• Rename the road in front of the Saudi Embassy to Khashoggi Way
    On October 2, 2018, Jamal Khashoggi, a Washington Post journalist and resident of the Washington DC Metropolitan Area, was murdered in the Consulate of Saudi Arabia in Istanbul, Turkey by agents of the Saudi government. The CIA has concluded that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ordered this assassination. Soon thereafter, activists in DC launched a petition to rename the Northbound portion of New Hampshire Avenue, adjacent to the Saudi Embassy after Mr. Khashoggi. Almost 10,000 people signed a petiton demanding it. However, that effort did not succeed because DC law prohibits naming any public space after a person unless they are deceased for at least two years. October 2, 2020, marked two years since the horrific murder of Jamal Khashoggi. It is now time to rename the street. Please sign this petition to DC Council and Mayor Muriel Bowser asking them to do so immediately.
    305 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Kareem El-Hosseiny
  • Support Joaquín Castro for Chair of the House Foreign Relations Committee
    With a new president and a new Congress being sworn in just a few weeks, the U.S. has an opportunity to forge a new path when it comes to foreign policy as we begin moving beyond the damage done by Donald Trump. That's why it's crucial for Rep. Joaquín Castro to be elected Chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee by his colleagues this month. As Chair, Rep. Castro will boldly advance a new vision for our nation's role in the world, centered around human rights and human dignity, justice, accountability, cooperation, and diplomacy. Members of Congress will be voting later this month on the new committee chairs, and it's important that you make your voice heard now.
    47 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Demand Progress
  • Biden / Harris: Reject Mitch McConnell’s Handcuffs
    President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris have won the 2020 presidential election with more popular votes than any other presidential ticket in U.S. history. Despite this, Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has threatened to block Biden / Harris appointees from being confirmed in the U.S. Senate. Biden and Harris can get around McConnell's threats by using recess appointments and the Federal Vacancies Reform Act to build a strong cabinet that is unafraid of facing America's challenges. Unfortunately, reports have indicated that the Biden team may be considering a number of conservative appointees, citing Republicans’ current control of the Senate. The Biden transition team must reject McConnell’s antidemocratic threats and fulfill its mandate. The Biden / Harris administration should select a bold, visionary cabinet that can fulfill the trust and will of the millions of people who voted for them. The Revolving Door Project and Demand Progress have put together a clear memo demonstrating how Biden and Harris can build a cabinet free from McConnell's handcuffs. https://therevolvingdoorproject.org/no-mitch-mcconnell-is-not-the-46th-president/ America needs a presidential cabinet that has the courage to solve our country's problems -- not a team undermined by Mitch McConnell.
    7,876 of 8,000 Signatures
    Created by Sunjeev Bery Picture
  • Congress: No “lame duck” war with Iran
    Within days of being projected the election’s loser, Trump is ALREADY setting the stage for a terrifying possibility of his last few weeks in office: war with Iran. Trump has fired Defense Secretary Mark Esper — who was on the record as not wanting war with Iran — by tweet, and has replaced a SLATE of senior defense officials with conspiracy-peddling loyalists. That's not all. Trump has dispatched his Iran envoy Elliot “convicted of lying to Congress” Abrams to Israel and Saudi Arabia “for consultations on Iran,” AND reports broke Trump’s planning a FLOOD of additional sanctions — adding new measures week over week until January 20 — escalating tensions to provoke a reaction from the Iranian government. Congress has the unequivocal power to make and STOP war. But — and this is key — we have to ensure Congress is not caught off guard by the so-called lame duck period and immediately acts before any conflict spirals dangerously out of control. Add your name now to help us raise the alarm and get ready to block ANY last-ditch attempt by the Trump administration to drag us into war with Iran.
    167 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Win Without War Picture
  • Stop Trump’s last ditch arms sale to the UAE
    Right now, Trump is trying to ram through a massive last minute sale of $23.37 BILLION in weapons to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) — the same bombs that they and Saudi Arabia use to murder Yemeni civilians and exacerbate a humanitarian crisis — and the time for us STOP the sale is already running out. Trump is still in the White House until January 20, 2021. And between now and Inauguration Day, untold damage can be unleashed, including weapons sales like this one. But we have a CRITICAL, narrow window to stop this sale: by law, Congress has 30 days to intervene and block the sale. The clock is ticking, but luckily, we’ve done this before, and there’s no doubt that together, we can get loud enough so that (once again) Congress listens. Sign now to tell Congress: End U.S. complicity in Yemen, stop Trump’s arm sale to the UAE.
