• Justice for Hevenly Mendonsa
    The police have been beating my sister in jail, she suffers from Schizoaffective bipolar disorder. Recently an officer kicked her so hard which resulted in a dislocated kneecap for the cop. My sister is facing charges for the cops wrongdoings in criminal court instead of mental health court. I’m asking everyone to please pray for my sister and for protection while she is in jail. My sister is a young black woman from Solano County and is being denied her rights under the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) as a black woman with mental disabilities. My sister is facing 7 years and the officers excuse for kicking her is that my sister was “moving to slow” coming from the jail elevator. Someone with a mental disability should not be handled with aggressive impatient treatment. My sisters life matters #blacklivesmatter This is Hevenly her life matters. Black women need protection now more than ever especially those who suffer from things out of their control. Her hearing is at 8:30am on October 16 in Solano County Crimal Court she is being charged unjustly from charges related to this event. If anybody out there has any referral resources or that hears this message & is willing to share in hopes of helping our family in this tragic situation please do! Even if it’s with words of encouragement. I know we aren’t the only family from Solano County that suffers from police brutality and from officers who strategically target those that are mentally disabled, black, and poor. #Blacklivesmatter 🖤🖤🖤
    348 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Dacari Mashauni
  • Pass the Peace Book ordinance now!
    At the end of September 2020 in Chicago 3,210 people have been shot and 551 have lost their lives to gun violence and we don't want to lose one more person but especially our children. Please use your voice to let city council that they need to prioritize saving lives and investing in healing. We can't wait for another 3 years before substantive change happens. The time to act is now and we have to pass the Peace Book ordinance. The Peace Book is the opposite of the Gang Book. The Peace Book is a regularly-published book (as well as a website and an app) that provides a resource directory identifying wraparound services and job opportunities with the purpose of reducing youth incarceration. The Peace Book suggests diversion programs and ways to further implement restorative justice practices inside schools, courts, and juvenile detention centers. It documents the inequality that contributes to intergenerational poverty and trauma and proposes solutions. It describes models and instructions regarding how to curate neighborhood-based peace treaties. It identifies Peace Keepers in each ward who have the experience and relationships required to conduct peace negotiation and violence interruption. And it proposes remedies to gun violence, including but not limited to free drug treatment centers, trauma centers, trauma-informed schools, mental health care clinics, standby psychiatrists or therapists, restorative justice, community centers, transformative justice, fair housing, food justice and economic justice.
    5,408 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by GoodKids MadCITY
  • Change Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples’ Day
    Columbus Day glorifies the colonization and genocide of indigenous people. Christopher Columbus is credited as the "discoverer" of the Americas even though he had mistakenly discovered them. On his expeditions to the Caribbean and South America he had enslaved the native people and even had some killed. Instead of being known for his mistreatment of the indigenous people, Columbus was given a holiday.
    2,336 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Omar Serpas
  • RKA: Give students a break from Zoom
    I am a 10th grader in RKA. I have seen that not only do my peers and I need a break from screens, but also do our teachers. Students of all ages are bound to their screens for hours at end due to the unprecedented Covid-19. Staring at screens for hours is unhealthy and can lead to screen fatigue, which many of us suffer from. In the spring last school year, we had Zoom meetings with our teachers only 2-3 times a week, and the productivity in students was the same as it is now if not better.
