• Juror Non-profitability
    Makes it illegal for jurors to profit in any monetary way, including media incentives resulting from their involvement in a trial, unless it is to be donated to a foundation in honor of the victim, such as a scholarship fund, etc.
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Elizabeth Dennis
  • Free the Oak Ridge 13
    Background: These are 13 defendants, arrested on July 5, 2010, at the nuclear weapons facility, Y-12 National Security Complex, in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, the site for the Manhattan Project that built the bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the US (the only nuclear weapons to have been used since their invention). A larger protest was held outside the restricted area, but 13 protestors chose to cross into the site to stand and peacefully protest the existence of a factory for the manufacture of weapons of mass destruction on US soil. These 13 were arrested on federal charges of trespass and 12 of the 13 stood trial on May 11, 2011 for this offense (the 13th defendant will be tried separately since he was too ill to stand trial). Defendant information: The 12 peace and anti-nuclear activists brought to trial included 4 nuns, 3 priests, three members of the Catholic Worker movement that helps the poor and homeless, and two parents of young children. In addition, several of the defendants were over 80-years-old and suffer from a variety of medical problems. Unfortunately, due to the workings of the jail system and its bureaucracy, several of those in jail awaiting sentencing have been denied medicines and/or otherwise been put at risk by failure to meet their medical needs.
    448 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Mike Perlin
  • Restore Justice
    No one is safe until justice is restored. There is evidence that citizens have been targeted for political reasons. Although there was an investigation on the wrongful firing of seven U.S. Attorneys General in late 2006, and Attorney General Alberto Gonzales resigned, the same people who abused their power are still in the Justice Department. In the case of former Governor of Alabama, Don Siegelman, there were so many red flags on the unfairness of his case that ninety one former State Attorneys General, both Republican and Democrat have said that what he did is not a crime and are asking for a full investigation. Don Siegelman's story was on Sixty Minutes, The New York Times, Time Magazine and MSNBC to name a few. Since the Justice Department is not investigating itself, the Restore justice Petition is asking for a full investigation of the Don Siegelman Prosecution by the Senate.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bernette DerPaulian
  • Marijuana Legalization
    Marijuana prohibition is based upon multiple falsehoods. Such as Marijuana is classified as a schedule one drug that essentially says it is deadly addictive and with no medical use. It is also has it's origins in racism that affects people of color, as evidenced by the fact that while 72% of drug users are white and 15% are African-Americans, African-Americans make up 37% of those arrested and 57% incarcerated for drug felonies; We the United States has the world’s largest prison population, fueled by the War on Drugs. It is time to legalize marijuana.
    37 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Ryan
  • "Impeach Justice Clarence Thomas"
    Justice Thomas has committed perjury for 13 years of sworn financial disclosure forms claiming that his wife, Mrs. Thomas earned no income, when in fact she was earning a hefty income--directly related to cases before him. Justice Thomas has made a mockery of the United States Supreme Court and must be impeached effectively, immediately.
    4,227 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Anthony P. Johnson
  • Reformning the Alford Plea (Deal)
    When the Defendant in a trial is accused of harming a child (17 and under) whether it be from sexual and/or physical harm, and the State has an overwhelming amount of evidence against the Defendant to convict if it goes to trial...and the said Denfendant decides to enter a plea, that they not be allowed to enter that plea under the Alford Plea.
    30 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sherilyn Sowell
  • Demand that Sheriff Joe Arpaio Resign!
    Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio is currently the subject of FBI, United States Department of Justice, and Federal Grand Jury investigations for civil rights violations and abuse of power, and he is the defendant in a federal class action suit for racial profiling. He and his department have been named in over 27,000 lawsuits, and his department has been accused of mismanaging over $100 million in county funds. While the Sheriff has pursued media attention and publicity stunts, violent crime rates have risen in Maricopa County. Our already cash-strapped state cannot afford to pay for the Sheriff's misdeeds any longer. We call on him to do the right thing and resign.
    5,824 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Julie Jennings Patterson
  • Mayor Gray: Make Our Streets Safe
    Every year automobile drivers kill tens of thousands of people in the USA, and injure millions more. Enough is enough. We are asking for increased digital enforcement of such frequent illegal and dangerous habits as speeding and running red lights in areas where we live, work, shop, and recreate.
    151 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Erik Kugler
  • Legalize
    Legalize marijuana for medicinal use. It helps over 200 diseases and sicknesses such as cancer, aids, glaucoma, anxiety, depression, bi-polar, nausea, and many more. Help cut down crime and bring some money into our economy by taxing it.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jacob Ekstrom
  • ethics code for police
    New York City policemen and women do not have an ethics code. Professions serving the public need guidelines that the public understands to provide the basis for strong partnership between the public and the police. An ethics code would dignify the job of policeman/woman, provide the basis for mutual respect, and clarify the limits of conduct.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by dr. elizabeth hegeman
  • Indict George W Bush War Crimes
    I think it's time to make the Bush Administration face the penalty for the Catastrophe they are responsible for. The deaths of almost 1.5 million people, the invasion of a sovereign Nation based on lies, and the authorization of torture. I also feel we should impeach George W Bush, and Richard Cheney for their crimes, as well as Condoleeza Rice, and Donald Rumsfeld
    46 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Patrick A Gordon