• Gun control,bring troops home
    My back ground I live in Oakland,Ca with my mother and their is lot of crime and robberies in Oakland,Ca in east and west Oakland.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kathy wood
  • An Amazing Duh Moment
    One day a loving family sent their 6 year old to school and he came back with 11 bullet holes in him. I cannot even begin to wrap my brain around the idea of a little child with 11 bullet holes.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Debby Lilly
  • 2nd Amendment
    The right to NOT own a gun.
    42 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Maurice Champagne
  • Sensible Gun Reform Legislation
    Way too many Americans are being killed by gun violence. Look at the facts. Countries that have tighter gun restrictions have fewer deaths by gun violence.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael F. Westrick
  • Wal Not
    the largest number of guns and ammo sold in this country are sold by Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart refuses to listen when we tell them how very personal this is with us because OUR children are being killed. Let us show them with the loss of our dollars that we will not shop there for ANYTHING until they stop providing the means for murder. No lines of protesters in the hot sun or in the cold.. Drop off a note saying why you are not shopping there any more.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carolyn C. Dillon
  • Common Sense Gun Regulations
    Universal Background Checks. Magazine of no more than 7 bullets.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steven Kurth
  • LivingSocial must stop mixing assault weapons and alcohol
    Since the massacre at Sandy Hook, many corporations have distanced themselves from the extremist, right-wing gun culture promoted by the NRA. But the daily deals web site LivingSocial has refused to take action in the wake of Newtown. LivingSocial continues to offer deals that encourage buyers to engage in a dangerous mix of alcohol and guns. In some cases, customers are even sold packages combining the shooting of assault weapons like the ones used in the Virginia Tech and Aurora, Colorado massacres, and a night of drinking beer or bourbon. Tell LivingSocial: End your gun and gun range deals that glorify drinking and shooting assault weapons. Some of LivingSocial’s deals, which are created by gun range proprietors, and then edited and solicited by paid LivingSocial staff, would make even the NRA blush -- and with good reason: 86% of gun murders are committed by people who were drinking before they opened fire. Most of the deals are careful to say that the shooting comes first, and then the drinking. But many of the deals include transportation on a party bus, and some have a meet-up point at restaurants that offer beer and burgers, giving buyers the chance to drink before the event begins. LivingSocial’s flip hucksterism buys into the gun manufacturers’ marketing strategy that seeks to bring new customers to shooting ranges in the hopes of pushing them toward gun ownership. But the evidence is clear that when more people own guns, more violence and death occurs. Competitors to LivingSocial, like Groupon, have already dropped their gun deals and have agreed not to offer them on their site in the future. Now LivingSocial must do the same. Tell LivingSocial: Enough is enough with your dangerous alcohol and shooting package deals. Remove gun deals from your site and promise not to offer them again. SOURCES: 1. [PDF] Page 3, "Deals to Die For." CREDO Action and the Gun Truth Project, May 12, 2013. https://s3.amazonaws.com/s3.credoaction.com/images/dyingsocial-05-12.pdf 2. "Shootin' + Drinkin': AK47, AR15, Pistols, Food + Beer." LivingSocial. https://www.livingsocial.com/adventures/352064-shootin-drinkin 3. Shareen Pathak, "Salespeople Fuel Growth at Groupon, Living Social" Fins, April 5, 2011. http://sales-jobs.fins.com/Articles/SB130090099092197185/Salespeople-Fuel-Growth-at-Groupon-Living-Social 4. Andy Sullivan, "NRA Membership: For U.S. Gun Clubs, Joining Has Its Privileges." HuffingtonPost/Reuters, February 3, 2013. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/02/03/nra-membership_n_2610006.html 5. “Homicide.” Harvard Injury Control Research Center. http://act.credoaction.com/sign/livingsocial_guns/%E2%80%9Dhttp://www.hsph.harvard.edu/hicrc/firearms-research/guns-and-death/%E2%80%9D
    642 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Jordan Krueger
  • Meaningful gun control
    The Newtown murders of 20 children the age of my own grandchildren illustrated the tragedy and folly of allowing "sportsmen" to play with their deadly toys. We cannot countenance the idea that our schools must be turned into armed camps because of a lack of weapons control.
    69 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lisa Blout
  • Allow people to sue gun manufacturers
    I'm tired of reading about deaths due to gun violence. Additionally, someone I went to high school with was murdered by her ex-husband when he shot her to death.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by ROSALIE907
  • Safety For Our Children
    We need gun control. Why is it that the U.S. House and U.S. Senate can protect other countries but not our own citizens. Very few in Congress actually represent America. You care more about your re-election than the killing of children. How does that feel? Anybody who is against gun control at this point is a NRA ROBOT or worried more about their political future. Everbody in Congress who voted against Manchin-Toomey should be fired!!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chris Gill
  • Oppose "Constitutional" Carry
    Current law requires a permit to carry a concealed and loaded weapon. This proposal would legalize anybody, including criminals, to carry a loaded and concealed weapon without permission.
    2,078 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Frances Buerkens
  • NRA vs the people. Senate does not pass bill
    Every American citizen will be affected by this. People have the right to bear arms but assault weapons and what's the big deal about background checks. Really????
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephanie Herron