    66 of 100 Signatures
    Created by RIYA TRIVEDI
  • Retroactive Admission
    FAIRNESS, INCLUSION, and EQUALITY. The Supreme Court lowered the bar passage score for the California bar exam 2 months after the February 2020 bar results were made public. If the passing score on the Feb. 2020 exam had been reduced to 1390, five percent more white test takers would have passed the exam, but eight percent more Latinos, seven percent more Asians and 13 percent more Blacks would also have passed. The percentage of woman applicants have not been disclosed by the committee. Please support recent eligible applicants who have passed previous bar exams with the new cut score of 1390 to 1439 but are unable to retake the exam due to the high fees and costs associated with taking the exam, wildfires, and the numerous issues caused by the pandemic from unemployment, school closures, and the novel Corona virus. Make California attorneys more representative of the state and provide greater access to justice for low- and middle-income Californians in need of legal assistance. The State Bar of California does not want to make the exam retroactive because they will lose money. The State Bar of California will not make admissions retroactive without guidance from the Supreme Court. Please sign this petition, share with friends and family, and support our future generation of legal minds during these times of social injustice. DID YOU KNOW- The State Bar of California will receive $317,080 in test fees from the 376 repeater applicants that have to retake the online October 2020 exam to receive the same score the received in February 2020. Bar Exam fee: $677; Laptop fee: $153; Total to retake online OCT bar exam $830. Bar preparation courses range from $2,500-$10,000. Law school graduates are required to take the California bar exam after graduating from law school and passing moral character and an ethics exam if they want to practice law in the State of California. Support this petition so this new generation of legal advocates can make an impact in the legal field.
    478 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Ava Boloori
  • The University of Michigan: Decolonizing Pedagogies Initiative
    DPI must be instilled within DEI project plans to offer a sustainable approach to retaining diverse ANISHINAABEK, Native American, First Nations, Black Native, Pacific Island, Mesoamerican, South American, Caribbean Indigenous and global Indigenous students and their epistemologies. DPI at The University will give way to mass decolonization of academia throughout Turtle Island. Decolonization must BEGIN with Michigan! THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN MUST BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR THE TREATY OF FORT MEIGS ON BEHALF OF DIVERSE ANISHINAABEK AND GLOBAL INDIGENOUS ONTOLOGIES IN HIGHER EDUCATION. Times up Michigan, your Treaty obligation is overdue. We DEMAND decolonial pedagogy.
    1,103 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Samara Jackson Tobey
  • Urgent Gender Inclusive Housing Reform at ASU
    The ASU Rainbow Coalition and Barrett LGBTQ+ Club are formally reaching out to the ASU administration to request an action plan to reform gender inclusive student housing at ASU. Student leaders from individual RainCo-affiliated organizations have been in contact with USG since the Spring semester and earlier in an attempt to address these issues, but despite many assurances that housing reform is underway, no real progress has been made and it is clear to us that our concerns are being continually ignored. For transgender and queer students, housing with students of the same gender assigned at birth can put our health and safety at risk. For this reason, ASU has provided the option for students to apply for “Gender Inclusive Housing” which gives students more options. However, Gender Inclusive Housing (GIH) is not a legitimate option for students because of unacceptable issues with the application process that render it almost completely dysfunctional––issues we have brought up repeatedly with the administration but have not been taken seriously.
    603 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Gage Keranen
  • Rename Fletcher Bowron Square, LA's Mayor racist radio rants against Americans of Japanese ancestry
    Statues, buildings, airports, and parks should not honor racists, people who are the antithesis of what it means to be an American, a country of immigrants, a country on land taken from others and built by immigrants of all ethnicities. We, Angelenos should not have a park named for one who fanned the flames of war hysteria and race prejudice and failed to lead with justice and reason. I believe that this park, located adjacent to Little Tokyo, Los Angeles, in a city that has always been multicultural, should not memorialize this man. Let's rename the park!
    1,482 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Steve Nagano
  • Improve Accessibility in James Madison University's Johnston Hall
    Since Johnston Hall was built in 1929, it has been able to avoid updating the interior of the building for ADA compliance. James Madison University values diversity, stating, "We strive to be an inclusive community that values the richness of all individuals and perspectives." Addressing accessibility issues on campus will put this value into action and make the campus more inclusive. So often, we wait until disaster strikes before we make meaningful change. The university is filled with brilliant faculty and staff who can plan for and create this important change. Let's address this issue now to make campus safe and inclusive for people of all abilities.
