Purge the Plastic!When we complain about the pollution of our Global environment by the fossil-fuel-burning manufacturers, are we willing to examine our contribution to this when we purchase what they produce?!2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ivana Grace
Stop the Smell in Middlesex!Are you tired of the "Smells' in Middlesex? If you can't open your windows, or cant enjoy a beautiful day outside without being assaulted by harmful odors, lets join together to FIGHT these Air Polluters in Middlesex!60 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Anthony T..
Stop dunkin donuts from using styrofoamForcing big business to use compostable materials in their disposable coffee cups3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Laura M.
food fraudOur food is killing us and those that govern our food are being paid big money to let corporations mislead the consumers. The product labeling is misleading and false! The fish is being swpapped out for less expensive fish full of toxins. The fruit and vegetables are being laced with poisons. Our meat is full of chemicals to make the animals fat faster. We go into the market and spend our hard earned money on food that is killing us.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Juliette Leeseman
Stop Puppy MillsDogs are mistreated unsocialized and keep in cages indefinately to breed. It is very inhumane and is overlooked in the state of Wisconsin.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by wendy schmitt
Remove Fluoride From Our WaterFluoride is a toxic drug that is put into our public water supplies. Studies have linked it to fluorosis, bone cancer, development, Alzheimer's, Dementia, and a lower IQ. It's also an environmental pollutant.54 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Rhea Christenson
Label GMO foodThere isn't enough research to show that GMO crops are safe. We should be able to chose for ourselves if we are willing to risk our health and our families health by eating food containing GMO crops. Please pass a bill that requires all foods with GMO to be labled as such. 16154-new-gmo-labeling-bill-will-be-the-ultimate-test-between-the-will-of-the-people-versus-the-greed-and-power-of-the-biotech-industry2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Shelley Mansker
Mandate covered loads on all vehiclesToo many times I see debris (or hear of it on the radio) on the freeways of California and many times accidents are the result. As I understand it, the current California law only holds a driver responsible for items dropped from their vehicle if the items cause an accident and this can be proven. It would be so much more sensible to have a law mandating all loads be secured or covered to prevent such incidents from happening.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Alan Dalziel
Stop over fishing on the planet, before they are all gone.We are loosing our sustainability. We always thought the ocean could survive us but it can't. We need WORLD wide limits and protected marine sanctuaries. We need to ENFORCE these limits. We have to stand up now as a planet and change our future, for our children and their children.290 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Dhyana Walker
Stop Smart Meters And FLouride In WaterThe health effects are very disturbing increases cancer at a alarming rate. Headaches,Nausea6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Greg Baker
moratorium on fracking in CAFracking is a dangerous and deadly practice! A moratorium should be in place so the citizens of CA have an opportunity to examine the process and know how it would affect the soil and water in our region.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by H. Sandy
Ban fracking now!Hydraulic fracturing (fracking) is an environmentally destructive practice which is polluting water resources and impacting communities with toxic waste spills, polluted air and water, and earthquakes. Fracking also uses a lot of water, severely impacting agriculture and urban water supplies. This is also enabling the release into the atmosphere of carbon that was sequestered in the Earth millions of years ago.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dennis Hinze