Mental Health FundingEach American has been affected by mental illness either directly or indirectly. Our impact will soon be devastating if federal funds are cut and state funds are further cut.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by JoAnne Grandstaff
Rescue Mental Health FundingI urge you to act now to prevent mandatory, across-the-board cuts to vital mental health research, services and supports from going into effect on January 2, 2013. Reductions of 8.4 percent to important programs funded by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and Department of Education would have a devastating impact on people living with mental illness and other disabilities.77 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Rey Kitchkumme
Violence? guns not the issue, mental health is.Let's address the real problem: mental illness causes almost every violent disaster like the shootings in Newtown, Conn And until we make treatment available to those who need it, these tragic disasters will continue. We all have seen what happens when we don't. In fact, often the aggressor is already known for previous violent behavior. Helping to stem violent disasters has somehow become bogged down in an argument about gun control. That argument will probably continue for years, but it is unlikely to help right now. Instead we need immediate care for those with serious mental issues, because not treating mental illness has become a national issue. Treatment and drugs for mental illness are often prohibitively expensive. Unfortunately, patients with serious mental illnesses are often those who can least afford it. Worst of all, insurance carriers often exclude serious mental health illness from adequate and effective coverage. We need an aggressive plan to treat those with serious mental health issues, including requiring insurance carriers to cover treatment and medication, especially in cases with the potential for violence. While this would certainly help those individuals who are seriously mentally ill, the collective impact would make our whole country a safer place to live3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Steve Davis
Please Stop Putting Poison in our CokeHFCS is dangerous, and since the FDA will not do anything to stop it being put into our food, let's go straight to the source - The Corporations!! Coke from Mexico, made from Cane Sugar is already popular and tastes delicious.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Deanna Ragsdale
Label All Nanomolecular Materials in ProductsThousands of products contain nanomolecular particles of metals or other compounds (around one billionth of a meter in size). Animal studies with nanomolecular titanium dioxide have shown that due to their small size/large surface area, they cause severe damage inside cells, and can easily cross the blood-brain barrier, causing heart and cardiovascular disease and brain disorders like Alzheimers.15 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Noel Wright
Mental Healthcare Reform Needed Now!The recent shootings in Connecticut have brought about an outcry for gun control reform, which is but one piece of a very complicated puzzle. As a society we should also be beating down the doors of the White House, congress and our local officials to do more to fund adequate mental health care in this country. We need an outcry to bring about a more meaningful dialogue on how society addresses all aspects of these acts of violence.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kathy Jones
Mental Health Services for America NOW!You don't have to be a Mental Health professional to care about the state of the emotional and psychological well-being of our citizens. If you are one of those who believe it is time to prioritize mental health and you agree with the statement above, please read on and sign this petition! In the not-too-distant past, affordable behavioral/mental health services were available in most towns and cities in this great country. Services included psychotherapy, family counseling, psychiatry (including medication management) and various other important community programs for people struggling with emotional problems, trauma, and/or mental illness. In the last ten-fifteen years, these programs have been systematically stripped from the federal and state budgets. Not only did this send countless mental health workers all across the country to the unemployment lines, it more importantly left hundreds of thousands of mentally ill people to fall through the cracks of our society. With the latest horrific school shooting occurring in Newtown, Connecticut, we are clearly sowing the seeds of this outrageous decision to marginalize the most mentally unstable citizens of our country. We can no longer hopelessly sit by while more innocent people's lives and families are destroyed by our government's unwillingness to shoulder the responsibility of the mental health crisis we are clearly experiencing. We must demand REAL REFORM -- and insist on the re-funding of public mental health programs and services. And we must demand it NOW. We can turn this crisis into an opportunity to take real action, TODAY. Thank you.1,139 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Liza Shaw
More Training Slots for DoctorsNo doctor can practice in the U.S. without a residency. The number of residency positions has been capped since 1992. Unless more are added it is irrelevant how many med school graduates we have, there is a bottleneck. If you agree we will need a lot more doctors to care for our aging population and all the people who will be eligible for care under the ACA, tell your people in Congress to support the bills being proposed in both Houses to increase funding for training spots.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Gerald Whelan, M.D.
For mental healthTo help family's with mentally challenged teens and young adults. Also to stop Hollywood from putting out the stupid violent movies and the companies that put out the horrific games that our young adults and teens play.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Lieberg
Compassionate response to mental illnessIn thoughtful and compassionate response to the tragedy of the shootings in New Town, CT, and the many other shootings that have happened in recent years, we need to address the lack of effective and long-term services for those among us who are experiencing mental illness.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Deborah Carr
Health Care/Mental Health CareIn light of recent tragedies, It's obvious that Anti-Abortion is not synonymous with Pro-Life.The same hypocrites who label themselves with such titles favor possession of assault rifles in inner cities and drastically reduce health care specifically Mental Health Care.So it's time for the media to start labeling them as such until they live up to their titles. I have a colleague who's sister was killed by a mental health candidate and an alum killed by a person who sought mental health treatment only to be denied. How many more tragedies must occur? It's time to petition,march ,riot for mental health care as a basic right for American citizens and a civil right. Stop being observers and participate in making our lives as humans productive to our communities, our nation, and our world.It must start with you. This is the time ....Peace Be With You.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Charles Coleman
Reducing violence with better access to mental health servicesAs a mental health professional, I see all too often individuals and families struggle to live balanced lives because our health care system is lacking in this area. They don't have insurance, funding runs out, or services are not covered on the plans they can afford. I keep hearing people say gun control is the answer, but I believe it's not the only piece of the puzzle we need to consider with regards to the violence we have seen in the past several years.142 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Natalie Seibel