• Town Vote on continuing current hybrid as an option
    Many current hybrid students and families are happy with the structure and safety of this model. Covid has disrupted so much for these students already. Last years distance learning was unacceptable and left gaping holes in many students education. Finally settling into a process that is working and stable is a good thing. Families should have thier voices heard and the board should have to listen to the people they serve.
    32 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Wendy Morris
  • Inclusive American History
    History is fundamental to our understanding of the world around us. Through the study of history, we can discover why the world is as it presently exists: our world in its current state is a direct result of the developments and events of the past. Every action taken in the past, every idea and concept thought of and acted upon, every war and treaty, every great leader and villain has contributed to the collective sum of developments which have molded our world. History is the build-up of actions taken in the past, and as we go about our lives in the present we contribute to that accumulation. Our choices today will directly affect the future, just as the choices of the past directly affect our present. We are, right now, making the history of the future. Thus, history is an immensely important subject to study and understand. It provides the answers to why the world is like it is. An inaccurate understanding of the past, therefore, will present the incorrect answers as to why the world is like it is now. This is incredibly important: having the incorrect answer to why the world exists as it does presently means that the consequences of choices made in the past, or the reality of the development of the past, will be lost and unknown. This means that, as we move forward into the future, we will be unable to truly understand our own place in history and the nature of the changing world around us. Further, incorrect readings of the past can lend support to ideas or beliefs which don’t actually have a historical basis. Such misinformation about the past can provide people inaccurate assumptions about the world around them. It is lamentable, then, that history is so often either lost, deliberately misconstrued, misunderstood or misinterpreted, or entirely fictitious. Much of our understanding of history, and the stories presented to us, do not accurately describe actual events in the past. We therefore often cannot truly understand the nature of the world around us. Much of early recorded history is rife in inaccuracy, legend, and fable. This, of course, is a result of the nature of early human civilization: writing was uncommon and in its early stages of development, history was told through word of mouth and legend, and such a medium for the recording and telling of history easily allows for the true history to be changed, altered, and reinterpreted. Yet history has also been deliberately falsified to provide support or justification for various positions or beliefs. As with any other type of knowledge, history directly influences and shapes our perception of the world, our beliefs, and our ideas. Because of this, the telling of history can be a powerful tool to provide justification for some concepts or ideas, and rewriting history can discredit others. There are many examples of these inaccurate histories, and some of them are quite prolific and influential in the way various societies and civilizations perceived the world. These inaccurate stories of history range from legends and myths about the origins of civilizations and societies, such as the legendary founding of Rome by Romulus and Remus, sons of Mars, which gave the Romans a perception of their civilization as being divinely inspired and thus destined to greatness, to stories about great events in a countries past, such as Paul Revere’s supposed ride to warn the colonists that the British ‘were coming’ which, in reality, never happened but created patriotic fervor amongst American citizens. Further inaccurate histories can be seen across theology, as almost every system of religion claims to be the sole descendents and adherents of the one true god or gods. Not every religion can correctly claim to be the only true faith, and thus the histories that each present must somehow be falsified. As students and scholars of history, we must thus pick out what we discern to be the most reliable sources of history, and be skeptical towards all claims and stories which attempt to tell the past. History is an immensely important subject which contributes very heavily towards our understanding of the present, and as such it is vital that we understand it as correctly and completely as possible. The misconceptions and misinformation about the past which is prolific in modern times lends support to inaccurate understanding of our present world, but hopefully the diligent study of and reporting on accurate and correct accounts of the past will help us finally understand the true nature of our here and now. Cody Knipfer.
