• Medical Research into Hidradenitis Suppurativa.
    Hidradenitis Suppurativa is a disease affecting millions of people, yet little or no current research is being done in the areas of treatment, long-term care or a cure.
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Larry Mitchell
  • Taking the Health Care bill away from big insurance companies
    The Insurance companies have been giving health providers no raises. As a clinical psychologist I had no raise in fees since the 80's. MDs are struggling with something almost as bad. We have all stayed doing our jobs on 'out of network' rates. That will go away with the existing health care bill. Insurance will set a rate even lower than 1986 for me. (94$ a session then. 92$ now) i will have to find other work.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lois Maclean, PhD
  • Choose Yes! 4 A Healthy Utah
    Did you know that just being poor does not make you eligible for Medicaid in Utah? To qualify for Medicaid, an adult in Utah must earn less than $8,000 a year and have dependent children or earn less than $15,000 and be permanently disabled. Just being poor is not enough. No wonder nearly 380,000 uninsured Utahns are at risk at losing their health, their job, their personal savings, and their home if they get hurt or sick and can’t pay out-of-control medical bills. The good news is that Utah can make a positive change. Right now, for a minimal state investment, Governor Herbert and the Utah state legislature have the opportunity to make Utah's Medicaid program whole, and provide health care coverage to thousands of your neighbors, friends, and families.
    1,213 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Utahns for The Medicaid Expansion
  • Medical Marijuana in Wisconsin
    This petition is about legalizing the use of Medical Marijuana in the state of Wisconsin. Medical Marijuana has been proven to be a helpful pain relief alternative for individuals with cronic pain and cancer treatment relief. Several states have adopted this useage and it's time for Wisconsin to step up and approve this in the medical form.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brad Barnes
  • healthcare
    more and more through out the years our food supply has been played with and secretly modified. now its being placed into the hands of the very same people who have destroyed it by our government. it must be stopped
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Zulawnik
  • "Health Care for ALL Oregon" (HCAO).
    Please support my petition for comprehensive universal healthcare for ALL Oregon (HCAO). HCAO is an issue that we all should be concerned about because most of us represent the 99%, and we are only one severe accident or illness away from needing affordable, quality, and accessible healthcare services. Therefore, the purpose of this petition is to garner public support for universal publicly funded healthcare throughout the state of Oregon and eventually the entire United States. All residing Oregonians deserve equitable access to quality healthcare services designed to meet all our needs. I am speaking from first hand experience. I am in dire need of healthcare services. However, I am over the age of 50, I have no children under the age of 18, and I am not working 20 hours per week. Because of these criteria, I like many others, am shut off from the Oregon Health Plan. Even if I were determined eligible by the current lottery process, which is unfair, Oregon health plan does not cover certain health conditions and or treatments. I believe every human being deserves comprehensive healthcare. Therefore, a comprehensive, universal, publicly funded healthcare reimbursement system would provide for complete coverage and treatment for the common good of all. It is with urgency that I ask you to please join me by signing this petition. This petition will be delivered to our Legislators and Governor asking for their consideration and support to pass legislation for a universal publicly funded healthcare for all Oregonians. Thanks to all of you, Glendora Claybrooks, Petitioner
    1,007 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Glendora Claybrooks
  • Preventive health, is the key to healthcare cost reductions
    Promoting Preventive health, to stop this explosion of Preventable diseases, that threatens to destroy the people of this nation, and the nation itself!
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Darius Wright
  • Medicare: Cover Continuous Glucose Monitors for those who really need them.
    Unlike Medicaid and private insurance, Medicare does not cover Continuous Glucose Monitors. These would prevent awful , sometimes deadly incidents for those diabetics who do not know their sugar is low.
    210 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Elizabeth Merker
  • Make a Sound Decision on Fluoride Treatment
    Pinellas County dental services for low income families are inadequate, often requiring residents to need "Relief of Pain" before receiving help. Commissioners are willing to spend less than $200,000 to provide fluoride treatment of drinking water. New research from the Harvard School of Public Health "found strong indications that fluoride may adversely affect cognitive development in children". Is there a better and more cost effective way to reach those without access to dental care?
    91 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tom Tito
  • Health Insurance
    Children not eligible for health insurance on a policy alone since they cannot be declined now due to health issues. Health Insurance companies are fighting back on the Obama Healthcare by not accepting them at all. We need to better understand within the communites how Obama Healthcare is helping.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sharon Mathis
  • Occupy Pharmaceuticals
    Pharmaceuticals should be sold at cost, not profit. Many people literally die for lack of needed drugs and lack of adequate drugs leads to cocains use. As a diabetic I have lost a major amoung of my personal savings. We must also separate drugs from research
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Matt Oppenheim
  • Obamacare
    Tell gov. Fallon that we Oklahomans want to participate in receiving Obamacare.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jan Kilbury