• Subpoena Chief Justice John Roberts NOW
    Even more SCOTUS ethics scandals are being revealed, yet the man that leads the highest Court in the nation, Chief Justice John Roberts, REFUSES to testify in front of the Senate. In the last few weeks, we’ve learned of Clarence Thomas’ luxury vacations with billionaire GOP mega-donor Harlan Crow.1 Roberts himself is involved with a scandal around his wife making $10 million from law firms with cases in front of the Court — Roberts NEVER disclosed this money or recused himself from these cases.2 This is unconscionable on the most powerful court in the county. Chief Justice Roberts needs to testify before the Senate on the state of the Court and the rampant ethics scandals. Senator Dick Durbin can make it happen. Sign the petition: Call on Senate Judiciary Chairman Dick Durbin to subpoena Chief Justice Roberts about Supreme Court ethics violations. All of the conservative justices have been at the center of ethics issues. Millions of dollars undisclosed. Conflicts of interests. Trips to Rome funded by right-wing organizations. Superyacht vacations. Spouses involved in efforts to overturn the 2020 election. The list goes on and on. When we talk about some of these SCOTUS ethics issues, we’re not talking about minor, isolated incidents. To describe Thomas’s string of behaviors that likely broke the law, experts and retired judges have used words like INCOMPREHENSIBLE, HIDING, VIOLATION, and CORRODES PUBLIC TRUST.3,4 Over half of Americans believe Supreme Court justices base rulings on personal politics, instead of the law.5 Confidence in the Court is at an all-time low thanks to extreme right-wing rulings out of step with the American people and a slew of ethics scandals surrounding the conservative justices. And yet, for more than four years, the Supreme Court has failed to adopt an ethics code and enforce ethical norms despite a series of serious controversies.6 Elected and appointed officials across the government have high standards of ethics applied to their actions. The Supreme Court shouldn’t be an exception. Congress must act now, and that starts with Senator Dick Durbin ensuring that Roberts has no choice but to testify on these scandals. Urge Senate Judiciary Chairman Dick Durbin to subpoena Chief Justice Roberts to testify about Supreme Court ethics scandals now. Sources: Pro Publica, "Clarence Thomas and the Billionaire,” April 6, 2023. Business Insider, "Jane Roberts, who is married to Chief Justice John Roberts, made $10.3 million in commissions from elite law firms, whistleblower documents show,” April 28, 2023. Pro Publica, "Clarence Thomas and the Billionaire,” April 6, 2023. Pro Publica, "Billionaire Harlan Crow Bought Property From Clarence Thomas. The Justice Didn’t Disclose the Deal,” April 13, 2023. ABC News, "More say politics, not the law, drive Supreme Court decisions: POLL,” May 9, 2023. Forbes, "Supreme Court Justices Reportedly Can’t Figure Out How To Adopt Ethics Code Amid Controversies,” February 9, 2023.
    101 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Demand Progress
  • Lifting the Dress Code Policy
    It’s important to listen to how we feel even though we are just kids, it affects our daily lives and our overall mood. I hear students talking about it every minute of everyday.
    424 of 500 Signatures
    Created by A14778 .
  • URGENT! Prevent Texas from providing immunity to officers who cause harm with less-lethal weapons.
    SB2593 would not improve community safety, it would disproportionately harm marginalized and vulnerable people and destroy Texas families. In the interest of justice and community safety, the undersigned Texans call on the Texas House of Representatives and the Committee on Criminal Jurisprudence in particular to BLOCK SB2593 from advancing toward law.
