• Make a Sound Decision on Fluoride Treatment
    Pinellas County dental services for low income families are inadequate, often requiring residents to need "Relief of Pain" before receiving help. Commissioners are willing to spend less than $200,000 to provide fluoride treatment of drinking water. New research from the Harvard School of Public Health "found strong indications that fluoride may adversely affect cognitive development in children". Is there a better and more cost effective way to reach those without access to dental care?
    91 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tom Tito
  • Health Insurance
    Children not eligible for health insurance on a policy alone since they cannot be declined now due to health issues. Health Insurance companies are fighting back on the Obama Healthcare by not accepting them at all. We need to better understand within the communites how Obama Healthcare is helping.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sharon Mathis
  • Occupy Pharmaceuticals
    Pharmaceuticals should be sold at cost, not profit. Many people literally die for lack of needed drugs and lack of adequate drugs leads to cocains use. As a diabetic I have lost a major amoung of my personal savings. We must also separate drugs from research
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Matt Oppenheim
  • Obamacare
    Tell gov. Fallon that we Oklahomans want to participate in receiving Obamacare.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jan Kilbury
  • Gov. Fallin: Please accept the affordable Health Act and money associated with it.
    So many people in Oklahoma need the benefits of the Affordable Health Care Law. Please force the powers in Oklahoma to accept it, accept the Federal dollars, and implement it in Oklahoma.
    357 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Novice Boyd
  • Veterans Benifuts
    It is taking 2 to 3 years for claims to processed. The largest number of HOMELESS people in the United States are veterans! President Obama said in his innagaral speech that Homelessness and veterans shout NOT be in the same statement! I have diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gerhig's Diease) and am waiting for my claim to be adjucated. We served our great country, now we need help! Welcome Home to all my fellow Men and Women who served! Best regards, Sgt. Michael S. Mostacci
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Mostacci
  • legislation for zipline courses and inflatable outdoor playhouses
    GoApe is a zipline course renting municipal park space in Indianapolis and other states. There are no safety regulations requiring helmets or padding on the trees. On September 30, 2012, I sustained a traumatic brain injury, whiplash, concussion, neck and shoulder injuries while on their zipline course. Children participate and are at risk, similar to the unregulated inflatable domes rented to families, where thousands of children are injured each year.
    75 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Suzette Fox
  • Governor Bentley: Participate in healthcare exchanges
    The state of Alabama cannot afford to refuse to participate in this program for it's most needy population!
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jimmie McGowan
  • Legalization for Medical Marijuana
    My mother in law is suffering from stage III colon cancer. Due to chemo and radiation, she is constantly nauseous and has a very hard time eating. Having access to medical marijuana will greatly ease her pain and suffering while she battles this disease,
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Earl McConchie
  • Healthcare Reform for Prisons
    We are paying billions to third party businesses. All prisons visits should be paid under a payment plan designated and monitored by the state and federal government. Stop these Manage Care Companies for bidding on these jobs. Tax payers are triple paying for these services...Yes,I knw...worked in the business
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Audrey
  • Approve Medicaid for Obamacare
    Medicaid exchange to get the Obamcare Benefts, blocked by Gov. Perry.This is a specialal healthcare access Exchange that will provide healthcare for millions of texans that not hve any coverage. It is being blocked by Gov Rick Perry fior obvious psrtisan reasons, since the Federal Gov wil pay fo the exchange the first 3 years, and cost TX govenment nothing. Lets petitionto have the Governor allow the Medicaid Exchnge.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Wendell Dorsey
  • The FDA is not doing its job.
    I have asthma, and I had Breast Cancer. Healthy eating includes fruits which are contaminated by pesticides. Too much processed soy can cause breast cancer. Bottles of medicine can contain mold. When are they going to stop all of this?
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Arlene Adelman