• Reduce Mass Shooting Deaths.
    Deaths from Mass Shooting gun violence are increasing every year. We urgently need to identify the causes and treatment of mental health disorders for those who may become a danger to themselves and others. Funding for mental health care must be increased and adding a fee to all gun and ammunition sales would work in the same way as the tax on cigarettes for cancer research.
    161 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Robert Elder
  • Support Sarasota Commissioners Decision to reform Stand Your Ground
    Hi, my name is Jim Tate, I’m starting this petition through MoveOn.org because I stand with those Sarasota City Commissioners who support the reform of “Stand Your Ground” in Sarasota. Area Republicans are already expressing their displeasure. Gun Crazy right wing Republicans are calling it “an outrage!” and e-mailed Republican Party members castigating commissioners for including Stand Your Ground reform in its list of priorities. Let's show Sarasota Commissioners our support for the reform of Stand Your Ground in Sarasota and that WE'VE GOT THEIR BACK! By signing this petition.
    769 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Jim Tate
  • Let's tackle gun violence prevention in 2014
    In 2013, a bipartisan bill to close the 'gunshow loophole' in New Mexico died in the final minutes of the legislative session. In 2014, we're ready to finish what we started. But, Governor Martinez must agree to place gun violence prevention on the agenda for the 2014 legislative session and legislators must start working on a bipartisan bill to fix our mental health record reporting system and approve background checks for firearms purchases.
    619 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Pat Davis
    Just look for yourself at the variances in requirements in the 50 state laws regarding ownership and use and transport of firearms. Click on this link to see for yourself and judge this hodge-podge: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_laws_in_the_United_States_by_state We need a uniform system - to be developed by Congress and good in all parts of America and its possessions and territories. This whole system is out of date and out of touch with reality. There is undocumented but widespread profiteering from gun-running from the south which has extremely loose and lax laws, transporting stockpiles of weapons to northern cities for resale at blackmarket prices to those who should not have a gun. This pandering feeds on the fears and fantasies and cravings for security and power by those who know no opportunity than the rule of the jungle - to take by force. THE USELESS CARNAGE OF INNERCITY INNOCENT YOUTHS BY IRRESPONSIBLE GHETTO GANGBANGERS MUST END - BY OUR TURNING OFF THE SPIGOT OF SUPPLY OF WEAPONS TO IDIOTS.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by H Ronald Hartman
  • Gun Swap Program: Guns for Tablets
    In the past week, there have been another two news stories regarding guns that have received international attention: the brilliantly thwarted potential massacre in another elementary school, in Atlanta, Georgia, and the random fatal shooting of an Australian exchange student in Oklahoma. When I heard in a foreign news report, about Mexico City's Gun Swap Program, I had to wonder: Why isn't this being tried in the U.S.? - It sounds like just what we need.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Hilary von Waldenfels
  • Sen. Ayotte, It's Time: Host a Gun Violence Prevention Town Hall
    It’s been four months since Senator Ayotte voted against criminal background checks and the 89% of her constituents who support them. Since then, she’s screened out constituent questions on the topic, dodged press interviews, and rotated through reasons why she sided with the NRA lobby over Granite State families. It's high time Senator Ayotte held a gun violence prevention town hall so that constituents can speak with her directly about this important topic. Please help us call on Senator Ayotte to hold a town hall on gun violence prevention during Congressional recess this month.
    1,049 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Granite State Progress
  • Rep. Joe Heck: Co-Sponsor HR 1565 to keep guns out of the hands of criminals
    Nevada is the 9th deadliest state for gun violence and has the 4th highest gun homicide rate among women. Felons and domestic abusers can buy guns on the Internet and from private sellers at gun shows. The majority of Nevadans support background checks on gun sales. Ask Rep. Joe Heck to co-sponsor HR 1565 which extends background checks to Internet and gun show sales.
    298 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Teresa Crawford
  • Repeal the Castle Doctrine Expansion (Shoot First Law)
    This is a plea to Representative Jake Wheatley to open up discussions for repealing the Castle Doctrine Expansion (PA's version of Stand Your Ground). While his intentions to protect his constituents from violent crime are commendable and certainly understandable...these types of laws INCREASE the numbers of "justifiable homicides".
    138 of 200 Signatures
    Created by shane freeman
  • [email protected]
    North Carolina's Stand Your Ground law allows citizens to defend themselves from a threat of violence without first being required to retreat. This law allows a wild west mentality and fails to hold the shooter to a moral or reasonable standard unlike the self defense law that requires you must first try to retreat.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cindy Fraser
  • Stand UP Against "Stand Your Ground"
    I am a seventeen African American student that is tired of seeing senseless murders. Shoot first laws are destroying our community and taking lives year after year.
    112 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jennifer Douglas
    The time has come to stand up and say enough is enough to the murders. Nothing gets the attention of a state like cutting off the flow of money into that state. If you agree that enough is enough, and the time has come to make a change for the better, than sign this petition and pass it on to everyone you know.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by G. PARR
  • Repeal HB 24 - Stand Your Ground Law
    HB 24 suggests the encouragement of armed individuals to confront others knowing that they could legally use a firearm if they felt "threatened." The word threatened means many things to many people that adds to the vagueness of this law which can be extremely easy for misinterpretation by the public. Eliminating the duty to retreat (other than is someone is on their own property) will cause more violence than the law intends to prevent.
    697 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Kevin D. McGee