    251 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Rep. La Shawn K. Ford & Dalila Torres Picture
    As the years keep going students years at IVAS is only getting worse. Students deserve more than what we are receiving. For example, If you look at A-plus you will see the drastic changes they have made to that building. IVAS has been standing since the early 2000s yet A-plus secondary gets a new building. What about IVAS? Our classroom is so small sometimes students don't have enough desks to sit in a classroom. Our books are all torn up or they haven't been updated. Let's not forget the restrooms, girls athletics, and boys athletics is a hassle everyone is bunched up together trying to change. Students can't even pass through the hallways without getting pushed. Our funds are so low drill team and cheer team doesn't even have a closet to sort their things in. When it rains our whole B building is filled with leaks. Especially in the gym which is very dangerous. Let’s not forget the band room, it has leaks in every corner, or how in one classroom there was mold, or how a piece of the ceiling fell onto a students shoulder. Our teachers are also a very important topic to talk about. Teachers do their best to try to make the students feel so important, but when something is wrong with teachers, students reflect on what the teachers are feeling. When the administration is not giving teachers fair treatment our teachers are tired but still stay for us students. Teachers have been quitting so many times and also during the year, meaning administration will put in a sub who knows nothing about the subject making students not learn a thing. Students have yet to find a stable teacher who will stay all throughout till graduation. This reflects on students' education. We are not learning a thing if teachers are quitting and getting mistreated. Let's talk about the Covid-19 situation. During this situation is a hard time for not only for students but for teachers as well. Teachers don't have PPE which is something that should be provided to teachers and classrooms in the middle of a pandemic. Teachers don't even get lunch break because it has been taken away from them. These things reflect on us, students. Teachers are willing to go above and beyond for us but at a certain point, they get tired of this treatment and have to start thinking about themselves. This is our time to stand together. We have to use our voices to get a better environment for our education, we need to use our voice for better education, we need to use our voice so that finally they can see the mistreatment that is going on at IVAS, we need to use our voices so they can finally acknowledge IVAS and not just A-plus. We need staff who will take the time to try and figure out how to make IVAS a better school. It's sad that staff from A-plus come to IVAS and them, themselves complain and see how bad IVSS is compared to A-plus. When is our time to shine? When are we going to get teachers that stay, when are we going to get new restrooms, when are we going to get new books, or how about some more space in our school. When is it our time to finally better our education? When will they acknowledge us? The administration doesn't even know our names, they just see us as money bags. This is our time students! WE ARE IN THIS TOGETHER, WE WILL GET EVERYTHING WE NEED TOGETHER! PLEASE USE YOUR VOICE AND HELP US SIGN THIS PETITION.
    153 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Anonymous Anonymous
  • Save the Public Access Training Program
    As a community we grow together by working together and sharing our stories. Through facilitation of a space that brings together a truly diverse group of Bellingham people to regularly learn, discuss and create together, we create a stronger community and a healthy city. For the past 5 years this program has been growing and community producers have been making videos of the history, culture and events that make Bellingham unique. Due to budget cuts, including temporary cuts from COVID, the program is being eliminated. We believe this is short-sighted and the program should be allowed to continue to grow. If you believe in local programming and giving everyone a voice, please consider signing this petition.
    223 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Eero Johnson
    As families return to work as the state moves through the four phases, childcare is ESSENTIAL to ensuring the workforce is able to restart. Families with young children NEED our support! Lack of access to child care impacts first responders and front line workers - they NEED our services more than ever! Child care NEEDS an IMMEDIATE influx of equitable grant monies, distributed on a PER CHILD basis - based on licensed capacity - not an arbitrary tiered system that does not take our real expenses into consideration. Issues that appeared to be temporary, e.g. front line teachers and directors becoming ill and sites shutting down, at the onset of this public health emergency, are now causing permanent damage to the early education system. The cost of purchasing personal protection equipment (PPE) and reducing group sizes has further impacted how many children can access services. Without adequate capacity, children will not have access to care and parents will be unable to go to work. Immediate state intervention is needed to stop the COVID-19 pandemic from pushing the child care industry to economic collapse.
    152 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Greater Seattle Child Care Business Coalition
    Jaiden Locarnini Barajas 13 years old of Reno Nv was killed on September 25 while waiting for the school bus in Fallon Nv. He was ran over by a drunk driver who turned out to be a retired police officer. Trying to flee the scene the man had to be guided off the road by a witness. Jaiden and his two sisters were standing in the yard waiting for the school bus when this man made a u turn and plowed through a yard running 13 year old Jaiden over who pushed his sister out of the way, saving her life. This man was able to go home that night to his family. Why is this ok? Why wasn't something done about this? That is why we want this law. Something needs to happen.
    995 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Athena Poole
    Google for Education team is being incredibly short-sighted in some of its actions and is not taking into consideration the impact these decisions will have on the school districts and technology leaders that advocated for them world-wide. One of the primary concerns that Technology leaders had before leaping to the Google band-wagon is that Google would eventually rip out the proverbial rug and require a G-Suite Edu fee. While that has not happened yet, these most recent actions on Google's part undermine our confidence in that promise. 1. Now is not the time to change pricing on a vital tool that many educational institutions rushed purchase, and certainly not at such a drastic cost. We are in a global pandemic. Be respectful, and don't price gouge. 2. Now is not the time to invalidate the work that many educational institutions strived for in proficiency by pushing teachers to obtain Level 1 and Level 2 and have spent thousands on.
    54 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jennifer Cronk
  • Plan for Maui to have a safer reopening
    As Maui County residents, it has become clear to us that the Governor has not done a sufficient job to mitigate and plan for COVID-19. We appreciate that our Mayor and County Council have been concerned and making efforts to protect Maui and keep us safe. We feel the current plan to welcome back tourists is very dangerous to our residents, as the state is not prepared to reopen safely. The single test plan will allow too many positive cases to slip through, and we have already seen how a few cases quickly and exponentially grow beyond what can be controlled or managed with our limited medical and public health resources, including contact tracing. We understand that our economy needs to reopen, but if we do not reopen SAFELY, we will find ourselves in the position of having to shut down again just in time to miss out on the winter holiday travel season. Meanwhile, we risk having our caseload grow and overwhelm our ONLY hospital. Why should allowing mainlanders to vacation here without the hassle of a quarantine take precedence over making it safe for our keiki to have in person school, sports, and extracurricular activities. The current state plan will hurt our keiki, our kupuna, and our hospitality workers.
