• We Welcome TEA
    The corruption and conflicts of interest in our education system cannot go unchecked any longer. Our children's futures are on the line, and it's up to all of us to take action and demand change. We must hold our leaders accountable and support the state-appointed board of managers to fix the systemic problems at La Joya ISD. Together, we can make a difference and create a brighter future for our community. It's time to stand up for our children and demand that the La Joya Independent School District accepts the recommendation to replace the current school board with a state-appointed board of managers. Join us in supporting the TEA's efforts to fix the issues at La Joya ISD. Show your support by signing and sharing this petition to let the TEA know that they are welcome and needed in our community. We cannot allow a handful of individuals with their own interests at heart to hold our children's futures hostage any longer. It's time to put an end to this nightmare and start rebuilding our community in the right direction. Together, we can make a real difference and give our children the education they deserve.
    272 of 300 Signatures
    Created by LJISD Community
  • Stop gender-based discrimination against student-athletes
    We must urge the Department to strengthen its Title IX rule so that transgender, nonbinary, and intersex (people born with natural variations in sex-linked characteristics) youth can access the full benefits of an education, including by playing school sports as they are. Defending this right is crucial for these students’ well-being and ability to learn without discrimination. Transgender, nonbinary, and intersex students have been playing sports with their peers for many years and with zero problems! In fact, barring trans women and girls from playing with other women and girls harms all women and girls because it can allow anyone to accuse any student athlete of not “really” being a woman or a girl. Many times, this leads to “sex testing,” which includes horrific and invasive practices like genital inspections or hormonal tests for students to “prove” their gender. The Department should explicitly state that requiring sex testing of student athletes violates Title IX because such testing causes significant harm to affected students and is never necessary to advance an important educational objective. Sex testing invades students' privacy, is often enforced arbitrarily based on prejudice, and sends deeply stigmatizing and damaging messages to all youth that are completely inconsistent with a supportive educational environment. Discriminating against and demonizing some students because of who they are or how they look directly violates Title IX. Add your name as part of the public comment period (“Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex in Athletics Education Programs or Activities Receiving Federal Financial Assistance,” 88 Fed. Reg. 22860, Docket ID ED-2022-OCR-0143). Urge the Department to finalize and strengthen the Department’s Title IX rule to provide strong, clear protections for transgender, nonbinary, and intersex students to participate fully in sports consistent with their gender identity.
    505 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Marybeth Onyeukwu
  • Tell NYU to Cut Ties to Fox host Maria Bartiromo
    Trump’s first interview after losing the 2020 election was with NYU Trustee and Fox host Maria Bartiromo. Before the interview even took place Bartiromo ran the questions by The White House. During it, she set Trump up to spread conspiracies by noting, “you’ve said many times that this election was rigged, that there was much fraud. And the facts are on your side. Let’s start there.” She also told millions of people, “This is disgusting! And we cannot allow America’s election to be corrupted,” during her interview. Maria Bartiromo was a key pipeline for Steve Bannon and Rudy Giuliani to spread conspiracy theories against Democrats and voting integrity. She also helped disgraced propagandist Sidney Powell spread the false idea that there were “voting irregularities.” Bartiromo was going to be called as a witness in the defamation case Dominion voting systems brought against Fox News before it was settled for $787 million. Furthermore, Bartiromo’s actions were so unethical that she is named as a defendant in voting election technology company Smartmatic's $2.7 billion defamation case against Fox News because she was part of a “conspiracy to spread disinformation.” An appellate court declined to toss out the Smartmatic lawsuit, writing that Smartmatic “alleges in detailed fashion that in their coverage and commentary, Fox News, Dobbs, and Bartiromo effectively endorsed and participated in the statements with reckless disregard for, or serious doubts about, whether the assertions or implications that plaintiffs had participated in election fraud had any basis in truth or were supported by any reliable evidence.” This should be simple for NYU. Bartiromo’s abuse of her power goes against the NYU Code of Ethical Conduct so the university should cut ties with Bartiromo. The Board of Trustees is expected to provide reliable guidance to the university, and as a documented liar on an issue as important as the federal elections, Maria Bartiromo has no business being associated with NYU.