    560 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Win Without War Picture
  • Demand GSA administrator Emily Murphy recognize President-elect Joe Biden
    It is important she recognize President-elect Biden for these reasons: 1. She is hindering a peaceful transition until Trump exhausts all legal recourse, which means the transition team pretty much can only get an office to plan the transition and not much else. 2. Her refusal to recognize president-elect Biden has National Security implications because the Department of Defense cannot work with the transition team until the GSA recognizes the results of the election. 3.Her refusal to follow the Presidential Transition Act of 1963 is a clear refutation of the democratic process and severely undermines confidence in free and fair elections in this country.
    254,254 of 300,000 Signatures
    Created by Diane Yoder Picture
  • Twitter: Stop Aiding in Trump’s Coup Attempt—Suspend @realdonaldtrump
    Joe Biden has won the presidency. But the current president of the United States, Donald Trump, is attempting a coup. He has no plans to concede the race and instead is erratically spreading lies of “widespread voter fraud” and taking radical steps like firing his Secretary of Defense—like a true fascist leader. We knew this would happen but it doesn’t make it any less dangerous. Twitter is Trump’s most direct microphone to speak to the American People. It’s time that microphone be turned off for the good of the People. Enough is enough. We can’t wait until Jan 20. Twitter must suspend Donald Trump and his enablers now.
    423 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Benjamin O'Keefe
    The transitional process allows the incoming President- elect access to national security resources and funds necessary for hiring and training staff. The Presidential Act provides for access to these much-needed resources. Emily W. Murphy needs to immediately sign the letter granting access. Delaying the ascertainment process places our country in great harm and serves only to maintain the chaotic status-quo of the Trump administration.
    141 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Thomas Harless
  • Pete Buttigieg for Secretary of State
    Mayor Pete speaks 9 languages, served in the United States Armed Forces, and is a fine, upstanding young leader. His experiences, his intelligence and his desire to do right by the American people makes him the perfect choice to represent the United States on the world stage.
    60 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Maureen Meaux
  • @JoeBiden: Tap @ChrisMurphyCT at State to End Yemen War, Restore Iran Deal
    Of all the candidates reportedly being considered by Joe Biden to serve as his Secretary of State, Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy is far and away the most progressive. Unlike Delaware Senator Chris Coons - reportedly also being considered - Chris Murphy has been a champion in the Senate of ending and preventing war. Chris Murphy led efforts to end the Saudi war in Yemen while Chris Coons voted to continue backing the Saudi regime. Chris Murphy consistently supported President Obama's agreement with Iran while Chris Coons worked with AIPAC Republicans to undermine President Obama's most important foreign policy accomplishment for peace. Chris Murphy led other Democratic Senators to oppose the use of U.S. tax dollars for Israeli annexation of the West Bank. Having Chris Murphy serve as our nation's top diplomat if Joe Biden is elected POTUS is our best guarantee of ending the Saudi war in Yemen and restoring President Obama's Iran deal.
    1,266 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Yemen Can't Wait
  • Sign Now: Help stop a new nuclear arms race
    We're witnessing the start of a new nuclear arms race. In late September, Trump ordered the Pentagon to figure out how quickly it could pull nuclear weapons out of storage to load onto long-range bombers and submarines. The Trump administration has already pulled out of two other nuclear treaties, and these latest orders are part of a ramp-up to force the critical New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) to implode before it is set to expire in February. Trump wants a no limits nuclear world, and it is hard to imagine anything more terrifying than even FEWER limits on a president like Trump’s access to nukes. We need EVERY voice in Congress to speak out and use ALL their political leverage if we’re going to get Trump to extend this critical treaty.
    167 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Win Without War Picture
  • Tell Mnuchin & Pompeo: No new sanctions on Iran!
    The Trump administration is considering adding more sanctions on Iran. Existing sanctions are already hurting the ability of people in Iran to access critical healthcare in the face of COVID-19. The pandemic has killed more than 27,000 and the country is once again shut down in the face of a new and terrifying COVID wave. These new measures would only exacerbate the humanitarian crisis the Iranian people are currently facing. Maximum pressure has meant maximum failure. Urge Secretaries Mnuchin and Pompeo: No new sanctions on Iran!
    151 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Win Without War Picture