• Governor Scott: Allow Freedom of Choice in Healthcare.
    As of January 1, 2013, Acupuncture has been removed as a covered service within the scopes of PIP (Personal Injury Protection) benefits. Acupuncture is an ancient for of medicine, proven to be very effective in treating pain and many illnesses and diseases. Governor Scott made sure this coverage was removed from PIP. The Affordable Healthcare Act will be coming into place in Florida next year. Each state will chose the level of coverage, and what will be covered. Based on Governor's Scott track record, we may be looking at insurance companies doing business in Florida to remove the coverage for Acupuncture and other wellness and preventive services that are now covered. Please! let's make sure we have a choice in the medicine we want by making sure Governor Scott keeps acupuncture as part of main stream medicine and coverage.
    133 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Monica Dabney
  • Medicare Buy-in for All
    A Medicare buy-in would give Americans immediate access to affordable, quality health care. Many states are refusing to participate in the Medicaid expansion and did not or will not create health exchanges. Given that many Americans will need taxpayer subsidies to buy health insurance coverage as required by the ACA mandate, a Medicare buy-in would send taxpayer subsidies back to the federal treasury instead of further enriching for-profit health insurance companies who are the root cause of our escalating health care costs and diminishing health care quality.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Christine Adams
  • Health Care Availability For All
    The Affordable Care Act is now the law, and all states should be held responsible for implementing it. Some states refuse to implement it even though the Supreme Court has ruled that it is the Law. This petition is to call on all states to obey the law and implement The Affordable Care Act for their citizens, and if the legislators in these states refuse, they should surrender their government health care entirely.
    105 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Victoria Wekamp
  • Planned Parenthood funding
    The State of Ohio is trying to take away funds for Planned Parenthood. It is a vital program for the people of Ohio. It helps low-income men and women from age 10 up. It's a vital resource for birth control to those who otherwise couldn't afford it. All types of birth control: • Emergency contraception and follow-up • Pregnancy testing and counseling* • Male and female sterilization • STD counseling and testing* • HIV counseling and testing* So why take this program away when it helps so many?
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Maria Schrader
  • Open Medicare insurance to everybody
    Increase Medicare solvency by offering Medicare coverage to people of all ages at one reasonable fixed price. NOT required participation, but a choice to participate which will remove fear of a so-called Socialist program as well as help spread costs of current expenses over a larger risk pool.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steven Hambacher
  • Save Our Doctor Ohana vs Hawaii Health Systems Corp
    We are senior citizens, family caregivers and case management agencies fighting Hawaii Health Systems Corporation (HHSC) to get them to reverse their decision and renew Dr. K. Albert Yazawa’s contract. There are virtually no doctors willing to accept new patients, let alone patients insured with Medicare or Medicaid, and yet, this State funded organization wants to eliminate their Board Certified Family Physician who specializes in Geriatric Services, which will negatively impact over 300 frail senior citizens. We must stop them!
    274 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Crystal van Beelen
  • save medicare,disabilty, medicade
    I am on disability and medicade & medicare PLEASE do not make cuts in this area.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by jeanne wagner
  • Action: Our military women need your help!
    The service women who defend our country deserve the same insurance coverage for reproductive health services as others who rely on the federal government for their health care. To force service women who suffer rape or incest to pay for abortion care is discriminatory and unjust. The Senate needs to ensure that the amendment sponsored by Senator Jeanne Shaheen is part of the National Defense Authorization Act. Military women deserve the same reproductive health coverage that civilian workers have.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by National Partnership for Women & Families
  • Senators: Help to keep children and youth with mental needs in their home!
    Inpatient psychiatric hospitalization and residential treatment are unnecessary for many children and adolescents with mental disorders. Help keep our children and youth in their homes by providing them with home-based and community-based interventions, which has been proven to be a more appropriate and less restrictive alternative.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sheemeca Berkley
  • Virginia Senate, Governor, Congress put an end to Pre-existing conditions on Insurance
    Insurance for those of us who are on SSA. This has been done to me and I cannot get Health coverage now because I would have to wait one year for the preexisting label to remove itself from my file, in that length of time I could be dead.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Betty Kuhlman
  • Alabama approve OBAMACARE
    Govener Bentley approve OBAMACARE,for the disabled people that you serve. Stop thinking about fatting the states pockets and think about the HEALTH of others.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by DONALD SELF
  • Stop Alzheimer's Petition
    Alzheimer’s disease is the great health crisis of our time. One in three families is affected by it. It robs people of their independence and their dignity. The petition calls on the President and Congress to make fighting Alzheimer's disease a national priority and to dedicate all resources necessary to fulfill the commitment of the National Plan to Address Alzheimer's Disease.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eric Sokol