• Put Sprint out of business
    Sprint needs to either recognize that customers make the company, or we must stand up to corporate greed, fraud, and misuse of the common man.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Karl austin
  • Google: show caucus results WITHOUT SUPERDELEGATES
    Many Americans may be unaware of the distinction between regular delegates and superdelegates, and therefore may be misled by Google's current format for showing the Democratic Party's primary election results. It is important that media sources and popular search engines report these results in an impartial and transparent manner by clearly reporting regular delegates that have been fairly won through the democratic process. Google's current reporting of superdelegate votes is misleading. While many superdelegates have already stated support for a particular candidate, superdelegates are being called upon to preserve the democratic process and respect the popular vote. Although a superdelegate may have stated support for a particular candidate early on, it is unlikely they would expressly go against their voter's wishes. Therefore, until the popular vote has been cast, making a candidate appear far more popular through display of superdelegates is misleading and must be changed. Please ask Google to display poll results first and foremost WITHOUT SUPERDELEGATES and then with the option of separately viewing results including Superdelegates. Please sign and share the petition! Thank you for your help in keeping our democracy democratic!
    413 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Stefanie Bielekova
  • MSNBC - Reinstate Dr. Melissa Harris-Perry
    Since the arrival of Mr. Andrew Lack to the MSNBC News division, a number of not so honorable events have taken place. Mr. Lack has a public history of dismissing people of color unceremoniously. However, for some strange reason, MSNBC and Comcast executives have a theory that no one is watching. Comcast suspended Mr. Brian Williams for 6 months. Mr. Williams, it turns out is a habitual liar. This revelation brought unbearable shame to the network. However, instead of being let go, Mr. Williams was brought back with opened arms, almost like nothing had happened. Mr. William's former boss Ms. Pat Fili-Krshel, the ex-chairwoman of NBCUniversal News Group was banished to some obscured position. Over the last year, MSNBC has banished or undermined people of color from its on-air personality lineup. Therefore, the question must be asked to MSNBC executives, are you telling the public that MSNBC would rather give a habitual liar a second chance then an employee who simply fought for her staff’s participation? We call on MSNBC to immediately reinstate Dr. Melissa Harris-Perry back to her show and to publicly apologize to her fans for what is clearly an overreaction by the executive team at MSNBC.
    105 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Mo Carter
  • STOP CNN's Biased Election"coverage"
    Bernie Sanders has very narrowly lost to Clinton, in fact he is down only one delegate. However CNN continues to display outrageous bias in favor of HRC that results in at least 30 minutes of non-stop lauding of Clinton's praises following debates and town halls. by CNN talking heads.
    59 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Christine Slocomb
  • State Attorneys General: Prosecute Exxon for Climate Deception
    "Newly revealed documents show that Exxon’s own scientists were aware of and studying the dangerous impacts of greenhouse gases in the 1970s and 1980s -- until Exxon’s leadership decided to shut down the research and promote climate denial instead, in order to protect the company’s unfathomably large profits. Now American citizens in every state of the nation are suffering from the damages of Exxon's unlimited greenhouse pollution. Devastating storms, catastrophic droughts, torrential floods, unprecedented wildfires, and accelerating sea level rise fueled by global warming have already caused billions of dollars in property loss, and led to death or suffering for millions of Americans. And the risks of continued global warming pollution to the United States are many times greater. Every Attorney General's Office should use all of the tools at their disposal to prosecute Exxon’s deliberate deception -- such as state RICO laws, unfair trade practices laws, consumer fraud statutes, or any other laws that are intended to protect American citizens from deliberate corporate misconduct. The state attorneys general of New York and California have already begun investigations into ExxonMobil and the fossil-fuel industry of their climate deception. Every state AG should join in to protect their citizens as well. The attorneys general of 46 states successfully sued tobacco companies to pay for decades of deadly deceit -- now it’s time for Exxon and the fossil-fuel industry to pay for their climate crimes."