    196 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Cara Flores
  • Declassify The Proud Boys
    The Proud boys are in no way, shape or form a hate group! PB's are a men's club full of Proud Patriots that are often the only thing standing between us and Domestic terrorists like Antifa. The Proud Boys have been slandered by the left for political gain, even going as far as calling them White supremacists! The Chairman of the PB's is a cuban gentleman by the name of Enrique Torrio (NOT WHITE) The left needs to understand that it is not okay to slander people just for having different beliefs than they do! On every platform and even in the streets conservatives are being shunned and censored. This is the U.S we have freedom of speech & expression in this Country. We need to STOP the Over censorship of people with Right leaning beliefs and get our Boys the recognition they deserve, this is an important first step!
    34 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bobby Reilly
  • Ban Racist Symbolism from Brown County Schools & Businesses
    William T. Thompson, the designer of the Confederate flag, said, "As a people we are fighting to maintain the Heaven-ordained supremacy of the white man over the inferior or colored race" and "As a national emblem, it is significant of our higher cause, the cause of the superior race." There is so much happening in Brown County and Nashville that speaks to the deep roots of racism and ignorance in our beautiful part of the country.  Outstanding teachers have quit or are contemplating quitting the schools because their own heritage or identity is threatened by this imagery and the children and parents promoting it.  Businesses are openly selling confederate flags, sending a message to all who visit our community from the region, the country, and around the world, that hatred is openly allowed and celebrated.  Confederate flag imagery allowed on clothing in the schools and on trips outside the country to partner corporations that have their own strong Equity and Inclusion policies, making Brown County undesirable as a hiring and investment opportunity.  Skilled and passionate IU students of varying ethnicities and nationalities feel threatened coming to Brown County to tutor our children. Brown County children refer to black tutors as their "slaves".  School Board members speak openly on their social media pages about their embrace of symbols of hatred.  And this is what we know about. Imagine what goes on that we don't know about.  Please sign this petition that will be sent to all of the community leaders to BAN ALL HATE SYMBOLISM FROM NASHVILLE, IN. Brown County Human Rights Initiative
    417 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Brown County Human Rights Initiative Picture
  • Make Election Day A holiday NOW
    Making election day a national holiday is not only the right thing to do, but it is patriotic. Outside of serving in the Armed Forces, voting is highest thing a person can do to show their love for their country. Picking its future leaders is essential to our survival. With this level of importance the question becomes, why isn’t it a holiday? This needs to change immediately. People shouldn’t have to choose work or school over voting for the leaders of the free world. Make it a holiday NOW!
    64 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jerome Lewis
  • An Introduction To Three Critical Solutions
    On January 1, 2021, I will be 77 years old. For most of my early life, I had but a passing interest in politics. That dramatically changed with the murder of President John Kennedy on November 22, 1963! A few weeks later, after I saw Life Magazine’s detailed color pictures of the Zapruder film showing the President’s head and brains being blown BACKWARD after being shot in the face, and NOT being shot from behind – as declared fact by the Warren Commission Report – I began my personal search to find out who, why, and how my government was intentionally lying to all of us then, and forward to this very day. Initially, since there was no Internet for the first three decades, my search was slow and labor intensive. However, with the advent of the Internet, my searches became much more productive. I attempted to find answers relating to politicians, other governments, the CIA, the Mafia, bankers, etc., and was about to give up on finding a satisfying answer until, about a dozen years ago, I found and read an article titled, Beware The Psychopath, My Son. After reading that article, I came to the forehead slapping realization that for all of those years I was expecting to find my answers among groups of people and all the while it was the commonality of the mental composition – of specific powerful men WITHIN those groups! It was the key which almost instantly answered so many more questions than I had ever even begun to consider. It answered political questions, economic questions, legal questions, historical questions, sociological questions, racial questions, religion questions, media questions, sexism, rationalizations for wars and so much more! I have spent the last decade confirming and expanding on my “discoveries” and last year I began what has become a three webpage explanation for all to read, absorb and then hopefully help usher through Congress a very specific bill into Federal law. So now, I would sincerely appreciate any feedback, criticism, questions, support and/or – at least pass this short introduction along to someone who may find it of interest. -- Note: The above mentioned article, upon which all of my studies are based, is the first link on the first webpage listed below. That link begins with, “Research studies have shown …”. www.rushtopower.net www.rushtopower.net/action.html BONUS: www.rushtopower.net/reset.html Respectfully, Terry Sneller aka, Tarry Faster [email protected]
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Terry Sneller