Rick Perry allowed Cameron Todd Willingham to be executed for a supposed arson fire that killed his children, when Perry's own experts concluded "there was no arson involved" A commission formed by Perry came to this conclusion at which point Perry fired three of the commissioners and replaced them with his own cronies. A New Yorker article and a documentary, Incendiary: The Willingham Case, go into great detail about this
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Trebor
  • Stop Malicious and Wrongful Prosecutions and Convictions against the Poor (Taxpayer Waste)
    My petition is about prosecutorial misconduct, malicious and wrongful convictions against the poor, and tax dollar waste in America. My petition is about my son, I, and others. Please read our story. I was falsely arrested, maliciously prosecuted and later convicted because I exercised my 1st Amendment Right to redress government by filing a complaint against the D A and Judge, and putting my story on Youtube, when I was falsely arrested on a felony theft charge. I stopped payment on a check to a bad contractor, whom I overpaid, during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. The contractor was able access my checking account illegally and get the funds, $7,574. My C U (Pelican State) gave me a forgery affidavit (wrong form) to dispute the illegal transaction. The contractor used this error (forgery affidavit) alledging I said he forged my name. I was arrested and jailed, and place on a $15,000 bond,(Excessive Bail). The contractor never finished the work, was unlicensed to work in Louisiana. No investigation was done by the D A's office prior to my arrest. I was convicted of felony theft, jury trial,(Our Tax Dollars at Work). I was placed on a $25,000 bond (More Excessive Bail) and spent another night in jail. My CU sent a letter apologizing to me for what happened, and to Probation and Parole (Presentence Investigation) after I was admitting, they erred in not stopping pay on the check, and giving me the wrong form to dispute the transaction, and further stated that they had done me wrong. My conviction remained. I was sentenced to 3 yrs. hard labor,suspended sentence 3 yrs. supervised probation@ $50 per mo., $10,251.46 restitution, $1,200 court fees, and 45 days community service. Cruel and Unusual Punishment! I appealed, through the Louisiana Appealant Project. The appeal was denied, (our tax dollars at work). I am now appealing to the Louisiana Supreme Court, (Our Tax Dollars at Work). This was a civil dispute, not criminal. When is it a crime to protect your interest when you have overpaid someone. This was federal grant money I received to rebuild/repair my home. Approximately 6 months after this happened, an Administrative educator(predator) accused my then 17 year old son of indecent exposure, she saw his private parts while walking on while working at his school during the summer of 2009. He remains adamant that he did not behave inappropiate in anyway toward this senior citizen educator. He had worked at his school 2 previous summers with no incidence. It was puzzling to me that he would wait until the threshold of graduation to behave this way, toward her of all people. When I began to question her about suspicions I had, like why didn't she call someone,etc.Others were in the building, including his supervisor. Buzzers were at her disposal. Her actions and her story didn't add up! She became irate with me. There weren't any witnesses in the area, so I asked to see school cameras, but was denied. My son was fired from the summer job. When the D A found out he was my son, he pursued him. The D A serves as legal counsel to the school Board, worked as a teacher in the school system prior to becoming D A. And already had a personal vendetta against me. He threatened he would lock my son up and did follow through on it. My son attempted to return to his school after summer break but was turned away. After the Louisiana Board of Ed. said he wasn't a student at the time this supposingly happened and they couldn't legally keep him form attending his school. They told me to file civil damages against them if they continued. (I wish I had). They got a teacher in another school to say she saw him too, but didn't say anything until 2 months later, after the LA Board of Ed. said they couldn't keep him from attending. Again there were no witnesses. Again I asked to see cameras in that school, but was denied. My son was arrested and removed illegally from his school, and spend 6 days in jail (our tax dollars at work). He is being tried as adult and is currently under $50,000 bond, charged with 2 felony counts of indecent exposure, obscenity. Unless my son takes a plea deal of 1 felony indecent exposure, 2 years probation, community service,etc. (pipeline to prison). He will be tried on both felony charges. Neither one of us had any prior criminal record until this happened to us. My son will not get a fair trial in this corrupt court, I didn't. I have had 4 paid lawyers on his case, and 2 on mine. What does tht say? None would present the evidence, afraid of this corrupt court, and looking out for their own interest. I wanted to share our story to bring much needed attention to blatant prosecutorial misconduct, malicious and wrongful convictions against the poor in America. And the moblike behavior of the officers of the courts. How our tax dollars are being wasted, misused and exploited this way. I would like to see serious investigations into prosecutorial misconduct and wrongful convictions across america, beginning with my son, and I, in Louisiana. I feel that when an officer of the court/ law authority takes an oath to uphold the laws of the U.S.Constitution, so blantantly, and openly misuses his/her power to inflict harm on others, namely the poor is nothing more than, " Hate Crimes," and should be treated as such. These are dangerous criminal minded individuals and should be immediately removed from their positions and severely punished. I would like the D A's offices and Judges recused from our case. I would like an opportunity to show evidence to a right authority before my son is malicously convicted as well. I would like to see serious legislature on malicious and wrongful prosecutions and convictions, from the federal level of government. I would like to see random audits of criminal cases, merits of charges being prosecuted with taxpayer dollars, etc., investigated. I would like to see an organization within our federal government that agg...
