• Education
    funding of public school- Charter school are going to eliminate the public school system that has made this State and Country. It benefits only its non profit owners,reduces teacher salaries that are less qualified then the public school, it filters out the bad and difficuit students, the same way the church school do. Education need three things, first more funding by the State which can only be done by taxing and elimination of the charter school, co-operation with industry,weeding out those hispanics who are not citizens and who the charter school don't take and and require spanish teacher,and more discipine. want to learn and more discipline
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gene Schaefer
  • College Students need a break in fuel prices.
    Every college student has a budget to succeeding in their educational goals but when the cost of fuel keeps climbing that takes a big bite out of the monies alloted to use and puts a slow down on our abilities to afford our education. The government subsidies fuel for those that truck our commodities across the nation. Why can't the government subsidise college students fuel cost with the same card that the truckers get while they are attending their semester studies. I spend $600.00 in fuel cost each semester which wouldour fuel be subsidised only while attending, spring, summer a pay for one semester class and now that I can't afford that class I am one step behind in my graduation schedule. I ask that nd fall classes and not for trips to the beach or errands, only education! You did it for the truckers so they would not band for a boycott on fuel. What if all collage students said to heck with their education and boycotted fuel cost, what would happen. I would say a lot of public and private colleges would close and the U.S. educational system for the future would also have to take a hit on hiring anyone with a timely degree. Boom there is another hit on the economy!! Help us students while we are striving to make our great country higher in the ranks of education! Give us a break on our fule costs!!
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Linda S. Rex
  • Save Tanya Mcdowell from doing Jail time.
    Tanya Mcdowell is convicted of "Stealing Eduation" she is a homeless mother who just wanted a better education for her son. She has been sentenced to a 12 year suspended sentence after 5yrs served, and has to pay restitution. Sending an American to jail for trying to get her son a better education is an outrage! Tell Gov. Malloy, to stand up for childrens right to get the best education, and keep Tanya Mcdowell out of jail.
    71 of 100 Signatures
    Created by HOLLEY OHAR
  • Stop Florida's Enormous Tuition Hikes
    Tuition at UF, FSU and three other universities has climbed 60 percent over the past four years. Its time we Told the Governor and State Legislature to suspend past and present Tuition Hikes for the next 10 years and to only have a 3% tuition Hike annually after 10 year suspension. Contact the Governor Rick Scott and your state legislature and tell them know to suspend all tuition hikes from last year and this year....Let them know how you feel.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Terri Rogers
  • HOPE
    College students in Georgiau have to have a 3.0 and the grade point average keeps going up.I feel as if that it is to high. Its not fair that the future is not recieveing all the help they should. Georgia students, have jobs and are staying in school. At least we can bring the grade point average down to a 2.8. These children or young adults are doing the right thing by going to school. Let us do the right thing and help them. BRING DOWN THE GPA FOR HOPE!
    28 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bre'Anna
  • Higher Education is OUR FUTURE and FLORIDA's FUTURE
    Florida State University has had over 100 million dollars cut in the past four years from its recurring budget. Now, the Florida Legislature plans to cut at least another $250 million from higher education, and FSU faces at least a $10 million dollar cut or being stripped of reserve funds. Students are paying more for less. Support this petition if you don't want to see continued tuition increases or decreased academic services.
    359 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Avi Assidon
  • Help Jada Williams Get Her Grades from Rochester NY Public School #3, to prove she was mistreated!
    Jada Williams, a 13-year old city of Rochester student. Miss Williams wrote an essay on her impressions of Frederick Douglass’ first autobiography the Narrative of the Life. This was part of an essay contest, but her essay was never entered. It offended her teachers so much that, after harassment from teachers and school administrators at School #3, Miss Williams was forced to leave the school. http://blacklikemoi.com/2012/02/black-history/13-yr-old-allegedly-persecuted-by-teachers-for-radical-essay-on-frederick-douglass/
    107 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Philip Robinson
  • Defeat SB 6442! Save school employee health care
    SB 6442 eliminates K-12 school employees’ current health care system and forces everyone into a costly new plan run by the state health care bureaucracy. SB 6442 will cost Washington taxpayers $45 million in new costs! SB 6442 will increase school employee insurance costs and reduce employee health care benefits! SB 6442 hurts everyone, including education support professionals. SB 6442 eliminates employer health care coverage for K-12 employees who work less than half time!
    88 of 100 Signatures
    Created by LeAnn Koepke
  • Defeat SB 6442! Save school employee health care!
    SB 6442 eliminates K-12 school employees’ current health care system and forces everyone into a costly new plan run by the state health care bureaucracy. SB 6442 will cost Washington taxpayers $45 million in new costs! SB 6442 will increase school employee insurance costs and reduce employee health care benefits! SB 6442 hurts everyone, including education support professionals. SB 6442 eliminates employer health care coverage for K-12 employees who work less than half time!
    62 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tammie Carr
  • Spirituality 101-- Classes
    My petition would start classes from high school, to college. A single class would enable the student to obeserve themselves, in the mirror. Too many times, have I seen a sucessful-educated person, who has no idea; what life is really about. So I propose we introduce classes in school systems. Having children talk about: character issues, pride, fear, ego etc. Teach our children that: big cars, golf memberships and fancy ties; will not find you complete happiness. Imagaine the effects on the ecomonoy, in the long-run. Divorces woud go down; crime-rate decreased; TAXES would go down; so much more. So I move to have a form of classes introduced to our systems, to better improve our children's tomorrow.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Johann Schart
  • Mayor Emanuel: Put Students on a Path to College, Not Prison!
    Mayor Rahm Emanuel believes in public education for the few, not the many. He has called the rapidly expanding Noble Street Charter Network the “secret sauce” to public education in Chicago. But what’s in that “secret sauce”? $386,745. That’s how much the charter school has made from $5 fines and $280 “behavior classes” imposed on low-income students for behavior like leaning back in your chair, chewing gum, forgetting your belt, and not following the teacher with your eyes at all times. If you can’t pay, your options are limited—be held back a year, or leave the school entirely. Forty percent of all Noble students drop out or transfer before their senior year. It’s a scenario that’s far too common across Chicago, where Mayor Emanuel is aggressively expanding the use of extreme discipline policies at all schools. The rising use of fines, arrests, and multi-week suspensions for infractions that could better be--and once were--handled by a trip to the principal's office means that more and more students are leaving Chicago schools with a record, not a diploma. Black and Latino students, who are over three times more likely to be arrested for minor offenses than white students, are hurt the most by these policies. Our tax dollars should be used to put all our students on a path to college, not a path to prison. Instead of defending Noble, Mayor Emanuel needs to end extreme disciplinary practices at all publicly-funded schools. Tell him that we need a common-sense discipline code that works for all Chicago families.
    365 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Voices of Youth in Chicago Education
  • Your student debt could go up $11,000. Tell Congress: don’t double student interest rates!
    Therefore, we, the undersigned, strongly encourage Congress and the President to pass legislation to stop student loan interest rates from doubling this summer. Now is the time for real leadership to reduce student loan debt.
    2,515 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Matt Lawrence