently came down with thrush, impetigo, and hand, foot, & mouth disease all at once after visiting a McDonald's play place. This is the 4th time he has gotten very sick after visiting one. He has only been about 10 times total, so that is nearly half. I was shocked when trying to file a complaint with the health department to find that they are not required to inspect restaurant play places.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Emerald Monroe
  • KAXE Radio: Stop accepting funding from Enbridge
    We must stand up to the fossil fuel industry's attempts to violate freedom of the press, freedom to peacefully protest, our civil rights, and to destroy the environment.
    225 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Patrick Keiser
  • Stand up for the Bureau Fighting Financial Scams
    No matter what the news is on November 9th, Wall Street and its allies in Congress are gearing up to gut the main agency fighting financial scams. They will once again try to use the budget process during the “lame duck” Congressional session in November to undermine consumer protection and financial reform. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has recovered over $11 billion for Americans scammed by their financial company. At this very moment, the Bureau is making sure that Wells Fargo customers charged fees for fake accounts get refunds. Yet, no good deed goes unpunished: instead of praising the Bureau for their actions, the House Majority is using this opportunity to criticize the Bureau for not acting faster. That's rich coming from lawmakers who've supported bill after bill to slow the Bureau down. Wall Street hasn't just fought the CFPB in the halls of congress, they've taken it to the courts, trying to freeze the agency's work through lawsuits aimed at stymying the agency’s work. This month, a panel of three federal judges ruled 2-1 that the President can fire the director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau without cause. This decision, which we expect to be overturned, is just the latest in a long line of attempts to hamstring the CFPB’s effectiveness. The attacks on the CFPB won’t stop after election day. Will you join us in urging Congress to stand up for the essential work of the CFPB?
    47 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alexis Goldstein, Americans for Financial Reform Picture
  • Save the Millburn Item
    As of Nov. 15, The Item will be a shell of its former self. Gannett bought North Jersey Media Group and recently announced who's staying: Ad reps for the Item--- and no reporters. I left The Montclair Times this past June, just before the buy-out. Gannett, which also owns The Item, intends to keep the shell of a paper called The Item, and continue selling ads to unsuspecting businessmen, but has already gutted the paper. Other local weeklies will remain. Several of my colleagues at TMT remain. The message is clear: Millburn will be happy with news of towns 10 miles away. Right? And why? Because Gannet cares about "clicks." Because Millburn, unlike Montclair, doesn't have shootings and drug deals. Gannett is keeping a "local news team." Just not here. They think we won't notice. What does Millburn have? A committed community who cares deeply about this town. When Millburn High School threatened to end the Millburnaires two years ago, people came from far and wide to a Board of Ed meeting to protest. Millburn has the honor of just having been named the number one hottest real estate market in the state by the Star-Ledger (Sunday, Oct. 9). Number one. Montclair is number seven. Gannett is deliberately trying to mislead readers. This is not a "digital restructuring," this is a sham. Gannett has done this in other markets before, and when people complained, said: "there's no news." We don't want "phoned in" news. We don't want to read about Verona and Montclair in the Item. Let Gannett know that local news needs to stay local.
    361 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Gwen Orel
  • Stop Avian Cruelty at PetSmart, PetCo, and other Corporate Pet Companies
    Animal cruelty has been discovered "behind the scenes" at local PetSmart, which upon further investigation proves to be policy. For full details and photos please visit: https://wonderwoofs.wordpress.com/2016/10/13/avian-cruelty-at-petsmart/
    146 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Mercedes Schenk
  • Boycott stores that carry Ivanka Trump products.
    Ivanka Trump is a public figure who passionately & pro-actively supports a serial sexual assaulter of women. She's an official surrogate for the Trump campaign as well as Executive Vice President of the Trump Organization. She's been used to normalize Donald to women. We will no longer support the stores that support her.
    723 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Shannon Coulter
  • Tell NBC and MGM to release the Trump tapes
    If you thought the tape of Donald Trump bragging about sexual assault to NBC's Billy Bush was bad, buckle up. Multiple TV producers say there's worse footage, much worse, of Trump saying sexually predatory and extremely racist things. But NBC is refusing to release the footage. In fact for years now, the network has been protecting Trump. We can force the NBC and MGM, the studio that now owns the unaired footage from Trump's reality TV show, to stop protecting Trump and release the rest of the tapes.
    124,588 of 200,000 Signatures
    Created by Nita and Shaunna
  • Stop selling Trump brand clothing, shoes and jewelry.
    We vote with our dollars! Having Trump brand merchandise in a store supports values that go against everything the United States stands for.
    513 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Robert Balanoff