As citizens of the USA, we need to know if the Presidential candidates are physically and mentally fit to be the next President of the US.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by SuZen
  • Reasonable Growth on El Camino in San Mateo
    San Mateo needs more housing, but the proposed Hillsdale Terraces project has issues with scale, parking, traffic and public safety. Only a smaller structure makes sense. (Copy and paste this link into your browser to see what it would look like): https://www.dropbox.com/s/iiukhmp7n83dezw/Visualize%205%20Stories.jpg?dl=0 SCALE: Look at the photo link above. The project overpowers the street. There is *no* 5 story residence on the El Camino sidewalk for 5 miles in either direction. All tall projects are either set back with landscaping or have recessed upper floors. PARKING: 51 cars will look for on-street parking every night. That is because there are only 1.3 spaces instead of the standard of 2.0 per average 2 bedroom unit. The nearby streets are already full. TRAFFIC: The traffic for all 74 units plus two potential restaurant ground floor uses will exit and enter on 27th and 28th Avenues just in front of El Camino. As they cross 27th and 28th, they will block traffic. SAFETY: Lot constraints force the project so close to the sidewalk that the typical curb cut for a bus stop is impossible, so buses must stop in El Camino traffic. With the building out of Bay Meadows and the pending 28th Avenue connector to it, there will be greatly increased pedestrian crossings at El Camino. The 27th Avenue fire station must drive past the project exit to reach El Camino. These issues are not addressed. Without your input, the city will assume everyone likes the plan. With your input, they will make changes.
    512 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Walter Schwartz
  • Save the "paint the night Parade"
    Like so many other family's planning a trip this year we thought we would be able to witness this amazing event. Instead it will be replaced with the same traditional events seen every year. Let's give the consumer a voice.
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by A loyal Disney Fan
    The number of deaths, injuries, and dismemberments on the island of Martha's Vineyard during the summer months is no longer acceptable. The speed at which these vehicles travel is disruptive to an already overcrowded road system and the drivers of such vehicles are not properly trained on how to operate them, resulting in death and/or injury every year.
    1,590 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Nicole Friedler Brisson
  • McConnell and Ryan: Pull your Trump Endorsements NOW.
    Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell's endorsements lend undeserved credibility to a fascist, white nationalist campaign. They have the potential to change the course of history. We hope to help them make the right decision and save us from catastrophe.
    2,682 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Kipp Mueller
  • Tell GOP leaders to disavow Trump and his attacks on veterans
    Over the weekend, Donald Trump publicly insulted the Khan family, making comments—rooted in Islamophobia—about a family grieving the loss of their son, Humayun Khan, a U.S. solider who died in Iraq. This is one in a long line of painful examples which make it clear that Trump cannot be trusted to honor the women and men serving this nation in the armed services. My organization, Common Defense, was started out of a shared belief that Donald Trump is unfit to be our next commander-in-chief. As an Operation Enduring Freedom veteran, I’m appalled at Trump's disrespect for military families and his use of veterans as political props. In the army, I swore to protect the rights of every American. But Donald Trump wants to divide us, and his actions will put us in danger. Sen. McConnell and Speaker Ryan have both released statements that failed to mention Donald Trump by name or outright condemn his attacks. If Republican leaders do not outright disavow Trump's dangerous rhetoric, they are not only endorsing Donald Trump's candidacy, but also his attacks on veterans. We cannot allow these comments to go unchallenged. Tell the leaders of the Republican Party to disavow Trump's attacks on veterans now.
    122,186 of 200,000 Signatures
    Created by Perry O'Brien Picture
  • mail boxes access changes needed
    We require that because how the mail boxes are currently position and located they are dangerous and illegal to access. So we demand that the post office take action. http://traffic.findlaw.com/traffic-tickets/jaywalking.html http://wisconsindot.gov/Pages/safety/education/pedestrian/default.aspx http://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/statutes/statutes/346/II/05 346.05  Vehicles to be driven on right side of roadway; now there are few exceptions none of which allows you to park in the wrong direction to check your mail box.
    47 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brian Mason
  • Show your tax returns, Donald Trump.
    What is Donald Trump hiding? By refusing to release his tax returns as he bids to become the next president of the USA, he is flouting modern electoral conventions and ignoring the wishes of the American people. By this simple act, by releasing his tax returns to open inspection by experts and lay folk alike, he can easily allay any fears of underhandedness or dishonesty in his business dealings. This is a big, big issue in this election, and he has nothing to fear if he has, as he repeatedly states, nothing to hide.
    187 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Kieran Patten
  • Donald Trump's tax returns
    I feel strongly that Donald Trump is a fraud and I truly believe his tax returns would reveal that. And I can't believe the press is not pushing him more on this. He gets away with lying over and over and needs to be held accountable.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Deborah Demeduc
  • Demand the FBI investigate Donald Trump's ties to Russia
    I'm concerned for my country, concerned about Donald Trump's motives, and concerned for our national security. Donald Trump has now repeatedly encouraged the Russian government to commit espionage and hack U.S. computers, while refusing to provide any documentation showing he does not have financial obligations or ties to Russia. Given Donald Trump will not release his tax returns or otherwise prove his independence, the FBI should launch an investigation to ensure that the Republican nominee for President is not compromised by financial or other obligations to the Russian government.
    3,006 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by David Turnbull
  • Donald Trump: Release your Tax Returns
    Voters in the United States have a right to see how Presidential Candidates have run their personal finances and see if there are conflicts of interest, performance failures or foreign connections to their finances. This is particularly important this election year with a Russian financial connection being hinted at.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Danny Baker
  • Not now, not ever: Bernie supporters are NOT voting for Trump!
    Over the past few weeks, Donald Trump has been spouting the line that lots of folks who voted for Bernie Sanders in the primary are going to vote for him in the general election. Well, I think that's bull crap! While we are disappointed that Bernie Sanders is not our nominee, we are ready to unite against the hateful, bigoted, lying Trump, who holds none of the values that attracted us to Bernie in the first place. Add your name to tell Donald Trump that he's delusional if he thinks any voters who supported Bernie are going to come over and vote for him!
    12,607 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Schnika Pender