Increase Medicare reimbursement to Physicians and hospitalsWe need to make congress aware of the dire straits our physicians are in. They are all going away and there are no primary care drs to take their place. Nurse Practitioners onlyhave independent clinics in seven states. In all other states they must work for /or with Physicians .Blue Cross and all other private insurance companies are matching the low rates forcing extreme stress in hospitals and Dr practices. Congress needs to get off their luxurious medical Insurance and retirement packages, ( at the expense of the american people) and be on Medicare like the rest of us!106 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Rose Potter
Increased Pay/Recognition for Medical AssistantsWe are medical professionals who are educated and experienced. We are not recognized with a pay scale commensurate to our worth. We are not recognized as the professionals we are. We can change this if we band together. Please sign the petition and pass along.305 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Jill Powell
Stop UMC CutsThe Jindal adminstration is making massive cuts at UMC. This will cause not only job loss, but the inability of many people to receive the health care, that is everyone's right. People without transportation will be forced to go to other charity hospitals that are out of town. This is just plain inhumane and wrong!5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Fay Bowen
No Compromise on Women's HealthThe new federal health law requires that Catholic-affiliated organizations with a largely secular workforce and/or serving a secular public must purchase insurance plans that cover birth control. The Catholic Church claims that this is a violation of the Church's religious freedom, and members of Congress are already talking about the need to compromise the requirement or get rid of it entirely. Tell Congress to protect the religious freedom of the tens of thousands of women who, without the mandate, will either have to continue to pay ten times the typical price of the birth control pill or simply do without it.7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Anita Durkin
Demand Both Contraceptive and ED Medication Coverage!We the voters of America demand that all organizations who take government funds to cover erectile dysfunction medication also cover birth control. If they cover one, they must cover both! Since the GOP in Congress and the GOP presidential hopefuls are against contraceptive coverage for women by insurance plans and vow to repeal the Affordable Health Care Act, the following bears discussion and action. Since Congress ensures coverage of erectile dysfunction medications in insurance plans, they must also ensure contraceptive coverage. One without the other is unfair to the American taxpayer. Please sign and share! Thank you.914 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Margarita Mercure Hibbs
Save the Juice!It’s healthy! It’s hydrating! It gives a natural sugar rush in the afternoon and prevents binging on cookies! It provides daily doses of Vitamin C (both OJ and Apple juice give 100%) keeping ClimateWorkers (and maybe even CPI-ers) happy and healthy. Save the juice! Don't let the Big-Soda lobby have their way with us!11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Casey Cronin
Demand Karen Handel's Removal as Komen VPKaren Handel was the driving force behind Komen's decision to defund Planned Parenthood. By putting her own political agenda ahead of Komen's mission to fight breast cancer, she risked losing donations and Komen supporters. She should be removed as vice president.8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Anissa Hargis
Legalise MarijuanaFor millenia, humans have grown and used Hemp for many reasons. We know that it has countless medical values, from actually CURING cancer, to treating rashes, detox, improving the general health and wellbeing, and many more. Today, it is illegal because Big Pharma can't patent a herb, and therefore not profit from it. This insanity has to stop, mainly because cancer is on the rise worl wide and the cure for it has been here all along...7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jason D. Smith
Komen Investigation by the SenateNow that we know Ali Fleisher hired defeated Handal, the whole Komen organization smells of political connections illegal for a non-profit. Susan G Koman Foundation should be investigated by the Senate - women have a right to be protected.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by M. Wheeler
Komen Investigation by the SenateNow that we know Ali Fleisher hired defeated Handal, the whole Komen organization smells of political connections illegal for a non-profit. Susan G Koman Foundation should be investigated by the Senate - women have a right to be protected.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by M. Wheeler
Komen Investigation by the SenateNow that we know Ali Fleisher hired defeated Handal, the whole Komen organization smells of political connections illegal for a non-profit. Susan G Koman Foundation should be investigated by the Senate - women have a right to be protected.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by M. Wheeler
Stop our Catholic priests from going too far!The last two weekends have been filled with hate and bigotry in Catholic Churches across the nation. Join this protest to tell your Catholic religious leaders that they have gone too far and the political agendas and social issues like Roe vs Wade do not belong in church. Let your parishioners decide their political views for themselves in the privacy of their own homes. Do not force liberals across this country to abandon our faith due to the conservative right wing political agenda to prevent the re-election of President Obama.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by A liberal Catholic