    129 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Dr. Kelly E. Green Picture
  • 100 000 votes to enable speech output for Belarusian language in Google Translate app
    Наша мова - наш голас: зробім так, каб беларускую мову пачулі! Пішу, каб звярнуць увагу на праблему беларускай мовы, на якой сёння не размаўляе большасць беларускага насельніцтва ў паўсядзённым жыцці, а ЮНЭСКА аднесла яе да спісу "Уразлівых" (альбо тых, што знаходзяцца пад пагрозай) некалькі гадоў таму. Нягледзячы на ​​сваю гістарычную і культурную значнасць, мова сутыкалася і сутыкаецца з праблемамі з-за дамінавання рускай мовы ў рэгіёне. Беларуская мова адыгрывала важную ролю ў Вялікім Княстве Літоўскім, якое было адной з найбуйнейшых і магутных дзяржаў Еўропы сярэднявечча і ранняга Новага часу. На сваім росквіце Вялікае Княства Літоўскае ахоплівала вялікую тэрыторыю, якая ўключала частку сучасных Літвы, Беларусі, Украіны, Латвіі, Эстоніі і Расіі. Адным з найважнейшых юрыдычных дакументаў Вялікага Княства Літоўскага, напісаных на старабеларускай мове, быў Трэці Статут, які ўяўляў сабой прававы кодэкс, які дзейнічаў у Вялікім Княстве з сярэдзіны XVI да канца XVIII стагоддзя і ахопліваў шырокі спектр прававых пытанняў і садзейнічаў стварэнню прававой базы Вялікага Княства Літоўскага. Ці можаце вы паверыць, што зараз мова знаходзіцца пад пагрозай знікнення? Але гэта сапраўды так. Сёння як ніколі важна падтрымліваць і даць магчымасць беларускаму народу размаўляць на роднай мове: Я лічу, што развіццё мовы неабходна для захавання мовы для будучых пакаленняў, калі мы не здолеем яе захаваць сёння - мы не здолеем выратаваць Нацыю заўтра. Апошнім часам назіраецца гістарычны ўсплёск жадання беларусаў размаўляць на роднай мове і глыбей вывучаць яе. І я бачу магчымасць падтрымаць беларусаў у гэтым пачынанні. Як носьбіт мовы, каторая знаходзіцца пад пагрозай знікнення, прашу падтрымаць мяне ў прасоўванні гэтага допісу, каб яго ўбачыла як мага больш людзей. Our language - our voice: let's make the Belarusian language heard! Belarusian language is currently not spoken in the day-to-day life of the majority of the Belarusian population, and the spoken language has been assigned to 'Vulnerable' by UNESCO a few years ago. Despite its historical and cultural significance, the language has faced and is still facing challenges due to the dominance of Russian in the region. The Belarusian language played an important role in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, which was one of the largest and most powerful states in Europe during the medieval and early modern period. At its height, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania encompassed a large territory that included parts of modern-day Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Poland, Latvia, Estonia, and Russia. One of the most important legal documents in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania written in Old Belarusian was the Third Statute of Lithuania, which was a legal code that governed the Grand Duchy from the mid-16th to the late 18th century, that covered a wide range of legal issues and helped to establish the legal framework of the Grand Duchy. Can you believe that now the language is at risk of extinction? Yes, it is. Nowadays, it's as important as ever to support & empower the Belarusian Nation to speak our Native language: I believe, the development of the language is essential for preserving the language for future generations, if we fail to save it today - we will fail to save the Nation tomorrow. Recently, we can observe a historical spike in the willingness of Belarusians to speak Native and learn our native language deeper. And I see the opportunity how to support the Belarusians in this endeavor. As a speaker of the endangered language, I want to ask you to support me in promoting this post, so that as many people as possible could see it.
    5,232 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Krystsina Yarotskaya
  • Tell Google to Stop Collecting Location Data and Aiding Abortion Prosecutors
    After Roe v. Wade was overturned, Google promised in July 2022 to protect sensitive health data by deleting the Location History of users who visited abortion clinics. However, Accountable Tech’s latest experiment shows that the Location History for a short trip to an abortion clinic — like someone dropping off a friend or family member — is still collected and retained if a user has Location History enabled on their Google Account. On top of that, Google is collecting and retaining location search queries for abortion clinics by default for 18 months. That means if you search for an abortion clinic on Google Maps, that information will be kept in your Google Account for 18 months, possibly putting you at risk. It’s unacceptable that Google made a promise to protect users in a post-Roe America and is still falling short. Join us in calling them out and demanding they stop aiding abortion prosecutors.
    41,265 of 45,000 Signatures
    Created by Accountable Tech Picture
  • Evoq Tenant Complaint Petition
    Tenants have rights! If they won’t hear us separately they will have no choice but to hear us all together. Our safety and quality of living matter. We need resolutions and not excuses! From plumbing issues to loitering. We deserve better!
    127 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Kirstin Smith
  • Fair work place
    To make the company aware that no matter what position a person held they all should be treated with respect and to know it’s not okay to sweep or turn your head about an issue that has been brought to their attention rather it’s small or big. All complaints matter!!
    87 of 100 Signatures
    Created by DdPanthers25 Bryant
  • Help to stop the anti-trans bill in Florida from being passed against transgender cancer patients
    It's a cruel and ongoing bill that can take the lives away from trans people in the state of Florida who are diagnosed with breast cancer.
