Land owners bill of rightsPost production costs are taken out of royalties, gouging landowners.21 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Charles J Episale
LAUSD: Rescind the TFA contractThis is to urge the LAUSD school board to immediately rescind its contract with TFA for special education services. Our most vulnerable students deserve the most qualified professionals possible. Los Angeles Unified School District ratified a contract with Teach For America to provide trainees to fill 25 teaching positions in special education at its November 10, 2015, board meeting. There was no debate on the matter; it was hidden in the consent calendar with attachments of attachments buried deep. While Board member Dr. George McKenna raised important questions about TFA’s retention rate and its commitment to our students, the answers he was provided were misleading because they rely on unchecked data from TFA itself, according to a report in American Prospect (1/5/15). The truth is 87% of TFA recruits plan to leave teaching after their internships end, according to a recent article in Bloomberg News (3/9/15). LAUSD was only the most recent stop by TFA on a statewide campaign over the last few months making the same claims about the need for special ed TFAers. Most school districts from Chula Vista to Santa Ana resisted the sales job after public outcry. But those districts held actual discussions about the controversial contracts with TFA. LAUSD senior staff needs to go back to the drawing board to create partnerships with reputable teaching programs to recruit teachers who will be qualified on Day 1 and are likely to remain committed to the teaching profession. TFA is one of the tools that Eli Broad is using to attack our schools and undermine the very fabric of the public school system in Los Angeles (his foundation is a top funder of TFA). Our elected leaders just endorsed that by approving this contract. It should be rescinded immediately. We are a coalition of public education advocates that includes: Tina Andres, Santa Ana Unified teacher and special education parent Jameson Brewer, Ph.D. candidate, former TFA Anthony Cody, co-founder/board member Network for Public Education Josh Leibner, National Board Certified Teacher Cynthia Liu, K-12 News Network Ellen Lubic, Joining Forces for Education Carl Petersen, Change the LAUSD Sari Rynew, retired teacher Robert D. Skeels, Juris Doctor Candidate and public education advocate Julian Vasquez Heilig, Ph.D., Cloaking Inequity/Education Chair, California NAACP/board member, Network for Public Education Karen Wolfe, PSconnect Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter.1,020 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Karen Wolfe
Sec. Clinton, get rid of that tainted money.As the Democratic primaries are showing with increasing insistence, it matters where you campaign money comes from. Large corporations do not give millions of dollars without expecting something in exchange. We have also learned that corporate interests are at extreme variance with citizens' interests. There is no time during this cycle to clean up the campaign contributions system, so the candidates must demonstrate their integrity by refusing corporate money.561 of 600 SignaturesCreated by John Schoonover
Tell Starbucks holidays are off limits to work!It's time corporations start allowing their "partners" to have time with their families for the holidays. No more corporate greed!31 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Erica Hemberger
Bloomingdales: Apology for Date Rape Ad Is Not EnoughAs a sexual assault advocate, I believe we all have to work together to prevent sexual violence.291 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Kathleen
Tell Janet Yellen: No more Goldman Sachs at the Fed2015 has revealed serious problems with the presidential selection process for regional Federal Reserve Banks. First, Federal Reserve Banks rebuffed requests for transparency and public input. Then, vacancies at the Philadelphia and Dallas Federal Reserve Banks were both filled with individuals involved in their own selection. Now, with the Minneapolis Fed’s selection of Neel Kashkari, all three spots have been filled by former Goldman Sachs insiders, an outcome that undermines the Fed’s claim of independence from influence by major banks. Sign our petition now to demand Janet Yellen commit to reforming the presidential selection process by requiring that each regional Fed bank establish: 1. A public list of candidates being considered for the position of Reserve Bank president. 2. A town hall opportunity for the public to ask questions of the current Reserve Bank president and the chair of the board of directors that is leading the process. 3. A commitment to interviewing at least three candidates who are not Wall Street bankers for the position of Fed President.505 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Brian Kettenring
Sign the Soil Not Oil PledgeDear Friends and Allies, Building off the momentum from the success of the Soil Not Oil Conference, we are reaching out to invite you to support THE SOIL NOT OIL PLEDGE, as part of our ongoing campaign in defense of soils worldwide. (Please forward widely)249 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Miguel Robles
UChicago, stop supporting corporations that profit from prisons!**Please add a comment when you sign in order to ensure that with every signature, a copy of our petition is delivered directly to our targets' inboxes! Most of us already know of the problems of Aramark in UChicago's dining halls: poor quality food, incorrect allergen labelings, shortages of dishes and failed health inspections. But the problems with Aramark extend far beyond our dining halls. Aramark is a massive corporation, with a revenue of almost $15 billion in 2014. And Aramark makes many of these profits from prisons, which means Aramark is a major beneficiary of the prison industrial complex. Aramark provides food in over 600 prisons and has been under fire for years for prisoner abuse: -In Ohio, Aramark failed to provide sufficient food and understaffed their kitchens. There were allegations of relationships between inmates and Aramark workers, and maggots in the food preparation area. -The state of Michigan canceled its contract with Aramark after food which had been thrown in the trash, partially eaten by rodents or allowed to rot was served in prisons. -In New Jersey, prisoners were underfed, causing persistent hunger, and Aramark gave them food which made them sick for days. -Aramark employees have been charged with delivering marijuana and cell phones to prisoners and having sex with prisoners. Dozens of Aramark staff have been banned from Michigan state prisons because of their actions. -And this barely scratches the surface; there are hundreds of