Reinstate the fairness doctrineThe biggest effect is that we would have a well informed electorate; which is what we should strive for in America49 of 100 SignaturesCreated by randy roberts
Reinstate The Fairness DoctrineThe media bias particularly the 2016 presidential primary has been a disservice to the people of United States of America. The media is, in many cases, providing unbalanced coverage of controversial issues without objectivity or integrity. The general public has a right to know facts and truth of real issues and the pros and cons of such controversial issues. "Equal Time" should include newscasts.54 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Roxann Gross
MD Gov. Hogan: Sign The Equal Pay For Equal Work LegislationThe Honorable Larry Hogan Governor, State of Maryland Gov. Hogan: As you are aware, quietly and almost completely under the media radar, the Maryland General Assembly overwhelmingly passed the "Labor and Employment – Equal Pay for Equal Work" legislation. On behalf of Maryland voters who are also members of MoveOn.org, many of our other members, and many other men and women who hope Maryland will become one of the LEADING STATES on the issue of pay equality, I urge you to sign this bill into law. Failing that, please allow it to become the law of the State by taking no action. Under the skilled sponsorship of Delegate Kriselda Valderrama and Senator Susan Lee, the legislation alters certain sections of the Labor and Employment Act to prohibit wage discrimination on the basis of gender identity; prohibit employers from discriminating against any employee by offering less favorable working opportunities on the basis of sex or gender identity; prohibits an employer – within certain preannounced limits – from preventing employees from discussing wages; and prohibits employers from retaliating against employees who make claims of discrimination and/or participate in such claims. The legislation also strikes a balance by PROTECTING (or continuing to protect) employers' rights to differentiate in compensation on the basis of a nondiscriminatory seniority system; a nondiscriminatory merit system; jobs requiring different abilities or skills; shift work or jobs performed at different times of day; a nondiscriminatory performance-based measuring system; some other nondiscriminatory factor including work-related education, training, or experience. Now, in its "FISCAL AND POLICY NOTE", The Department of Legislative Affairs indicated the net effect government-wide would be $5000 in Fiscal Year 2017 – funds one agency would need to prepare training materials for employers. All other agencies, courts, etc., could handle the legislative changes within their existing budgets. The analysis did indicate, when it came to small businesses (later defined as businesses with fewer than 15 employees) that the impact was "Potential Meaningful (sic)." But when they expounded later, they noted "… to the extent that employees gather more information on wages, the bill may create pressure on an employer to decrease or eliminate wage disparities." That cannot be a bad thing, because discrimination should NEVER be a part of doing business. So you see, Governor, this legislation provides pay equality and proper remedies for employees while also protecting the legitimate business interests of employers. It is VERY GOOD for Maryland, and I urge you to make it the law of our great State. If you or any members of your staff wish to contact me, please feel free to do so at the following email address: [email protected] [MoveOn members and other signatories may also feel free to email me at the same address with questions/comments/concerns. Please put "Equal Pay" in the Subject Line.] Most Respectfully, Maurice Miller Takoma Park, MD27 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Maurice Miller
Let Puerto Rico File BankruptcyBecause of various tax breaks the U.S. Congress placed on Puerto Rico, the U.S. Territory is $72 billion in debt. It falls to us to help. A bailout would hurt the pockets of the U.S. taxpayers, so allowing complete bankruptcy would be the cleanest solution to the problem, granting the U.S. citizens of Puerto Rico their best chance at a financially prosperous future.166 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Shanna Brown
Support Striking Verizon WorkersWe are on strike because we will do whatever it takes to create a better workplace for ourselves and those that follow. We're standing together to make sure the needs of working families are met, instead of standing by as a handful of individuals get richer and richer. We're standing together because Verizon has fired, threatened, and intimidated working people at Verizon Wireless who are trying to create a better future for themselves and their families. We're standing together because we want to earn a living in our own communities instead of moving away from our homes and our families. We want good jobs to stay in the United States, not be sent overseas. We're standing together to make sure that working people at Verizon like us can not just make a good living, but also have a good life. Let Verizon CEO Lowell McAdam know that you stand with us.36,115 of 40,000 SignaturesCreated by Jennifer Masferrer and Isaac Collazo
DuPont: Clean up the drinking water you contaminated with the deadly chemical C-8I never worked in DuPont’s factory. I never knew I was being exposed to harmful amounts of C-8. But DuPont knew, and DuPont did nothing to stop it. I was exposed to C-8 because the company dumped it into the Ohio River and landfills, where it leached into the water me and my family drink every day. After decades of lies and delays, it’s time for DuPont do the right thing and clean up our drinking water NOW.30 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Earl Botkin
