• Raising Greater Awareness For Mental Heath Issues
    In the wake of the Newton Connecticut Massacre,it is my opinion that the general public needs to be more informed about mental health. My oldest brother (now deceased) was mentally ill,he was ostracised because of this. He has been deceased for 41 years. There have been great strides made in this area since then. However,maybe greater awarness may have stopped the tragedy in Newton from happening.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kathleen Tyson
  • Allow/Force Medicare to negotiate drug prices
    Like many seniors, I'm now in the "donut hole", meaning I pay full price for my medications. If Medicare used its huge purchasing power to negotiate lower drug costs (the VA pays 40% less for drugs), many seniors would escape this very expensive situation.
    44 of 100 Signatures
    Created by P j Perotti
    GMO's are now an almost mainstream topic, as it should be. President Obama while campaigning, stated he was for GMO labeling, and now has ducked away from this issue. The issue of GMO's is of far greater importance to every human than all the other distracting subjects debated to exhaustion, everyday by the media in the United States. What is more important than knowing; what is in our foods and what our President's opinion is on this?
    45 of 100 Signatures
    Created by WESTON Z
  • The Creation of Mental Institutions
    Where we have failed both the children and the adults who need assisted living for mental illness, and have few if any specific hospitals geared to helping these disabled Americans, and as it this mental illness disability has led to horrific actions by certain individuals who need this aid, this petition is for the intervention of our federal government to implement a plan to once again create institutions for these affected Americans. History tells us that it was under Pres. Regean who closed many of these hospitals. Sending into the streets or back to families these institutionalized disabled Americans. Many of these families were unable to cope with the stress of a mentally disabled child or an adults return. Unfortunately these Americans had become victims in those rounds of budget cuts. We can afford and we budget to spend billions on aid for helping women have abortions, killing 1.3 million babies last year, when 20 young innocent children lose their life from the actions of someone who needed to be institutionalized. those anti 2nd amendment advocates cry out for the elimination of the gun. There is no daily prayer for the life loss in abortions not a prayer or a word against abortion killings, accept from pro-Life supporters. The abandonment of federal funded facilities was predicated on the belief that we had discovered drugs capable of making someone disabled - normal or close to it as is our understanding of it. Well we can no longer accept the drug companies position of drugging these disabled people into normality as the answer. Knowing when they commit hideous crimes they had been off of those very prescribed drugs. Americas needs are far greater than to depend on the various institutions that are scattered around the country for aid. Often forcing families to drive hours for help if it is to even become available. We need state run facilities capable of handling these patients in a manner befitting what they would receive at any private institution. When we are faced with the destruction these mentally disabled individuals cause by gun usage, it affects us all. As Americans we jump quickly to one side or the other. A side that benefits our desires and beliefs, as once again we leave behind the real culprit. The need to make help available to those who need it the most, Americas mentally disabled.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Micheal Andrisano
  • Health for all citizens with Mental Health Issues.
    As a Clinical Social Worker, I'm deeply saddened by the leaders of our country to ignore Mental Health Issues. We need funding now!! Teachers tell us they evaluate and spot children with emotional issues early in school, yet they and their families are not treated due to funding. We cannot ignore these issues any longer. I'm deeply disappointed with the National Association for Social Workers that they, too, are not outspoken about the work that Clinical Workers can provide. Please sign this petition to have your voice heard!!!
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ruth Textor, MSW
    Mercury is the 2nd most toxic poison on Earth. WHY would government agencies endorse it is OK to use in things like vaccines , flu shots and amalgams? We excrete the mercury into wastewater and take the Earth and it's creatures with us down the path of death and destruction. I am being poisoned to death by my amalgams, but can't afford the $8,000. to get them out of my mouth. I have children not ready to be without me.
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cheryle Johnson
  • Increase funding for mental health services
    There are so many tragedies in the United States committed by people with recognizable mental health illnesses that may have been avoided if there was better access to mental health services. I know if I hadn't gotten the help I needed at a young age I would be far worse than I am now, and for all I know I could have snapped and taken someone out with me when I had the desire to die years ago. Currently I go to a state run clinic for my medication and psychiatric services but every year there are cuts and that means less doctors and less staff to help those who are truly in need of services, and I worry each year if I'm going to be able to continue getting treatment for my mental health illness. While we need gun control and other things to protect people better, it does no good if there are not better systems in place to help people who may need the help or a psychiatrist or a therapist or medication to help keep them sane and functioning members of society.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ragna Cook
  • Take Sodium Fluoride Out Of Our Drinking Water
    Dozens of peer-reviewed studies show that sodium fluoride is a deadly neurotoxin that attacks the central nervous system and leads to a multitude of serious health problems. This fact has been covered up by a collusion of government and industry who have reaped financial windfalls while illegally mass medicating the public against their will.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by beth bartlett
  • Mental Health Funding
    Each American has been affected by mental illness either directly or indirectly. Our impact will soon be devastating if federal funds are cut and state funds are further cut.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by JoAnne Grandstaff
  • Rescue Mental Health Funding
    I urge you to act now to prevent mandatory, across-the-board cuts to vital mental health research, services and supports from going into effect on January 2, 2013. Reductions of 8.4 percent to important programs funded by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and Department of Education would have a devastating impact on people living with mental illness and other disabilities.
    77 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rey Kitchkumme
  • Violence? guns not the issue, mental health is.
    Let's address the real problem: mental illness causes almost every violent disaster like the shootings in Newtown, Conn And until we make treatment available to those who need it, these tragic disasters will continue. We all have seen what happens when we don't. In fact, often the aggressor is already known for previous violent behavior.   Helping to stem violent disasters has somehow become bogged down in an argument about gun control. That argument will probably continue for years, but it is unlikely to help right now. Instead we need immediate care for those with serious mental issues, because not treating mental illness has become a national issue.    Treatment and drugs for mental illness are often prohibitively expensive. Unfortunately, patients with serious mental illnesses are often those who can least afford it. Worst of all, insurance carriers often exclude serious mental health illness from adequate and effective coverage. We need an aggressive plan to treat those with serious mental health issues, including requiring insurance carriers to cover treatment and medication, especially in cases with the potential for violence.    While this would certainly help those individuals who are seriously mentally ill, the collective impact would make our whole country a safer place to live
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steve Davis
  • Please Stop Putting Poison in our Coke
    HFCS is dangerous, and since the FDA will not do anything to stop it being put into our food, let's go straight to the source - The Corporations!! Coke from Mexico, made from Cane Sugar is already popular and tastes delicious.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Deanna Ragsdale