• Komen Investigation by the Senate
    Now that we know Ali Fleisher hired defeated Handal, the whole Komen organization smells of political connections illegal for a non-profit. Susan G Koman Foundation should be investigated by the Senate - women have a right to be protected.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by M. Wheeler
  • Komen Investigation by the Senate
    Now that we know Ali Fleisher hired defeated Handal, the whole Komen organization smells of political connections illegal for a non-profit. Susan G Koman Foundation should be investigated by the Senate - women have a right to be protected.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by M. Wheeler
  • Stop our Catholic priests from going too far!
    The last two weekends have been filled with hate and bigotry in Catholic Churches across the nation. Join this protest to tell your Catholic religious leaders that they have gone too far and the political agendas and social issues like Roe vs Wade do not belong in church. Let your parishioners decide their political views for themselves in the privacy of their own homes. Do not force liberals across this country to abandon our faith due to the conservative right wing political agenda to prevent the re-election of President Obama.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by A liberal Catholic
  • Chemtrails
    My petition is about what is going on in our skies with planes spraying these trails for miles day and night. We need to know who is doing it and why. We need independent tests to see what damage it is causing then we need to get it stopped. If it is not doing us any damage why is there no information from the government about it?
    130 of 200 Signatures
  • Boycott all Pink Ribbon sponsors of Susan G. Komen Foundation.
    The Susan G. Komen Foundation has chosen politics over women's healthcare. The time has come to boycott all Pink Ribbon sponsors.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dan King
  • Remove Fast Food From Health Care Environments
    Fast food is detrimental to the health of those who eat it. A health care environment should be an example of a healthy environment. Be an example to hospitals across the country and remove fast food establishments from the Detroit Medical Center.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Noah Morrison
  • President Obama, Save our food chain now.
    Stop Monsanto and GMO foods. Dont they see what this is doing to our health? Europe is way ahead of us and this is banned there. They talk talk talk about health care and the reason so many our sick is the Fricken Food Chain. Here we are the best country in many ways to live in and we have the worst food. It is all about the money and greed. Please help us stop this silent war on the american people and let us afford HEALTHY FOOD.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Denice Watts
  • Catholic Bishops stop legislating!
    The Catholic Church is fighting new rules that make it mandatory to provide contraception and for employees. Churches are exempt but Non-profit hospitals and organizations are not under the new rules. The church is fighting against the new moral and ethical ruling claiming religious liberty. Our local doctors and nurses are not religious employees and deserve full benefits.
    373 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Michael Jarrett
  • Reform Benefits for Elected US Officials
    For decades, US national leaders have failed to solve the so-called impending crisis in Social Security and Medicare. This petition calls on Congress to pass and the President to sign a bill that will motivate them to find the solution by making Social Security and Medicare the sole retirement and healthcare benefits for all elected and appointed federal officials.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Whiteside
  • Stand with Planned Parenthood!
    Susan G. Komen bows to anti-abortion groups and halts support to Planned Parenthood.
    8,678 of 9,000 Signatures
    Created by Kathy Muckley
  • Pawtuxet Village Nursing & Rehab, Post Rd, Warwick RI (overdosing patients)
    This particular nursing facility has has numerous medication violations along with many other unrelated to medications. My father now lays in a medical overdose coma that started on January 22nd and has still not fully recovered. Let's get a full investigation into this going NOW!.
    384 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Debra Norman
  • Legalize Medicinal Marijuana in New York
    Patients need the unique medicine that can do what other prescriptions cannot do. Legalize Medicinal Marijuana!
    28 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Josh DaC