Tell the TV networks: Stop ignoring SandersTrump has received 234 total network minutes compared to just 10 network minutes for Sanders. In giving Trump so much free air time, the networks are propping up his campaign and spreading his hate and bigotry.500 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Emily Figdor
Tell The News Media: Stop Obsessing Over Donald TrumpThe news media is completely obsessed with Donald Trump. This obsession is hurting our democracy and is rewarding Trump for extremism and bigotry. ABC, NBC, CBS and all the cable news channels are guilty of this. Consider the following... 1) Network news has covered Donald Trump more than the entire Democratic field combined. Notably, ABC World News devoted 81 minutes of coverage to Donald Trump. By contrast, they have only given about 20 seconds of coverage to Bernie Sanders over the entire year. 2) So far this year, Donald Trump has accounted for 27% of all campaign coverage on the nightly news programs. 3) CNN has mentioned Donald Trump more than the rest of the Republican field combined and about 1.5x more than the Democratic field combined. 4) MSNBC has mentioned Donald Trump 56,748 times. By contrast, MSNBC has mentioned the entire Democratic field combined 34,807 times. 5) Fox News has had Donald Trump on air 1,366 minutes since the beginning of his announcement. That's nearly 2.5 times more airtime than the candidate with the next most airtime. 6) Even worse, the news media goes out of their way to give Trump special privileges. They let him call in to shows at significantly higher rates than other candidates. This matters a lot because it enables Trump's consumption of airtime by allowing him to appear on multiple shows by phone without concern for scheduling conflicts and logistics. Not to mention, the constant breaking in to cover the same old stump speech that Trump has been giving for months. And those are just a few examples that illustrate how out of control this has gotten. This hurts our democracy by crowding out coverage of other important issues and other candidates. And all it really does is reward Donald Trump's extremism and bigotry. Enough is enough. It's time for the news media to stop their obsession with Trump.818 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Angelo Carusone, Media Matters for America
Call on El Super to negotiate with employees for a fair contractEl Super managers unsuccessfully encouraged workers to decertify their union in 2014. A year after El Super workers voted to remain united as union members, they still do not have a contract from El Super. Following a federal court injunction—requiring El Super to rehire an unfairly fired union activist—the company promised to return to negotiations, but still has not done so. Members of the community have been boycotting El Super until they agree to negotiate with their employees. El Super’s practices not only hurt the company’s employees and their communities but also the industry. Please demand that El Super negotiate a fair union contract for workers.241 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Elizabeth Bunn, AFL-CIO
Demand Networks and Cable Cover Bernie SandersEvery night's news broadcast leads off with some story about Donald Trump. He gets more free air time than any other candidate of any party. News organizations have an obligation to give fair balanced reporting to all candidates.447 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Brenda Kay Brady
Support the Attorney General vs. ExxonMobile LiesLast Wednesday, ExxonMobile received a subpoena demanding financial records, emails and other internal documents. The New York Times reports that the attorney general launched the investigation alleging that as far back as 1977, the corporation was conducting research on the catastrophic effects of carbon emissions on global temperatures yet chose to repeatedly lie to investors. Through a network of outside organizations, ExxonMobile has worked for decades to create uncertainty about climate change, while knowing full well the consequences we would all have to face. This is a pivotal moment in our struggle- a chance to end the lies once and for all, and start working together for a sustainable future.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Gabriel Vallecillo
Tell These Companies: Dump Trump!Petition Targets: Kitchen Aid, Gucci, Nike, Starbucks, Dorya Furniture, Licensees of Trump's Brand (Real Estate) Donald Trump's brand is bigoted bullying. In recent months, his commentary has grown grown increasingly reckless and racist. For example: * Trump attacked Mexicans, calling them "murderers" and "rapists." * Trump endorsed and encouraged violence against Black Lives Matter as well as other anti-Trump demonstrators * Attacked female critics in the media by suggesting that they were having their period or by explicitly calling them ugly. * Said that he would seriously look into getting rid of all the Muslims in the United States. Several weeks after saying that, he put out an official policy that called for banning all Muslims from entering the United States. Trump's conduct has gotten so extreme that even mainstream and venerable news outlets have started comparing his conduct to fascism. Many of Trump's major business already cut ties with him. NBC and Macy's as well as many other companies that do business with Trump ended their relationship over the summer. It's a good start. But there's more work to do. This petition is targeting remaining Trump business associations: 1) Did you know that many of the Trump buildings are not actually owned by Trump? They're actually owned by other property companies and they pay Donald Trump to license his name and put it on the building. These companies should stop paying Trump to use his name and remove his name from their buildings. 