• Normalize Teachers Using Pronouns In School
    If the school wants to foster a community where we feel safe and can be ourselves this is an imperative thing to do. We need to normalize this kind of stuff so students don’t feel so ostracized
    174 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Catherine Koester
  • Fire Racist Cops
    As a community of current and former Lobos, we are extremely disappointed to have been alerted that UNM has an officer who is emboldened in his behavior at a time where the nation is revisiting the systemic racism that is inherent in all police structures and cultures. We would hope by now you've been alerted that an officer who refers to himself as Eric on TikTok has displayed not only a gross misuse of taxpayer money, but created racist content. Below I will highlight all of the policy infractions this individual made, and demand he no longer represents the University of New Mexico in any capacity if, "Each of us defines all of us". Eric has built his entire online brand as being a University Cop at UNM therefore his actions cannot be explained as off-duty edgey humor. Even his username on the platform is "505collegeCop". Officer Eric's face can be clearly seen on this video: https://www.facebook.com/FFOLABQ/videos/pcb.2824755617754241/314282863356085/ Where is not wearing a mask during an international pandemic and endangering lives on University property. In this video, Eric clearly shows he is misusing University resources (UNMPD vehicle) while on duty, damaging the landscaping our campus community works so hard to uphold - staff landscapers and students during Spring Storm, and riding his UNMPD bicycle through the SUB - an action that would not be allowed if he were a student. This a complete disrespect to the student's annual fees and state taxpayers money that support the upkeep and renovation of campus buildings: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1001116097004456 And of course, the last video I'll share with you is while he is off duty but creating racist content that's already been heavily associated with the University of New Mexico: https://www.facebook.com/FFOLABQ/videos/948231055589747 How can you be a proud "College Cop" at a predominantly Hispanic Serving Institution and create content like this?
    370 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Ariel McKee
  • Change Agenda for Sept. 9 Dale School Building Meeting
    The Medfield community needs to have a voice at the Wednesday, Sept. 9 Dale Street School Building Committee (SBC) meeting (7 p.m. start time), yet the meeting notice shows no time set aside on the agenda for public input BEFORE votes are cast on the proposed site and building scenario for a 575-student school. (A public forum specifically on site selection had been previously planned, but never materialized.) Our Board of Selectmen is also scheduled to cast its own vote related to the overall "preferred solution" for the Dale Street project at its Sept. 15 meeting. A public forum is tentatively slated for AFTER that meeting on Sept. 22, so that means two town boards will not have their votes adequately informed by community input. (No public hearing is legally required prior to SBC and Selectmen casting its upcoming votes related to the Dale Street project.) We believe that before any town committee votes on such a significant decision with economic, educational, environmental and historic impacts, community members should have an adequate chance to weigh in. Now is the time to engage Medfield community members in the critically important site selection and schematic design decisions -- not after preliminary votes are cast. Our school building committee risks having the project derailed without sufficient community input early on in the process.
    39 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Christine Potts
  • Allow Aurum Academy to build on the corner of 35 and 248th
    This purchase would bring a lot of value to the community, including a variety of youth education, sports, and social clubs. It will host a gymnastics club that is much more affordable than anything else in the surrounding community as well as volleyball, ultimate frisbee, and many more to come! Outdoor playing fields will be made also available to the public to enrich the health and enjoyment of the local families. In addition, homeschool families will be able to enjoy supplementary educational classes - also at much cheaper rates than other local options. Finally, the Academy will serve as a hub for others in the community - parents, professionals, and coaches - to create their own classes and contribute to the entire neighborhood (whether as a volunteer or as a paid class). They will also have access to teaching rooms for academics and various playing fields for sports (which are otherwise very difficult to rent out in this area).
    76 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alex Gold
  • Joe Biden: Go to Portland & Kenosha -- BE THE LEADER WE NEED
    Joe Biden cannot control the narrative of a campaign against Donald Trump through words. HE MUST ACT. He should spend the remaining days of the campaign shuttling between Portland and Kenosha. Bring the parties together. GET THEM TALKING TO EACH OTHER.
    64 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Craig Boreth Picture
  • We Don't Need Conquistadores
    Growing up in the San Fernando Valley I had the honor to be surrounded by so many different types of people and it is this diversity that makes our city special. Woodland Hills, along with its neighboring cities, is on the western edge of the San Fernando Valley and is situated in the heart of Tongva, Fernandeno, and Chumash lands. Conquistadores came to these lands as part of the Spanish conquest and murdered, raped, and enslaved entire cultures of Native peoples. That is the brutal legacy of the Conquistadores. I am of Filipino ancestry, and Conquistadores also subjugated native Filipinos and their land in the name of conquest. In honor of all students and families with Native ancestry, and for all those who support a more just and equitable world for our children, please consider changing the name of our mascot from something that evokes violence and subjugation to something uplifting and powerful.
