• Tell Amazon, Disney, General Motors and Microsoft To Drop CRC Public Relations
    CRC Public Relations is the leading PR firm working on the Kavanaugh confirmation. Recently the firm smeared and framed an innocent man, a Maryland middle-school teacher, to defend judge Kavanaugh against the accusations of attempted rate. Amazon, Disney, General Motors and Microsoft all use CRC Public Relations and are currently listed as clients on the firms website. CRC Public Relations has grossly violated the public’s trust. Amazon, Disney, General Motors and Microsoft must cut ties with this unethical organization immediately! ------------------------- Sources https://www.politico.com/story/2018/09/21/ed-whelan-kavanaugh-tweets-pr-firm-836405 http://www.crcpublicrelations.com/Clients.aspx
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Matthew Hildreth
  • VETO SB 901- The #ThomasFire Pass the Buck Bill
    I am starting this petition to veto SB 901. Governor Brown has until September 30, 2018, to sign or veto it. Sign the petition and ask him to please veto SB 901. Nobody should be able to burn someone's home down and then make the homeowner pay for it. SB-901 allows Edison and PG&E to recover "costs and expenses" for 2017 wildfires by increasing consumer rates. It must be vetoed.
    319 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Trevor M Quirk
  • Whole Foods: Drop the Lawsuit Attacking Activist Free Speech
    Beginning in 2014, DxE activists have undertaken multiple undercover investigations of Whole Foods suppliers, exposing what they call criminal animal cruelty at farms that include Diestel Turkey Ranch, Pitman Family Farms (Mary’s Free Range Chicken) and Petaluma Farms. The investigations have led to thousands of complaints against Whole Foods on social media and protests across the country against both Whole Foods and its parent company, Amazon. Rather than have an honest conversation about the animal cruelty happening at their farms, Whole Foods has resorted to suing the activists who are exposing the truth and is even asking for a restraining order to keep these activists from asking any more questions at Whole Foods. Activists who expose the truth should be rewarded not punished. Ask Whole Foods CEO John Mackey to drop the charges and tell customers the truth!
    5,386 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Wayne
  • Asmodee: Release a Splendor expansion focused on Peach Ring the Fruit Snack Loving Ferret
    Asmodee got EVERYONE excited about Peach Ring the Fruit Snack Loving Ferret being an integral part the board game Splendor. They included Peach Ring in all of the game's pre-release promotional material and even included him on the current game box. It is an unforgivable insult to us that Peach Ring actually has no current role in the game whatsoever. We demand that Asmodee satisfies our insatiable craving for Peach Ring by releasing a Splendor expansion focused mainly on him so we finally are able to incorporate him into our games. It's what is owed to us, and we will not stop until our demands are met.
    392 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Jeffrey Kornberg
  • Tell Aramark, Sodexo and Compass Group: Stop fueling environmental destruction through your food ...
    Factory farming pollutes water and contributes to climate chaos. Pesticides poison people and are leading to the decline of bees and monarch butterflies. And yet Aramark, Sodexo, and Compass Group are lining the pockets of “Big Food” corporations like Tyson, which produce pesticide-intensive, GMO-fed, factory-farmed meat. If food service companies shifted to serving food that is good for people and the planet, it would make a huge impact. But we need your help to urge them to act!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Peter Stocker
  • Tell the Senate: Reject pesticide industry crony Scott Hutchins’ nomination!
    Hutchins’ nomination is just the latest example of Trump’s giveaways to Dow. Why is Trump so interested in helping Dow? Maybe because the company donated $1 million to his inaugural committee. Together, we can stop this dangerous nominee. The last person Trump nominated for this job was Sam Clovis -- a racist, anti-environment extremist with no background in science. And Friends of the Earth members like you played a key role in forcing him to withdraw his nomination. But we need to act now to win again.
    135 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Peter Stocker
  • Stop the T-Mobile / Sprint merger!
    T-Mobile & Sprint are pushing a $26 billion merger that would combine the third and fourth largest wireless carriers in the country. That’d mean less competition, higher prices, and fewer options for wireless customers -- particularly for low-income and other marginalized communities that rely on affordable wireless service. Simply put: if this deal goes through – we all lose. A marketplace where Verizon, AT&T and T-Mobile call the shots means fewer choices, higher prices, and a wider digital divide. Our democracy depends on all Americans having the tools they need to communicate with each other and fully participate in a 21st century society.
    163 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Common Cause Picture
  • Jeff Bezos: Show Your Farms to the Public
    Amazon is profiting off of criminal animal cruelty and refusing to be accountable or show the public its farms. Numerous DxE investigations of Amazon and Whole Foods farms have revealed animals without access to food and water, rotting, dead hens among the living, and animals so densely crowded in indoor sheds or narrowly confined in individual crates that they can barely even turn around. Yet, Amazon has refused conversation about this criminal conduct. Amazon’s CEO, Jeff Bezos, is the richest person on the planet, and Amazon just became a trillion dollar company. That power is being abused, and Amazon needs to be held accountable for their crimes. Read more about Amazon’s crimes at oneclickcruelty.com.
    518 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Wayne
  • Save White Hawk Golf Club
    The current owners of White Hawk Golf Club are seeking to change the City of Bixby Comprehensive Plan in such a way that would remove the Recreational and Open Space designation of the actual golf course and make it Residential, as well as Rezoning of the course property to allow for Residential and Commercial properties to be built. If we allow this to happen, at any time in the future anyone who owns that property will be allowed to build on the golf course property without any further public hearings or input from the public. We need to act before September 17th, The owner has stated he has no intentions of selling or building at this time, so there really is no need to change the Comp Plan, if we do not act now we will not have another chance, join us at the city council meetings Sep. 17 and 24th.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bill Navarette
  • Ban Trump from Twitter
    If Twitter can ban Alex Jones and Infowars for violating their policy against abusive behavior, it should ban Donald Trump for the same reason.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by George Bacon
  • Tell Johnson Brothers Liquor that North Dakota workers are NOT worth less!!
    Johnson Brothers Liquor believes North Dakotans are Worth Less. They are demanding hardworking families make less than other parts of the country. Stand with North Dakota Workers as they fight for what they deserve. Tell them they should be a company who treat their workers with respect! Tell them JBL employees are not second rate! JBL Employees who do the same job as other parts of the country should be able to receive the same, too. They should NOT make less for the same exact job.
    424 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Teamsters Local 120
    Amazon is one of the wealthiest corporations, and it's been attacked and criticized for its miserly employment policies. We will continue to purchase from Amazon only if the Company makes big changes to the way they compensate and care for their workers, and if they invest a portion of their profits to improve the communities where they operate by supporting child care, health care, affordable housing, and transportation.
    136 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Margherita Pagni