2) Over the years, Donald Trump has bragged many times that Gucci and Nike placed their flagship stores in Trump buildings. He's very proud of these stores and these business deals. Donald Trump uses Gucci and Nike's brand recognition to legitimize his bigoted bullying. Gucci and Nike should no longer allow Trump to do this. They should reconsider their business deals with Donald Trump and begin exploring relocating their flagship stores. 3) Starbucks has coffee shops in Trump properties. Trump's brand is wildly inconsistent with Starbucks' brand. Not only that, but recently Trump actually called for a boycott of Starbucks, claiming that Starbucks was engaging in a war on Christmas. Starbucks should reconsider its business arrangements with Trump and pursue relocating those stores, 4) Kitchen Aid is the named sponsor of the PGA Senior Golf Championship. Donald Trump spent many years lobbying for a major golf tournament and was awarded the 2017 Kitchen Aid PGA Senior Golf Championship. Trump is very proud of this. Kitchen Aid should not allow Donald Trump's dangerous bigoted bullying to be rewarded. Accordingly, they should push to move the tournament to another location (as many less prestigious golf events have already done).41,502 of 45,000 SignaturesCreated by Angelo Carusone
Mr. President and Members of Congress Act Now and Pass: H.R.1002 - Mortgage Forgiveness Tax Reli...The largest civil settlement with a single entity in American history that happened August 2014 outlined mortgage forgiveness be given to those hurt by Bank of America. According to the Dept. of Justice settlement, Bank of America will be given $2.00 in credit for every $1.00 forgiven in tax relief. Passing H.R.1002 will demonstrate that the U.S. Government serves the interests of the American people and not just the interests of the banks!17 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dawn Wack
Congress: Don't Hand Wall Street an Early Holiday BonusOnce again, Wall Street hopes to attach dangerous and widely unpopular deregulation measures to a “must-pass” omnibus spending bill. Lobbyists are telling their allies they’re putting the “pedal to the metal” and going “all out” to get their way. As a part of their frenzied push, they’re also taking cheap shots at Senator Elizabeth Warren and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau with ridiculously over-the-top attack ads. The banks know the year-end spending bill is their best shot – so they’re working every angle they can. Don’t let them succeed. Tell your representatives in Washington that they need to stand up for consumers, and for the public, and not let Wall Street take the budget hostage.220 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Alexis Goldstein, Americans for Financial Reform
Fair Elections Through Small Donor MatchingThis is part of an on-going effort to get a small donor matching system in Chicago elections. Last February 80% of City voters said yes they support such a system. This would enable more ordinary citizens to run for office and promote fair elections.71 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Evelyn Miks
KFC: Stop stealing from this Iraq War vetDerrell Odom fought in Iraq and earned a Purple Heart serving our country. Now, he struggles to get by on the minimum wage pay he makes at KFC. Even worse: his bosses are stealing from him. Through illegal accounting tricks like shifting hours on paychecks to avoid paying overtime, the KFC franchise where Derrell works is keeping his wages down to bolster their bottom line. This KFC store needs to STOP stealing from Derrell now - and KFC needs to ensure that no employee ever has their wages stolen again at any store.254 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Fight for $15
Donald Trump: Suspend your Presidential CampaignMuslims are being attacked in America on a daily basis due to vitriol and hate after the Paris attacks. We cannot allow politicians or public officials to spread a hateful message without push back. We must demonstrate that only love can conquer hate; we must drown out their hateful messages with statements of love and solidarity for those targeted by racist, xenophobic violence.94 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Joseph Voss
Land owners bill of rightsPost production costs are taken out of royalties, gouging landowners.21 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Charles J Episale