    20,886 of 25,000 Signatures
    Created by Rachel Ackoff
  • Safety and Equity in Kingston Schools
    Studies have shown that the presence of armed guards actually increases the death rate in active shooter situations. In 197 instances of gun violence at U.S. schools since 1999, SROs intervened successfully in only three instances. Sadly, most Black and brown students report that they feel significantly less safe when SROs are present in schools. "SROs intensify the use of suspensions, expulsions, police referrals, and arrests of students … effects (which) are consistently over two times larger for Black students than White students". Instead of helping students feel safe, SROs reinforce oppressive systems of racism and inequity. The Memorandum Of Understanding between the KCSD and The Police Department says: “Under state law, the SRO shall not serve as a school disciplinarian, as an enforcer of school regulations, or in place of school-based mental health providers, and the SRO shall not use police powers to address traditional school discipline issues.” Despite the contract, the SROs in the schools are routinely involved in disciplining the children - criminalizing them at a young age. This is in direct violation of The Kingston School District Code of Conduct (Policy #5300) which mandates restorative practices toward Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports. Restorative Justice, which the district claims to promote, is the journey toward well-being and wholeness that victims, offenders, and community members can experience. Restorative Justice practices have been proven to reduce recidivism by nearly half and increase victim satisfaction significantly when compared to more fear-based, punitive disciplinary procedures. References: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2776515 https://www.c4rj.org/what-is-restorative-justice/success-data https://www.edworkingpapers.com/sites/default/files/ai21-476.pdf https://education.uconn.edu/2020/10/27/the-prevalence-and-the-price-of-police-in-schools/#
    145 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Rise Up Kingston
  • 100 000 votes to enable speech output for Belarusian language in Google Translate app
    Наша мова - наш голас: зробім так, каб беларускую мову пачулі! Пішу, каб звярнуць увагу на праблему беларускай мовы, на якой сёння не размаўляе большасць беларускага насельніцтва ў паўсядзённым жыцці, а ЮНЭСКА аднесла яе да спісу "Уразлівых" (альбо тых, што знаходзяцца пад пагрозай) некалькі гадоў таму. Нягледзячы на ​​сваю гістарычную і культурную значнасць, мова сутыкалася і сутыкаецца з праблемамі з-за дамінавання рускай мовы ў рэгіёне. Беларуская мова адыгрывала важную ролю ў Вялікім Княстве Літоўскім, якое было адной з найбуйнейшых і магутных дзяржаў Еўропы сярэднявечча і ранняга Новага часу. На сваім росквіце Вялікае Княства Літоўскае ахоплівала вялікую тэрыторыю, якая ўключала частку сучасных Літвы, Беларусі, Украіны, Латвіі, Эстоніі і Расіі. Адным з найважнейшых юрыдычных дакументаў Вялікага Княства Літоўскага, напісаных на старабеларускай мове, быў Трэці Статут, які ўяўляў сабой прававы кодэкс, які дзейнічаў у Вялікім Княстве з сярэдзіны XVI да канца XVIII стагоддзя і ахопліваў шырокі спектр прававых пытанняў і садзейнічаў стварэнню прававой базы Вялікага Княства Літоўскага. Ці можаце вы паверыць, што зараз мова знаходзіцца пад пагрозай знікнення? Але гэта сапраўды так. Сёння як ніколі важна падтрымліваць і даць магчымасць беларускаму народу размаўляць на роднай мове: Я лічу, што развіццё мовы неабходна для захавання мовы для будучых пакаленняў, калі мы не здолеем яе захаваць сёння - мы не здолеем выратаваць Нацыю заўтра. Апошнім часам назіраецца гістарычны ўсплёск жадання беларусаў размаўляць на роднай мове і глыбей вывучаць яе. І я бачу магчымасць падтрымаць беларусаў у гэтым пачынанні. Як носьбіт мовы, каторая знаходзіцца пад пагрозай знікнення, прашу падтрымаць мяне ў прасоўванні гэтага допісу, каб яго ўбачыла як мага больш людзей. Our language - our voice: let's make the Belarusian language heard! Belarusian language is currently not spoken in the day-to-day life of the majority of the Belarusian population, and the spoken language has been assigned to 'Vulnerable' by UNESCO a few years ago. Despite its historical and cultural significance, the language has faced and is still facing challenges due to the dominance of Russian in the region. The Belarusian language played an important role in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, which was one of the largest and most powerful states in Europe during the medieval and early modern period. At its height, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania encompassed a large