• Needs of people with Physical and Psychiatric Disabilities that come together
    The acknowledgement of Physical Disabilites are not being acknowledged when u have a Psychiatric Diagnosis. Everything is considered solely psychiatric.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Laura Ann K Bernstein
  • Senator Nelson: Stop forced vaccinations
    I was fired from my job a year ago for refusing to get the flu vaccine. The state of Texas is forcing healthcare workers to be vaccinated w/o consent. Now, there is a law that would demand all kindergarteners to receive forced vaccinations as well
    28 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Niles
  • Keep the Gilda in Gilda's Club
    Gilda's Club is a non-profit organization that exists to provide a place for people living with cancer, their families and friends to come for emotional support. It is named after the late, great Gilda Radner, who died from ovarian cancer in 1989. It was founded by her husband, Gene Wilder, Joanna Bull, Radner's cancer psychotherapist during the time she had cancer, and broadcaster Joel Siegel. Now they want to change the name to "Cancer Support Community" as they feel younger people don't know who Gilda was and therefore there is no meaning in the name. As a single mom who is fighting cervical cancer, I assure you, the name means something. I don't want to go to a "Cancer Support Community." I hear the word cancer enough on a daily basis. It is sterile and meaningless. It is not a home. It is not a safe place. It is not a place I feel I can turn to. Gilda's Club is. Gilda once said cancer gave her "membership to an elite club I'd rather not belong to." THAT is a concept we all can relate to. THAT is someplace that I know will understand. There are many organizations, educational institutes, hospitals, and more named after people that the younger generations may not know. They are named after these people for reasons. Instead of striping them of their names, let us educate and keep the memory of those people alive. Gilda deserves it. Please help us keep the Gilda in Gilda's Club.
    1,187 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Natali Heuss
  • Pain contracts can undermine patient trust.
    These contracts are being used in several States, and they are causing more harm to the innocent people that suffer from severe pain than helping these people. I am one of those people.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by The Maine Pain
  • Criminalize BigPharma’s Off-Label Distribution of Dangerous Antipsychotics to Elderly in Nursing ...
    Every day tens of thousands of Americans in nursing homes are prescribed antipsychotics to “treat” Alzheimer’s and other dementias, although in most cases the antipsychotics lack FDA approval for treating dementia, have no therapeutic value for that purpose, and pose great risks for the patient, including untreated pain, confusion, and early death. Many of these drugs are ultimately paid for by taxpayer dollars through Medicare and Medicaid, feeding the obscene profits of pharmaceutical companies like Abbott Laboratories and Eli Lilly, both of whom were convicted of promoting antipsychotics for dementia.
    79 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alixa Doom
  • Veterans@Camp Lejeune from 1988 and beyond
    Camp Lejeune MCB had a water contamination issue that affected many Active Duty Military and families, causing major health issues and diseases such as Cancer, and Leukemia which led to deaths of many including children. Camp Lejeune toxic water contamination 1950s-1987. ... The toxic water contained Volatile Organic Compounds (PCE TCE), toxic fuel derivatives and ... In the case of those families who spent time at Camp Lejeune, a bill was signed by President Obama Honoring America’s Veterans and Caring for Camp Lejeune Families Act of 2012, military families who have been affected by the contaminated water at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina will have the health care they need. The main problem with this bill is that those of us that served beginning 1988 aren't eligible for anything. I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in 2009, my oncologist said since it doesn't run in my family it seemingly is Environmental. My late husband stationed at Lejeune from 1985 until 1991 died in 2006 because he accidentally overdosed by self medicating for the extremely painful headaches he endured while residing in the barracks of HP-55, which we both resided prior to our marriage. Unfortunately, my husband Cpl Bryan Morris didn't live to know about the water contamination or how it has affected both him, his children and myself. Their is no way that the clean up for something that was lurking in the water supply system for over 30 years would be cleaned up by 1987, much less 1988, 1989 and so on. It is imperative for all of the servicemen and women who were both living and working on the base during those times to also get benefits for health issues they have been diagnosed with since their departure from Camp Lejeune MCB, Jacksonville, N.C.
    222 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Kimberly Parker
  • Negotiate Medicare Prices
    Both political parties and the media seem to avoid the topic of negotiated Medicare prescription drug prices. This is an area offering the greatest savings but both parties and the mainstream media receive too much money from the drug companies to actively talk about it let alone take action.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Edward Dunne
  • medical use of marijuana
    The leagalazation of medical marijuana
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by calvin
  • Medical coverage for all
    Medical coverage for all. I have a medical condition and unable to get medicaid because they said I am not disabled. I have no medical coverage because I work part time. I need help now!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gwen
  • Label Law: Support The Right To Know What Is In Our Food
    GMO's (genetically modified organisms) are in a wide variety of foods regulary consumed by the public. Although GMO's are believed to be extremely dangerous to your health, there currently is no law in NY state or any other state prohibiting them, or even requiring foods containing GMO's to at least be labelled as such. In order to safeguard the health of our families, it is imperative that we have a label law requiring all foods containing GMO's to be labelled as such.
    58 of 100 Signatures
    Created by P Lauto
  • Access to Birth Control
    Stop Hobby Lobby from enacting their desire to "choose" for women their access to birth control. All women could be effected by any court decision.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shelley Capen
  • Ban GMO s in the United States. Label GMO s
    Stop chemical companies from controlling our food. GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) have been shown to cause tumors in test animals, yet they are already approved to be in our food supply. The government must require these foods to be labeled. We have the right to know what is in our food. GMO's should be banned from this country as many other countries have already done.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by carolyn