    5,109 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Brad Johnson
  • Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey: Prosecute Exxon for Climate Deception
    "Newly revealed documents show that Exxon’s own scientists were aware of and studying the dangerous impacts of greenhouse gases in the 1970s and 1980s -- until Exxon’s leadership decided to shut down the research and promote climate denial instead, in order to protect the company’s unfathomably large profits. Now Bay Staters -- like all other American citizens -- are suffering from the damages of Exxon's unlimited greenhouse pollution. Extreme and unprecedented winter storms, fueled by global warming, have cost the state billions of dollars. State fisheries are under threat from warming oceans. Sea level rise is already harming Massachusetts's coastal communities. And the risks of continued global warming pollution to the state are many times greater. The Massachusetts Attorney General's Office should use all of the tools at its disposal to prosecute Exxon’s deliberate deception -- such as state RICO laws, Massachusetts's Regulation of Business Practice and Consumer Protection Act (Ch. 93A, Sec. 1-11), consumer fraud statutes, or any other laws that are intended to protect Bay Stater citizens from deliberate corporate misconduct. The attorneys general of 46 states successfully sued tobacco companies to pay for decades of deadly deceit -- now it’s time for Exxon and the fossil-fuel industry to pay for their climate crimes."
    49 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brad Johnson
  • Representative Richard Hanna of NY CD 22 Vote NO to TPP
    Representative Richard Hanna (Republican) of Central New York's District 22, we who have signed, many of whom are your constituents, and all being your fellow citizens, call upon you to Vote NO to the implementing legislation for the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Below is the email I received from Representative Hanna today explaining why he is considering voting yes to sell out the American middle class to Asia. We MUST respond LOUDLY and with SOLIDARITY... By signing NO, you DO NOT Represent your constituents with a vote of yes for the TPP. He says we will get lots of jobs, however he isn't saying what kind they will be. Will we get lots of jobs, ya, sure, in sweat shops maybe, if we lower our sights enough to compete for those. Rep Hanna we also want to know, how much did they pay you? Did you get any nice "speaking" gigs lately? By the way, what will your job be when you leave congress after this term? How much will you be making, and who do you plan to work for? We are sure we will have tons of jobs in those nice new sweat shops they bring over from Vietnam! Your grandchildren sure are going to look cute in them too! Do you know that the Tran-Pacific Partnership will allow foreign transnational corporations who pay no U.S. taxes and have no allegiance to our democracy or the well being of our citizens, to set up shops here in OUR country and fill them with laborers from places like Vietnam? Oh and here is the real kicker, THEY DON'T have to pay them according to our laws. Oh no, no, that would hurt their profits! Have you lost your mind?! No WE DON'T WANT NAFTA 2.0!! Representative Hanna We The People call upon you to Learn More about TPP and to not sell out our democracy and our middle class to Asia! NO is the ONLY vote we will accept from anyone who claims to represent us on the TPP! http://www.citizen.org/documents/analysis-tpp-text-november-2015.pdf February 16, 2016 Thank you for contacting me regarding the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). I appreciate hearing from you. As you know, the final agreement of the TPP was announced on October 5, 2015 by representatives from the twelve nations who are participating in the negotiations. This concludes more than seven years of negotiations between the United States and several other countries. The TPP has now been fully unveiled to the public pursuant to the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) legislation approved by Congress earlier this year. President Obama sent his notification to Congress of his intent to sign the agreement on November 5, 2015, which formally begins the process for consideration by the Legislative Branch. The President must wait 90 days after that date until he may sign the TPP. However, even after the review period, and even after the President signs the agreement, Congress will still vote on accepting the terms of the agreement and the implementing legislation, which likely won't come well into next year. You may view the TPP in its entirety here: https://ustr.gov/trade-agreements/free-trade-agreements/trans-pacific-partnership/tpp-full-text. If structured properly, TPP and other pending trade agreements have the potential to be very beneficial for New York. TPP and a new trade agreement with European countries are expected to yield 7,910 new manufacturing jobs in New York. International cheese trade alone is projected to increase by $250 million a year, benefiting Upstate dairy farmers. I look forward to reviewing and debating the exact terms of the agreement here in the House. As I consult my constituents, policy experts, and stakeholders here in the New York 22nd District, I will continue to carefully consider and evaluate the effects of the TPP. I welcome your continued input as the House further considers the TPP, and thank you again for sharing your concerns. While I am sure you may not agree with every vote I cast representing you, you will always know my rationale for the decisions I make on the House floor. I am committed to open government and transparency, which is why I post updates from Washington and explanations for final passage votes on each House bill on Facebook at www.facebook.com/reprichardhanna. Please do not hesitate to contact any of my offices in the future if I or my staff can be of assistance. We work for you. Sincerely, (signed) RICHARD HANNA U.S. Representative
    51 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michelle Mark
  • Tell Brad Wenstrup to Take a Pledge for Democracy!
