• Support Water Supply Research
    Clean and safe drinking water is only a dream for literally millions of people around the world. Even industrialized nations face serious water supply issues today, issues which affect agriculture and industry. Rural and urban people are all affected. It looks like it will be worse in the years ahead. We need to make more political and financial support for exploration of clean water solutions a priority.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Doug Helbling
  • save us from high gas prices
    oil companies are closeing many refinerys - claiming lack of profitability !! I don't buy this dribble !!! this is based on pure greed !! oil production is higher than it's been in over 8 years. We need these refineries to stay open - and lower our price at the pump !!!!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by henry brodersen
  • Counties must stop killing bees with pesticides and herbicides.
    Einstein said humanity would die-off in eight years after the bees die-off. Bees are dying-off now from "colony collapse disorder," caused in large part by commercial pesticides and herbicides. Counties across America can ban the use of pesticides and herbicides on county-owned property, to protect bees and to spotlight this problem in the media. Counties can get it started!
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cheryl Richard
  • why Ethenal in our gas
    Ethenal in our gasoline hasn't lower the price of gas. what it does do-( 1.) It harms our gasoline engines shortens thier life. (2.)your gas mileage per gallon gas has decreased a lot . mine used to be 28/30 miles a gallon now it is 22.( 3.)makes the customer, you and I buy additives to add to our gasoline to help our engines and performance of them.( 4.) takes our farmed raised crops of corn and others to make ethenal, to add to the gas. Does this make shortages of crops to raise thier prices? Who makes the profits from adding ethenal to gasoline-certainly not the customers. Oh I know engine repair shops,any corporation that sells any kind of engine,government (price of gas and it's taxes on it) the costs of our food. The farmers sell thier crops to make ethenal,making shortages of grains for thier animals and the manufactures of our food supples that use grains, thus raising the prices of food. I am told by the techs that work on my autos that the shelf life of gasoline with ethenal in it is about 6 months, after that it makes engines run worst if at all. Isn't it past time to tell everyone NO MORE ETHENOL IN OUR GASOLINE. The government takes the stand that ethenol lowers the price of gas. How can that be true, when it costs more in the long run to make, lowers a engine performance. Less miles per gallon sure doesn't help anyone, environment,I think not. Please stop NOW.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Donald E. Morton Jr.
  • Legalize Hemp
    Petition to legalize hemp. Can anyone name one other, totally harmless product, that is illegal? Hemp grows faster than and can replace corn, is a great food source (a complet protein), and can be used for paper, clothing, oil, building materials, etc. Hemp can reduce greenhouse emmissions. It is totally harmless - one cannot get 'high' from hemp. If DEA agents cannot distinguis hemp from marijuana, the issue lies with the agents. Again, and this is a challenge, can anyone name another totally harmless product that is illegal? Our Declaration of Independence was written on hemp paper. Ironic?
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dan Jarvis
    HB2199 allows companies to do audits and keep the information in it, including violations of law, secret. The information in the audit cannot be used to prosecute them for violations of law either. Please call the governor and ask her to veto it. Every now and then she pays attention to the number of calls that come in 1-(800) 253-0883. Prevent the governor and the state from protecting polluters. Ask the governor to VETO this bill, which does not serve our state in a positive manner!
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Philip Reina
  • Don't let Monsanto Bully Vermont
    There's a bill before the Vermont legislature (The Vermont Right to Know Genetically Engineered Food Act, H. 722), that would require foods with genetically modified ingredients to be labeled as containing GMOs, and would bar GMO foods from bearing an “all-natural” label. Monsanto has threatened to sue the entire state if the bill is passed! Help expose Monsanto as the bully it is: tell Monsanto to back off!
    264 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Stephanie Greene
  • Recycle Bins at Gas Stations
    Next to each pump at any given station is a trash can. However there is no place to toss your recyclables like empty bottles and cans. By adding a recycling container next to the existing trash bin, or replacing them with dual trash/recycling bins, the amount of waste going to landfills with be reduced. This is a relatively cheap way to help the burden placed on the environment.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Natalie Corn
  • Cancel your Shell Oil credit card to stop drilling the Arctic
    Our pristine Arctic is about to be attacked by Shell Oil. The fragile Beaufort Sea, a critical habitat for whales and polar bears, has never been drilled for oil. This summer, unless we speak up, Shell Oil is preparing to do just that. Right now their drilling rig is getting towed up the Pacific Coast to the Arctic. Let's show Shell we are serious. Vow to cut up your Shell Oil credit card if it does not cease its destructive plan to drill in the Arctic.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Deborah V. Rawson
  • Mandatory Recycling
    Restaurants, bars, clubs, convenience and grocery stores have no mandatory recycling rule in place and no incentive to start. I want to call on everyone who knows and cares about this huge and very important issue to help make it mandatory for any establishment that sells glass bottles or plastic bottles to recycle them. If there is any interest in something like this, then incentives can be created for these places of business to participate and fines can be established and issued to those who do not comply. If a business is allowed to sell glass or plastic bottles, they MUST recycle both. Beach bars and restaurants are especially guilty of filling their dumpsters with glass and plastic bottles. Convenience and grocery stores are guilty of supplying the very bottles that litter our streets and fill our dumpsters. This practice must end now and reasonable incentives need to be put in place to make compliance something that is not resented by targeted business establishments.
    199 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Prentice Outlaw
  • toxic waste dump on salmon stream
    Only 1% of world's water is drinkable. Population is booming. Riverbank is a bad place to dump unevaluated toxics. Salmon will absorb 9 million times water concentration in their flesh. 18,000 gallon per hour well will be compromisd. Private homes with kids downsteam have riverbank wells.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Charles Mac Arthur
  • No Smoking On Playgrounds
    I'm sick & tired of taking my son to the park & having to constantly dodge him away from people who insist on smoking while their kids play. I understand that it's an outdoor space, but their smoke travels into the faces of the children & it can cause issues with children with respiratorty problems as well as the multitude of other heath issues caused by smoking.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ashley Zanoni