    897 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Aiden Lee
  • Oferta dos CTT para permitir o rastreio total USPS do correio registado de entrada nos EUA
    PETITION: CTT offer to allow for full USPS tracking of US inbound registered mail. Dear CTT Postal Service of Portugal, We are kindly asking you to redefine your tracked offerings concerning international outgoing registered mail to the USA. Who we are? We are a community of Portuguese crafters and online shops with over 50% of our sales going to the US market. We ship several thousand parcels of sold goods to our private customers in the USA, and are sending you this request due to the continuous problems with deliveries to the USA. What is the issue? Registered airmail tracking numbers (with barcodes) do not appear in USPS tracking systems. CTT only allows us to track up until leaving the country. If USPS continues to not scan the tracking numbers the packages will simply disappear. We don't even receive a message stating that it has arrived in the US. We need to provide proof to our customers that packages have arrived in the US. We are experiencing a huge growth in claims, refunds and negative feedbacks from our US customers and as result we keep loosing business and you too will loose business. We pay the highest possible form of shipping CTT offers, yet it is not supported by USPS systems as seen in this notice on their website: ************************************************************************ International Registered Mail Tracking Suppression of Import Registered Mail Effective October 1, 2015, the Postal Service™ will no longer offer visibility for international import Registered Mail™ items unless International Posts have upgraded to offer their customers U.S. Postal Service® products that come with visibility. The International Posts which have upgraded to offer their customers Postal Service products that offer visibility are listed here: https://about.usps.com/pos.../2015/pb22424/html/info_002.htm ************************************************************************** How will we know when the recipient receives the package? How will we know if the recipient signed for it? How will we know if a notice has been left or unclaimed? How will we know it there is a delay? What do we ask: We would kindly ask you to become compliant with the USPS registered airmail tracking system even if that means the cost to ship Registered mail piece from Portugal will increase significantly. That will allow the USPS to scan packages as soon as they arrive in the US. Would like this information to appear on your website so that all your customers and our customers in the US could have access to this information. If this information does not appear CTT will inevitably receive thousands of customer services complaints and requests to "Reclamações" to search for lost Registered mail, which CTT will have to compensate. We would like all our clients to have a clear understanding that our packages have actually left Portugal and are waiting to be processed in one of the USPS sorting facilities on the US territory. We really hope for your understanding and cooperation. Thank you very much for your time, From the Portuguese online sellers, self employed small businesses, crafters, regular registered mail senders of gifts and of course many thanks from our recipients in the US. * * *
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tom Tom
  • Increase Federal Minimum Wage for Servers
    Please join me in advocating for raising the Federal Minimum Wage for Tipped Workers. I have watched my mother work her body to exhaustion for over thirty years, never making more than $2.13/hour. She has been afraid of retribution if she advocates for herself. The plight of the average server is often overlooked when we talk about issues with minimum wage even though the tipped worker minimum wage has not increased in 32 years. I am sick and tired of having this vulnerable segment of the working population left out of the conversation. Please join me in championing those without a voice.
    566 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Chelsea Blasko Muse
  • Fair Regulations on Short-Term Rentals in Marfa, Texas
    As short-term rentals increase, residency decreases.* Short-term rentals drive up the cost of living. Short-term rentals deplete the availability of long-term rentals. Regulations on short-term rentals are becoming common in Texas cities and have been upheld by courts.** Short-term rentals are expected to continue to grow in number by 20-30% annually.*** 20% of Marfa's housing is currently short-term rentals with more being built as you read this.**** * From the Wall Street Journal article: https://www.wsj.com/articles/vacation-rentals-in-the-desert-e63eb21e (this article is behind a paywall, but an audio file is available at the top of the page without a login). ** Information provided by Texas Neighborhood Coalition *** Statistics provided by Granicus **** Information gathered from Granicus and the Presidio County Appraiser
    245 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Marfa Chamber
  • Stop the willow project
    It's going to destroy the article. It's going to destroy the world, our world. It's going to destroy future generations, It's going to destroy everything we need more people to sign it we are going to die we need to take action the isn't much time left please just listen to me, Listen to us all. Please I beg, Spread awareness, Do everything you can please I don't want to die I'm just a kid I don't want to lose everything my home, Please help.
    4,697 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Lidia Mendoza