territory that included parts of modern-day Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Poland, Latvia, Estonia, and Russia. One of the most important legal documents in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania written in Old Belarusian was the Third Statute of Lithuania, which was a legal code that governed the Grand Duchy from the mid-16th to the late 18th century, that covered a wide range of legal issues and helped to establish the legal framework of the Grand Duchy. Can you believe that now the language is at risk of extinction? Yes, it is. Nowadays, it's as important as ever to support & empower the Belarusian Nation to speak our Native language: I believe, the development of the language is essential for preserving the language for future generations, if we fail to save it today - we will fail to save the Nation tomorrow. Recently, we can observe a historical spike in the willingness of Belarusians to speak Native and learn our native language deeper. And I see the opportunity how to support the Belarusians in this endeavor. As a speaker of the endangered language, I want to ask you to support me in promoting this post, so that as many people as possible could see it.
    5,229 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Krystsina Yarotskaya
  • Remove Larry Fink CEO of BlackRock from NYU board of Trustees
    NYU has not divested from fossil fuels… the reason: a ceo from one of the largest fossil fuel investors sits on the board. NYU says they will divest by 2040, we know that is too little too late. We also know this cannot happen with Laurence fink, CEO of Black Rock, one of the biggest fossil fuel investors in the world, sitting on the board of trustees.
    169 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Climate Care Collective
  • Tell Congress: Protect Our Kids’ Freedom
    You can send a message to your Representative today! Do you know if your Representative supports trans rights? They need to hear from you no matter what: https://go.peoplepower.org/letter/sports-ban/
    40,623 of 45,000 Signatures
    Created by Destinee Dickson
  • Stop the willow project
    It's going to destroy the article. It's going to destroy the world, our world. It's going to destroy future generations, It's going to destroy everything we need more people to sign it we are going to die we need to take action the isn't much time left please just listen to me, Listen to us all. Please I beg, Spread awareness, Do everything you can please I don't want to die I'm just a kid I don't want to lose everything my home, Please help.
    4,687 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Lidia Mendoza
  • Stop Florida's high school menstrual period reporting rule
    The Florida High School Athletic Association (FHSAA) is about to vote on an outrageous proposal to require all female high school athletes to report detailed information about their menstrual periods to their school administrators in order to play. Florida is home to an abortion ban and a law against transgender athletes playing on public school teams. Forcing girls to share detailed menstrual information puts them in danger, full stop. Four members of the FHSAA are appointed by Governor Ron DeSantis and his education commissioner, and just two of 16 members are women. We're calling on them to reject the mandatory period reporting rule for high school athletes.
    208 of 300 Signatures
    Created by UltraViolet Shaunna Thomas
  • Help students with Autism receive the services they need
    Children are being denied medically necessary services in school settings. Children with Autism also face numerous challenges and ABA therapy in school often times are denied. The fact remains that children with Autism who need ABA therapy often times go without therapy or have to complete reduced hours due to conflicts with school. ABA therapy in school can help to remove behavioral health barriers, increase social and emotional relationships and can lead to life long educational and social relationships and can also lead to reduced medical costs. Please help us to tell school board members in Colorado that these services are vital and the policies crafted should reflect the needs of our student population.
    153 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jeremy White
  • 180 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Cynthia Dodzik
  • AARP: Support the Repeal of the GPO & WEP
    As a lobbying group working at the local, state, and federal levels on issues affecting aging Americans, retired Americans need AARP’s political influence to assist in repealing the GPO and WEP.
    11,211 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Pam Alexandroff