    66 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lakshmi Ricondo
  • Ensure Every Student Has a device and Internet
    It’s back to school time, and most students are returning to remote learning. But for millions of kids who don’t have a device or internet access, remote learning is virtually impossible–especially for children who are already struggling because of low family income, language access, or racial barriers. *Every* kid deserves to have a chance at remote learning, and all school districts doing remote learning must make sure each student has a tablet or laptop with internet access.
    341 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Justin Ruben
  • Police Reform
    These changes will make policing a respected and accountable profession which will afford a safer community for all. Our main goal should be keeping the peace as we have all citizens abide in the law, and if one breaks the law, they will be treated fairly and humanely. Even though a person commits or is suspected of commiting a crime we as a country must still understand they have rights and deserve to be treated fairly under the laws of the United States of America. Finally, law enforcement is not the final justice our court system has that role. This investment by State and local governments in basic rights will forge a new future for our nation. Please make law enforcement reform a higher priority by continuing to invest in new programs and make the changes listed above. Thank you for your signature!
    132 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Mandisa Jones
  • Reconsider your decision on extending the Summer Food Service Program
    I run a childcare facility that is providing childcare on days that children are not in school. Our families have not prepared for childcare costs during the school year. It is important that we provide an affordable program and keep costs down wherever possible. Tens of thousands of children living in food-insecure households are entering a school year that right now is not prepared to provide them with meals throughout the week. If our youth are not fed they will not be able to make the most of the school year and more children will fall behind in school. The impact of this will stick with the current generation of school-age children for the rest of their lives. Many families simply do not have the resources to provide breakfast and lunch for their children even in normal times. The USDA has allowed schools to provide this service since 1975 and it is more important today than ever before. Please take this opportunity to show your commitment to the betterment of our great state's education system and the youth that it serves. Thank you!
    157 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Kevin Mateer
  • A Choice and a Voice for Monongalia County Back-to-School
    There is much confusion among parents and teachers regarding Mon County’s re-entry plan for the 2020-2021 school year. The official release posted on 8/14 states that remote is no longer an option. But in emails sent 8/15, the board president states that remote is still an option, and The Dominion Post indicates that remote learning is one of the three plans sent to the governor on 8/14. How can both be true? The new plan (every-other-day instruction, with no remote option) was not an option on the Mon County parent survey but appears now to be the only plan available for families who want their students to be taught by local teachers. Additionally, the burden is placed on teachers, even those with families themselves, to bear the brunt of both remote and in-person classes. As a result, many families (including those of teachers) are reeling, contemplating leaving jobs and jeopardizing their livelihoods in order to provide the assistance their children will need in any of the remaining options, including every-other-day instruction, virtual, or homeschooling.
    472 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Mon Cty Parents
  • Elon-Help Save our Democracy: Make DeJoy Resign
    Our democracy is hanging by a thread, Louis DeJoy, the 75th Postmaster General of the United States is a member of the Board of Trustees at Elon University. It is clear that he is involved in dismantling the U.S. Post Office and interfering with the political process and the United States Constitution. He, and Elon, need to be held accountable.
    306 of 400 Signatures
    Created by M Gellin
  • MoveOn: Support overseas military APO addresses
    The most essential reason this is important is that it sends a signal from MoveOn to the U.S. military community that we are not worth including in their movement or campaigns. This in turn seems to reinforce the notion that the military is a monolith of conservatism, which is not borne out in the data, particularly amongst the younger, diverse, enlisted ranks (see: https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/how-soldiers-really-vote/). Further, there are a large contingent of civilians, including teachers and other education professionals, living and working on military installations who exclusively rely on their APO address and are therefore prohibited from participating and receiving similar treatment as living in the U.S. and teaching at public schools. These teachers physically reside overseas, but retain a U.S. domestic mailing address through their APOs and teach at U.S. public schools. Then there is the matter of the USPS itself. Recently, MoveOn pushed a campaign, including a petition, to save the USPS from its current difficulties and threats by the POTUS to defund and disband the service. Those associated with overseas military installations rely exclusively on the USPS for their mail and packages, making it all the more ironic for those of us who supported that campaign whilst MoveOn continues to not support us through inclusion. MoveOn could do more for the USPS by including APOs than they might imagine. Don't exclude military and military associated personnel oversees from participating in MoveOn. The matter of adding APO addresses to the drop down menu and including our domestically-treated mailing addresses to the campaigns would be an easy, minor fix comparative to the gains of including those of us otherwise supportive of MoveOn.
    52 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shane Horn