3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by JANICE FREY
  • Medicare For All Americans
    Healthcare is a human right! Help bring an end to this suffering and bring healthcare to every American. We are wasting our health care dollars on insurance company profits. The United States is the only industrialized nation that does not offer universal health care for it's citizens.
    212 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Bill Childs
  • Reproductive Health for All
    Many agree that it is a human right for everyone to receive health care. Unfortunately, one branch of health care, reproductive health, has been put off. Many couples, especially from developing nations, are unable to afford family planning services offered in their countries; certain nations don’t even have a stable family planning program for their people. These predicaments violate one’s right to care for his or her well being. The limitation of such services also negatively affects one’s ability to care for his or her children. If we can make family planning services and contraceptives more affordable and available for the people who need them the most, then there will be more families whose parents can afford to help their children succeed, as well as more women given rights to care for themselves. We are asking Bayer Pharmaceuticals to donate contraceptives to organizations that will help make all of this happen.
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mariah Castillo
  • Make CA Doctors Check Patient Prescription History
    Prescription drug addicts in California can currently visit multiple doctors and obtain multiple prescriptions for their opiates of choice without anyone noticing the crime. The Controlled Substance Utilization Review and Evaluation System (CURES) is a prescription monitoring program that keeps track of and reports fraudulent and suspicious prescription cases. However, due to its optional enrollment only 4% of California doctors and pharmacists use it. We need 100% participation to effectively combat prescription drug abuse in our state.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Phillips
  • Government Health care
    Any elected official that does not support the affordable health care act for all, must forfeit any tax payer funded healthcare for themselves and their families. It is not fair for one group of individuals to receive health care paid for by American taxpayers and not support it for every American. This sends a message that they must follow a consistent vision and practices in their ideology.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kevin
  • Got Insurance? Who needs Insurance Companies?
    How can we (the common we and the political we), not see that the real problem in our society and economy is the power of the insurance companies dictating to everyone, (the government, the business owner, the individual, the doctors, the hospitals) and escalating the cost of care. If we took every premium paid to insurance companies over our lifetime, we would have enough money to cover everyone to be able to have a yearly physical for prevention and cut costs. There is no indication the insurance companies want to participate in making healthcare affordable to the common citizen; No standardization of forms (to decrease the time spent reading them), no available information of what is covered, refusals, lost paperwork, etc., etc., etc., increasing costs for billing and those providing care. THIS HAS TO STOP. We need to root the parasitic insurance companies out of the core of health care and our government and our lives. End the lobbist culture and save America.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jan Franck
  • why not a mandate for insurance
    We have to have car,home insurance we have to buy a driver license and plates and pay for birith records fishing hunting marrage license. We have to pay public school fees ( art supplies book and paper supplies lunch etc). How can all these and many other government laws and mandates be constitutional? If you want to stop the new health insurance law then all of the above should be free or not required.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rob Allen
  • Veterans Administration: Treat Our Veterans!
    Thousands of our veterans aren't receiving the medical care they need after serving. Veterans are discharged every day without receiving the medical and dental care they need. Many vets are having to deal with a lifetime of unnecessary pain and suffering. We're calling on congress to rewrite the VA Charter to allow all vets access to the healthcare they were promissed. We are further calling on congress to enact legislation to not allow any serviceperson to be discharged without a full medical and psychological exam and be given continuing treatment for all injuries.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gary Swank
  • Let Obama led americans
    Please, let Obama lead us, trying put all obstacules in his way , just make feel that i dont want Republicans EVER!!!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ana Hernandez
  • Insurance Rip Off
    The Insurance Company's are making the elderly and Disabled and the Poor and Middle class People to where they can barely afford to eat. My Disability check is $888.00 monthly, my Drug costs are $700.00 a monthly, if the Insurance continue to raise the rates I will not have enough to live on, right now I live on $188.00 dollars, congress has to do some thing, set limites on Drug Prices.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rita Vonalmen
  • Excise Incompetent Doctors.
    The number of doctor errors resulting in death is reported as approximately 200,000 per year. (In the US). The number of unreported doctor error is just that, unknown to the general public. It undoubtedly is far greater than the reported cases. Why should the public care? Because next time it may be someone in your family or perhaps yourself. Government Agencies set up to monitor these medical practitioners often act as excuse rs of these incompetent individuals. Most of the reported errors result from non technical problems such as failure to wash hands. This problem was highlighted in the early 1800's by a doctor Ignaz Semmelelwis, in a era before the germ theory was made known by doctor Louis Pasteur. These number if they represented war casualties would result in the surrender flag being hoisted. The book entitled "Coronary" by Stephen Klaidman gives an example of crass human greed by two doctors at the Redwood hospital in Redwood city California. These two "created" heart problems where none existed. Cracked open healthy individual's chests and gave them heart bypass surgery. Some 'patients' were too healthy and were simply sewed back up. They had an outstanding record of successful heart by-pass surgery, especially for such as small hospital. For this criminal activity, when finally exposed they were forced into retirement in Redwood City where they live today. No jail time. My own involvement with this situation began with my wife's death at the hands of her personal physician, (name withheld), who refused her any help whatsoever when she visited him for care following her emergency room examination.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by nathan almond
  • Increase Neuropathy Research Budget
    Getting a ground swell of supporters to write to their Representatives and Senators to support an increase of monies for Neuropathy Research at the NIH.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Walter R. Schillinger