    139 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Stephanie Chalk Picture
  • Portland Public Schools: Suspend classes during the air quality crisis
    As residents of a severely fire-affected region in Oregon, we are concerned that transitioning work to online during the pandemic crisis is enabling some incredibly irresponsible behavior from schools, agencies, and employers during this absolutely unreal forest fire crisis. The fact that some families can work from home does not make it a reasonable expectation for students and employees to work from home when the air quality is in the hazardous zone. ALL activities that are not essential for basic infrastructure and survival should have been shut down. There is no excuse for school, even online school, to be open today; it is irresponsible. We are ALL emotionally, intellectually, and physically impaired right now. PPS needs to halt classes IMMEDIATELY until air quality improves. According to NASA the ground-level carbon monoxide concentration in this region reached OVER 126,000 PPB this weekend. Other days, the CO concentration was recorded as high as 86,000 ppb. Obviously, these concentrations are not sustained for prolonged periods at ground level, but these are shockingly, horrifying above unsafe concentrations, which OSHA identifies as as above 50 ppm (50,000 ppb). We are certainly breathing sustained elevated concentrations down here on the ground, and what it means is that even those of us with robust respiratory systems that are not sensitive to the high levels of particulate matter in the air are suffering from chronic low-key oxygen deprivation. Feel like you can't think? Have no energy? Can't stay awake? That's why. Teachers need to be supported in order to support students. Their health and well-being matters, as well as that of the greater community. There can be no such thing as “getting behind”, when the neurological capacity for growth and learning are limited due to the nature of the current environment. Teaching to the ideal conditions is a fool’s measure; we must adapt to the conditions that exist. Just as you close schools for unprecedented weather systems that disrupt daily activities, it is appropriate to close schools for unprecedented environmental health threats that disrupt daily activities. Students, teachers, and staff need to focus on health, safety, and self-care during these hazardous air quality days. We cannot evacuate Portland; there is literally nowhere for Portland to go. But we are facing unprecedented and unelucidated health risks, and that PPS is expecting employees and learners to proceed as if it were business as usual is absolutely irresponsible, negligent, and untenable. Please shut it down. Sincerely, Mxm Bloc
    632 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Kalera Stratton
  • Inmate Firefighters Deserve Real Jobs in Oregon
    These fire crews work tirelessly to serve and save our state when we're at our most vulnerable. Yet, they are denied access as they re-enter into society. They put their lives on the line for us, let's give them the opportunity to start new, serve the community, and create a new life with the skills and experience they possess.
    91 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kate Woods
  • U-M Residential Advisors Striking on Basis of COVID-19 Related Demands
    The University's inaction in the face of ResStaff’s explicit concerns and action items over the last few weeks has made it clear that public health is not the priority. The University has repeatedly referred to the Wolverine Culture of Care, but has not extended this same care to us. If U of M administrators do not want to live up to the Michigan Difference, we will be the difference ourselves. Health comes first. ResStaff will not stand for anything less than policies and adequate resources that reflect this priority. As of Tuesday 9/8/2020 at 9PM, University of Michigan ResStaff have decided to strike on the basis of these demands: A. Regular access to testing for all of ResStaff (not only symptomatic individuals) B. Providing sufficient, effective PPE to ResStaff and Students C. Enforcement of social distancing and face coverings inside and outside of residence halls and dining halls D. Enforcement of currently unenforceable guest policy by non-student employees that can be seen by future employers or academic institutions E. Hiring and staffing to normal capacity for all facilities and housing teams F. More specific public and ResStaff communication and transparency G. Hazard pay for ResStaff H. A formal statement of no retaliation from Housing Administration should a ResStaff Union be formed A more detailed list with sub-items, as well as other resources, can be found on linktr.ee/umichresstaffreform. Tell University Housing to stop prioritizing its wealth, and start prioritizing the health of its students.
    2,032 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by UMich ResStaff Reform Picture