documentations of misconduct by Aramark, the majority of these cases in prisons. -These conditions have lead to demonstrations, hunger strikes and protests by prisoners in Ohio, New Mexico, Kentucky and elsewhere. In 2011, Indiana’s ACLU filed a lawsuit against the Department of Corrections because of the substandard food Aramark provided. Mass incarceration exists because it is profitable. More people in prison means more money for companies that build prisons, operate prisons, produce products used in prisons, use prison labor or provide food in prisons—like Aramark, Sodexo, and Compass Group. As long as UChicago Dining contracts with any company that serves food in prisons, we are funding the prison industrial complex. Aramark makes hundreds of millions of dollars from prisons, and their problems aren’t just in prisons: -After the Chicago Public Schools outsourced their janitorial services to Aramark, there has been a lack of custodians, which leads to dirty classrooms and a lack of basic necessities like soap and toilet paper. -Aramark has been accused of withholding wages and underpaying workers. Joseph Neubauer, who spent three decades as the CEO and Board Chairman of Aramark, is the chair of the University of Chicago Board of Trustees. He is also the chair of the University’s $4.5 billion fundraising campaign. What are the other options? Other food service providers the University is considering, including Sodexo and Compass Group, also profit from prisons. In order to stop supporting mass incarceration and start supporting its workers more, UChicago Dining should self-operate its food service. Many colleges self-operate, meaning that they run their own dining programs without an outside contractor. In 2008, Yale switched from contracting with Aramark to self-operation. The University of Chicago could and should do the same because self-operation: -Ends the University’s support for prison privatization and prisoner abuse. -Makes dining hall staff full members of the University community. -Allows for direct student input in the University’s food service. -Enables the University to more effectively respond to students’ concerns. -Equips the University to provide food service that is on par with that of its peer institutions. The University of Chicago’s contract with Aramark is ending at the end of this academic year. We are calling on the University of Chicago to: 1. Commit to transitioning to self-operation of their dining service within three years. 2. Give 40% of the new dining contract to local South Side businesses in order to minimize UChicago's complicity with the prison industrial complex during the transition to self-operation. 3. Ensure that the dining hall workers’ current contract continues to be respected during any transition. 4. Provide transparency and seriously consider student input throughout the contract renegotiation process. Join us by signing the petition! -------- Sources: http://chicagomaroon.com/2015/10/16/cathey-dining-hall-hires-new-nutritionist/ http://chicagomaroon.com/2012/11/29/breaking-cathey-dining-commons-closed-until-further-notice/ http://www.aramark.com/about-us/News/aramark-general/fourth-quarter-full-year-2014-results http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/07/15/prison-maggots-food_n_5588439.html http://www.mlive.com/lansing-news/index.ssf/2015/07/michigan_cancels_aramark_contr.html http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/food_behind_bars_isnt_fit_for_your_dog_20131222 http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/28501-five-corporations-you-ve-never-heard-of-making-millions-from-mass-incarceration http://www.privateci.org/rap_aramark.html http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/07/15/prison-maggots-food_n_5588439.html http://inthesetimes.com/prison-complex/entry/16206/private_contractor_accused_of_skimping_on_prisoner_food http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/10/08/chicago-public-schools-dirty_n_5922982.html http://www.knowmore.org/wiki/index.php?title=Aramark http://www.nytimes.com/2001/04/08/education/student-life-a-food-fight-over-private-prisons.html https://www.prisonlegalnews.org/news/2015/dec/2/aramarks-correctional-food-services-meals-maggots-and-misconduct/148 of 200 SignaturesCreated by The Fight for Just Food
Boycott County Fair Elephant CrueltyI was deeply saddened last weekend at the county fair by the sight of the two elephants that were forced to perform strange and unnatural acts for a cheering crowd. I saw sadness in their eyes and felt moved to do something about it.43 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Rena MacQueen
Tell Darden to make its food healthier, more sustainable and fairDarden Restaurants owns and operates more than 1,500 restaurants -- including Olive Garden, Longhorn Steakhouse, Bahama Breeze, Yard House, and The Capital Grille. Through these restaurants, Darden employs more than 150,000 people and serves more than 320 million meals a year, in terms of revenue. As the nation’s largest casual-dining operator, Darden has a unique opportunity and responsibility to use its considerable purchasing power to improve food industry practices and support a healthier, fairer and more sustainable food system. Sign the petition now!72 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Peter Stocker
Comcast Data Limit TrialsComcast Quote "Our data plan trials are part of our ongoing effort to create a fair, technologically-sound policy in which customers who use more data pay more, and customers who use less pay less". As reported by theverge.com "If data caps don't improve network reliability or performance, why does Comcast now see the need to charge customers more for the same data they've been using for years? Since there's such scarce competition in the US cable industry, the answer is likely quite simple: because Comcast can." "http://www.theverge.com/smart-home/2015/11/7/9687976/comcast-data-caps-are-not-about-fixing-network-congestion" Comcast attempts to enforce Data Limits or "CAPS" to customers in areas without competitive options should be stopped. Fair options are pay per mg/usage or allow the millions that under utilize the service pay for the 1% of those that overuse the service.880 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by stop comcast
Stop Big Pharmaceuticals Advertising On TVDirect To Consumer advertising has done two pernicious things. It has created a nation of hypochondriacs with depression, bipolar disorder, GERD, restless legs, insomnia, seasonal allergies and assorted pain, mood and ‘risk’ conditions; and it has reduced doctors to order takers and gate keepers. Thanks to TV drug ads, patients tell doctors what is wrong with them and what pill they need, coupon in hand.13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Donald Edward Harris