    115 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Katherine Conner
  • Send Austin and Shawn home!
    Austin and Shawn accidently burned the garage on the main road down. They tried to put it out with brooms but when that didnt work they ran- they are 12 and 14. We are asking the Washington County Court of Common Pleas to please send the boys home. They have been at the YES acadamy since June 2nd, we can only talk to them for 10 minutes a week on the phone and visit them for 3 hours on Sunday in Mercer county. The boys have never been in trouble before and we ask that they be sent back to the community and their families.
    123 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Todd C Rudy
  • No Incarceration for Back Child Support without DNA Paternity Confirmation
    Thousands have been incarcerated for owing back child support without DNA confirmation of paternity. Many state social service agencies, for example Missouri, shirk their responsibility to order DNA testing upon receipt of a paternity challenge. Too many have been denied the right to know their true genealogy; especially the offspring.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Darryl Lynn Jones
  • Enough is Enough-Send Our Family Members Home !
    Help Make This Bill into a Law, Change the Mandatory Sentencing Laws
    52 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Virginia L. Neal
  • Juror Non-profitability
    Makes it illegal for jurors to profit in any monetary way, including media incentives resulting from their involvement in a trial, unless it is to be donated to a foundation in honor of the victim, such as a scholarship fund, etc.
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Elizabeth Dennis
  • Free the Oak Ridge 13
    Background: These are 13 defendants, arrested on July 5, 2010, at the nuclear weapons facility, Y-12 National Security Complex, in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, the site for the Manhattan Project that built the bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the US (the only nuclear weapons to have been used since their invention). A larger protest was held outside the restricted area, but 13 protestors chose to cross into the site to stand and peacefully protest the existence of a factory for the manufacture of weapons of mass destruction on US soil. These 13 were arrested on federal charges of trespass and 12 of the 13 stood trial on May 11, 2011 for this offense (the 13th defendant will be tried separately since he was too ill to stand trial). Defendant information: The 12 peace and anti-nuclear activists brought to trial included 4 nuns, 3 priests, three members of the Catholic Worker movement that helps the poor and homeless, and two parents of young children. In addition, several of the defendants were over 80-years-old and suffer from a variety of medical problems. Unfortunately, due to the workings of the jail system and its bureaucracy, several of those in jail awaiting sentencing have been denied medicines and/or otherwise been put at risk by failure to meet their medical needs.
    448 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Mike Perlin
  • Restore Justice
    No one is safe until justice is restored. There is evidence that citizens have been targeted for political reasons. Although there was an investigation on the wrongful firing of seven U.S. Attorneys General in late 2006, and Attorney General Alberto Gonzales resigned, the same people who abused their power are still in the Justice Department. In the case of former Governor of Alabama, Don Siegelman, there were so many red flags on the unfairness of his case that ninety one former State Attorneys General, both Republican and Democrat have said that what he did is not a crime and are asking for a full investigation. Don Siegelman's story was on Sixty Minutes, The New York Times, Time Magazine and MSNBC to name a few. Since the Justice Department is not investigating itself, the Restore justice Petition is asking for a full investigation of the Don Siegelman Prosecution by the Senate.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bernette DerPaulian
  • Marijuana Legalization
    Marijuana prohibition is based upon multiple falsehoods. Such as Marijuana is classified as a schedule one drug that essentially says it is deadly addictive and with no medical use. It is also has it's origins in racism that affects people of color, as evidenced by the fact that while 72% of drug users are white and 15% are African-Americans, African-Americans make up 37% of those arrested and 57% incarcerated for drug felonies; We the United States has the world’s largest prison population, fueled by the War on Drugs. It is time to legalize marijuana.
    37 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Ryan
  • "Impeach Justice Clarence Thomas"
    Justice Thomas has committed perjury for 13 years of sworn financial disclosure forms claiming that his wife, Mrs. Thomas earned no income, when in fact she was earning a hefty income--directly related to cases before him. Justice Thomas has made a mockery of the United States Supreme Court and must be impeached effectively, immediately.
    4,227 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Anthony P. Johnson
  • Reformning the Alford Plea (Deal)
    When the Defendant in a trial is accused of harming a child (17 and under) whether it be from sexual and/or physical harm, and the State has an overwhelming amount of evidence against the Defendant to convict if it goes to trial...and the said Denfendant decides to enter a plea, that they not be allowed to enter that plea under the Alford Plea.
    30 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sherilyn Sowell
  • Demand that Sheriff Joe Arpaio Resign!
    Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio is currently the subject of FBI, United States Department of Justice, and Federal Grand Jury investigations for civil rights violations and abuse of power, and he is the defendant in a federal class action suit for racial profiling. He and his department have been named in over 27,000 lawsuits, and his department has been accused of mismanaging over $100 million in county funds. While the Sheriff has pursued media attention and publicity stunts, violent crime rates have risen in Maricopa County. Our already cash-strapped state cannot afford to pay for the Sheriff's misdeeds any longer. We call on him to do the right thing and resign.
    5,824 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Julie Jennings Patterson