DuPont: Stop putting Wall Street over my healthC-8 is a byproduct of Teflon, which DuPont manufactured in Parkersburg, West Virginia since the 1950s. The company knew the chemical was harmful since the 1960s, but they never told anyone, including the thousands of West Virginia and Ohio residents that were drinking it in their water every day. Now I and thousands of others are dying from C-8, and DuPont is delaying compensating us and cleaning our water in order to save money for Wall Street investors. Why are our lives worth less than theirs?22,760 of 25,000 SignaturesCreated by Earl Botkin
DuPont: Help the people you poisonedDuPont used the harmful chemical C-8 in the production of Teflon, and the chemical is linked to cancer, ulcerative colitis, and other deadly diseases. The chemical can be found in the blood of 99.9% of Americans, and I can almost guarantee you it’s in yours right now. DuPont was found guilty of contaminating drinking water in 2005, but they’ve dragged their feet for over a decade and done everything possible to delay helping the people harmed by its chemical C-8. Tell DuPont: No more delays. Help the people you poisoned with C-8.36 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Earl Botkin
Attorney General Lynch: Stop the Dow-DuPont megamergerFrom C-8 contamination in the mid-Ohio Valley and beyond to the Bhopal disaster, DuPont and Dow Chemical have poisoned the world with dangerous chemicals. Both companies already face overwhelming liabilities in connection to their environmental disasters, and advocacy groups like Keep Your Promises DuPont are fighting for accountability against these corporate giants. If DuPont and Dow Chemical are allowed to merge, it will be even harder to hold them accountable for poisoning the world. Tell Attorney General Lynch to block the DuPont-Dow megamerger.509 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Jeffrey Dugas
Tell the Treasury Department: Investigate U.S. Links in the Panama PapersMore than 11 million documents from the secretive Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca were leaked to international journalists, and more than 140 world leaders, public officials, and major celebrities have been implicated already. The documents, spanning almost 30 years, expose how the world’s elite use fake corporations called “shell companies” to launder money, evade sanctions, hide wealth, and dodge taxes. While U.S. government officials insist they are aware of the scandal, there is little indication they are taking action. But now, Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Sen. Sherrod Brown are demanding that the Treasury Department investigate U.S. links in the Panama Papers, and we need to stand with them. (From Americans for Tax Fairness email 5/9/16.)557 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Arlene Vrlec
UNILEVER: Disclose fragrance ingredients in your product labels!At the age of 10, Rosa Silk's son, Brandon, started having an allergic reaction to an ingredient in Unilever’s popular Axe Body Spray. For eight years, she's been struggling to keep her son, an otherwise happy and healthy young man, in school and out of hospital emergency rooms due to one harmful word in this product: “fragrance.” After many years researching what ingredients might be causing Brandon’s severe reactions, they still have no idea of exactly which chemicals are being used in Axe Body Spray, or what ingredients are causing the problem, because the manufacturer refuses to disclose the fragrance ingredients. Although it's just one little word on an ingredient label, fragrance can contain dozens, even hundreds, of chemicals—including known carcinogens, hormone disruptors, environmental toxicants and other chemicals of concern. In fact, fragrance allergies affect two to 11 percent of the general population. This translates into tens of millions of people that are globally affected by fragrance and studies suggest that this chemical sensitivity is on the rise. Without required fragrance ingredient disclosure, it is impossible for consumers to avoid problematic ingredients or for researchers and regulators to understand the full universe of ingredients used to formulate cosmetic products. On behalf of Brandon and others affected by this life-threatening issue, please help us tell Unilever to disclose all fragrance ingredients on their labels!406 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Gloria, MomsRising.org
Keep MARTA PublicMARTA has outsourced its paratransit service before. The result was so horrible that the federal government issued an injunction against MARTA under the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), which MARTA is still not in compliance with today! MARTA Mobility, the only means of transportation for many of our city's most challenged citizens, is too important to be experimented with again. Cutting the pension and benefits of low-wage workers, and hiring new workers at even lower wages, will not improve the quality of MARTA Mobility service. Changing the eligibility process and adding new hurdles to disabled people applying for MARTA Mobility will not improve the quality of the service. County Commissions appoint MARTA Board members and approve public funds for MARTA. I am watching this issue, and related MARTA ballot initiatives, closely.347 of 400 SignaturesCreated by khalid kamau