• Stanislaus County: Free the Baby Cows
    A Direct Action Everywhere (DxE) investigation at a California dairy farm in Stanislaus County found a mass graveyard of cows and calves piled on top of one another. Investigators also documented baby cows confined in hutches smaller than the length of their bodies for months at a time, forced to sleep each night on a hard wooden floor and live on top of their own waste. Baby calves just weeks old were recorded coughing from the toxicity of the ammonia-rich air in the overcrowded wasteland. This is animal torture and criminal animal cruelty in the state of California. Ask the Stanislaus County Police Department to free the baby cows who are confined in filthy crates barely bigger than their own bodies.
    6,720 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Wayne
  • Tell Atlanta Braves Not to Politicize Baseball
    I’m starting this petition because it is wrong for a sports team that the entire state of Georgia cares about to come out in favor of a candidate for governor, especially one as divisive and seemingly bigoted as Brian Kemp. Do the Atlanta Braves want to support an anti-immigrant candidate ? An anti-LGBTQ candidate? A candidate who does not support common sense gun laws? Send the Atlanta Braves a message: Atlanta does not support Kemp, and they shouldn’t either.
    265 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Christine Swint
  • Mark Burnett: Tell the truth
    I (the American people) want to know the truth about the President's racism, misogyny, and xenophobia. If recordings exist from out takes, rehearsal footage, or edited content regarding the President's comments, the American people deserve to know.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Kish
  • NY Attorney General: Investigate MoviePass
    MoviePass started out by reeling members in with a deal too good to be true (unlimited movies, one per day, every day). But their terms state they can change their terms any time they want--and they've done that with a vengeance. Today, they’re down to only 3 movies per week with limited times per day, a 2-week wait to see blockbusters, and members can’t see movies more than once. This is a drastic change and not what I, or many others, paid for. Many signed up for an annual plan, but they weren't grandfathered against these changes. There are also problems with their app that prevent customers from using the service. Intentional programming errors to limit use perhaps? MoviePass needs to be stopped.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephanie
  • Air Condition Vehicles for Delivery Drivers
    I am starting this petition, because I feel terrible knowing that our mail carrier looks exhausted from the heat and the UPS delivery employees are drenched in sweat. Sometimes I can see them taking a break in the indoor airs just to cool off. It's inhuman and I want to help make their jobs better.
    38 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sandra Serrano
  • Lower Prescription Drug Prices
    The Media is saturated with advertising for prescription drugs. Putting a cap on advertising budgets for pharmaceutical companies would lower the costs of health care to our states, country, and individuals.
    213 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Mary Jeanne Trujillo
  • Petaluma Police Dept: Help the Hens at Petaluma Farms
    The Petaluma Police Department has been ignoring criminal animal cruelty at Petaluma Farms for years. This certified "humane," "cage-free" egg supplier to Whole Foods has been exposed for cramming thousands of birds inside of filthy sheds where their stressful environment leads to sickness, feather loss, and even cannibalism. Direct Action Everywhere investigated Petaluma Farms in 2014 and found dead, rotting birds among the living, and recent footage shows nothing has changed. With this recent news, over 150 activists mobilized at Petaluma Farms in July to demand the police help these suffering birds, and they said they would look into the farm and take action by September 1st. Animals are starving to death right now and the longer the Petaluma Police wait to take action, the more animals will die. We need to show them the public does not support animal cruelty and urge them to take action now.
    3,735 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Cassie King
    We have being impacted by untruths. Neighbor is being pitted against neighbor. Family being torn apart due to inaccurate facts that are being mass marketed. I do not blame people for believing what they believe. People every day are being fed false information by Fox news so why are we surprised that half the population believes what they believe. The only means we have to stop this spread of false and inaccurate information is to boycott eh sponsor who enable this behavior.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Mahan
  • Regal- Honor Companion Tickets!
    Regal no longer will honor a companion ticket for individuals with intellectual disabilities because they aren’t “visible”. Many of these individuals depend on companion tickets for their aids so that they are able to get out into the community and participate just like everyone else! Without companion tickets activities are even more limited and just like you and I, individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities love movies, too! I am asking for Regal theaters to honor companion tickets with requiring proof that the companion is, in fact, a support person, whether that means a pay stub or a card issued from an agency/brokerage.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Elizabeth Lajeunesse
  • Demand Instagram Change Its Rules Against Animal Cruelty
    Too many posts depicting animal violence have been uploaded by animal abusers with no retribution. When a report is made, Instagram, time and time again, has said the post is within its regulations. It is inexplicable why images of abused and murdered animals are deemed appropriate when nudity and selfies of people with exotic animals are not.
    51 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ann
  • Barnes & Noble in NYC Should Not Provide a Platform to Sean Spicer
    New Yorkers should be outraged by Spicer's attempts to profit off his time as Press Secretary for the Trump administration. Our city, and Barnes & Noble, should not provide a platform for this individual to build his career on the damage has has caused.
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Scott Indrisek
  • Shut Down Celebrity Insider for False and Defamatory Stories
    This is about protecting individuals and organizations from libel and false defamatory stories written by people who not journalists. This is about getting rid of fake news. This site encourages online bullying. I spoke with one of the writers OFF the record and she printed and posted our conversations. I also have a tweet public tweet from Charisse Van Horn telling Bobby Wolfe, the leader of the wolf pack how sexy and talented he is. Interesting how are loyalties and views changed depending on who rejected her and who she may have a chance with...Celebrity Insider and Charisse should be ashamed.
    153 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Samantha Waranch