    As a resident of Ohio and a mother of two, I am concerned about the future of our democracy and our environment. Too many voices are being drowned out by big money and the corporate stranglehold on our democracy. Environmental destruction and disenfranchisement must not be allowed to continue in the face of politics and greed.
    33 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dianne
  • Google: Respect the Democratic Primary by Showing 'Delegates Pledged' First
    As part of the effort to have this Democratic primary reflect the actual will of the voters, it's important not only that "Superdelegates" themselves pledge to respect the will of the voters in their state's primary, but also that prominent information sources (such as media outlets and internet search engines) report delegates that have been fairly won through the democratic process first and foremost. "Superdelegates," who might change their mind, and often do change their mind to respect the will of the voters of their state, should be reported as such, with words like "provisionally won" or "pledge indicated."
    50 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tony Brasunas
  • Tell candidates running for California Senate Seat to take the pledge to #FixDemocracy
    Our current state of democracy is under siege as a result of big money in politics, belittling our voices to an immense degree. As a resident of California and concerned citizen of the United States for that matter, I see an opportunity to voice our opinion in opposition to these corporate powers. Let us begin by telling the fossil fuel industry that, we as a people, want our voices to be heard. Here is the pledge: "I pledge allegiance to a democracy of, by, and for the people. If elected, I pledge to fight for a people-powered democracy where every voice is heard by defending the right to vote for all, and support common-sense measures like public funding for campaigns and overturning Citizens United to ensure a government by and for the people, not the biggest donors. And I will prove that I work for the people by refusing money from fossil fuel interests and by championing these solutions for a people-powered democracy on the campaign trail."
    173 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Mathew Forth
  • Tell Austin Lawmakers Not to Give into Uber’s Bullying
    Why are companies like Uber and Lyft so scared of commonsense safety regulations in Austin? Uber and Lyft, whose drivers are operating in our city, haven’t followed the same regulations as the rest of our taxi industry, and that increases the risk for us all. They are putting profit above safety because they think they’re unstoppable. And now they’re trying to bully our elected leaders in Austin, who approved an ordinance that phases in fingerprinting for drivers and stronger rules for identifying ride-share vehicles, to back down. Now Uber is trying to force the city to hold an expensive election to overturn this ordinance and are threatening to leave town. This bullying has got to stop. Similar regulations have been put in place in Houston and other cities, and Uber continues to operate in those cities without any problems. Tell Austin City Council members and our mayor Steve Adler to not give into Uber’s bullying and to continue to support commonsense regulations to keep riders safe and ensure drivers are treated fairly.
    23 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dave Passmore, Taxi Drivers Association of Austin
  • Facebook: Pull Out from Fundamentalist Gathering
    Facebook, you support our gender identities. You advocate for same-sex love. You help us tell our stories, make connections, build communities, and embrace each other worldwide. But actions speak louder than words. Katie Harbath, your Global Politics and Government Outreach Director, is participating in a conference sponsored by openly homophobic and transphobic communications network National Religious Broadcasters -- for the fourth year in a row. This same convention regularly features anti-LGBTQ hate groups and advocates of "ex-gay" reparative therapy, leading anti-immigrant organizations, and extreme Islamophobic rhetoric. If you truly value and support LGBTQI people around the world, there’s no excuse for Katie Harbath to openly represent Facebook at a right-wing conference. If you're serious about being pro-LGBTQI, Katie needs to cancel.
    1,273 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Know Your Neighbors