• Medicare should just be madichangers all expel illy family's with disabilities such as autism whe...
    My son Is Autistic and I had no clue I would have to pick a plan or even what the plans mean now they picked a plan for him that doesn't cover most of his theatapies I have to find him new doctors and have to get his medicine somewhere else we just moved to Florida and now have to restart all over again I find it stupid why can't you just keep Medicade Medicade instead of making it confessing and hard for Parents and kids by the way I love and care so much for my president Obama and his family and I real acted him and will always but please kids with Autism don't like change
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mandy Fostervold
  • Congressman Pompeo: Tax the rich & protect social services
    Congress faces a fiscal choice—not a "cliff"—about whether to end tax cuts for the rich or cut vital programs and delay tax extensions for working and middle class people. The GOP is holding us hostage again, and we could slide back into a recession if they win. We will deliver these petitions to Congressman Mike Pompeo on Dec 10 as part of the national day of action on the fiscal showdown.
    530 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Stuart Elliott
  • obama care
    allowing our state to get obama care
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by WILLIAM F SHEEHAN
    Food Labeling - Healthcare Crisis We demand honest, all-inclusive labeling of all food products and their ingredients. It is a basic consumer right to know what we are buying without deceptive wording or packaging. Natural doesn't mean organic. We have a right to know if genetically engineered or modified ingredients are in anything we purchase.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jan Brickey
  • Governor Martinez: Expand Medicaid in NM
    Thousands of NM citizens are without health insurance right now. By expanding Medicaid in New Mexico under the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) we can ensure those citizens, who are our friends and neighbors, will be able to obtain health insurance and access health care when they need it. Expanding Medicaid in NM will also create hundreds of new jobs in our state.
    3,160 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Robbyne Jones
  • 5 percent filing fee on lobbyist money proceeds for medicaid and medicare
    Save medicare and medicaid cuts by charging lobbyist a 5 percent filing fee on their contrabution to congressmen and congresswomen, And senator
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Louis Gellman
  • Time for Elected Officials To Pay
    My wife and I talked about making this a reforamdem and I saw a letter to the editor in our paper on the same subject.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James Rauch
  • ratify the Health Reform act and make it work
    Eliminate fraud and overspendimg on health care.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jerry Rosenberg
  • future of foreign medical graduate
    I am a foreign medical graduate and I cleared USMLE STEPS . Very hard to get into residency programs to be a physician in USA. We spend lot of years in USA by waiting to get into residency programs. What will be our future? Please think on alternative career for us like allowing us give licencing exam for Physician assistant.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by B. Shah
  • Obama care in Texas
    Yes, because so many of our children's families are without health care and this affects their secuirty and their well being.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Pat Evans
  • Govenor-Elect Steve Bullock support the Medicaid Expansion
    Whether Montana decides to expand its Medicaid program will be a critical issue in the upcoming state legislative session. Governor Brian Schweitzer, heroically put the expansion in his proposed state budget for 2013-14. However, Govenor-Elect Steve Bullock hasn’t yet committed to expanding medicaid for the next two years. He needs to hear from the voters that are relying on him to fight to expand this vital program for the health and economic well-being of the state of Montana. NOW is the time to send a strong unified voice to Governor-Elect Steve Bullock. We had your back, now have ours! We urge you to support the Medicaid expansion provision in the Affordable Care Act that would extend coverage to nearly 60,000 currently uninsured people while creating good jobs for Montanans.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Starla Gade
  • End the War on Drugs
    Decriminalize drug use and make it a medical issue. Stop ruining lives and stop enriching vicious drug lords and their hired murderers.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Susan Moore