• Remove the Racist John R. Monaghan Statue from Downtown Spokane, WA
    The dedication of the Monaghan Statue in 1906 was tinged with anti-Sāmoan racism and white supremacy, and the statue has served as a rallying point and a justification for these attitudes ever since. This monument - like the war it memorializes - is unjust. The monument represents an injustice in that it attempts to honor Monaghan using a distorted and false depiction of both the war and an entire people. For Spokanites unfamiliar with our Pacific Islander community, the monument represents an injustice in that it perpetuates a single, erroneous story about Sāmoans and Sāmoan-Americans as a savage foe and robs both them and us of our humanity. For Spokanites and the many U.S. veterans whose roots are in the Pacific, the monument represents an injustice by inflicting ongoing pain and offense in its misrepresentation of their ancestors and the devastating impact of that war on their community. That pain and offense extends beyond our local community to Pacific Islanders throughout the U.S. and overseas, for whom Spokane, Washington, is known as the place with the offensive Monaghan Statue. The widespread reputation of this monument is a humiliation to our Spokane community and it must be removed.
    2,262 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by CAC Community Outreach
  • Sign the petition: Break Up Amazon!
    Amazon continues to feel the heat in Alabama. Earlier this month the NLRB ruled that Amazon unfairly tampered with the union vote in Bessemer, Alabama.1 Amazon used their massive power to pressure the postal service into putting a mailbox at the workplace in Alabama -- which may have caused workers to feel Amazon could see when and how they voted, potentially influencing the result. This is just further proof that Amazon has too much power, and is abusing it to undermine workers' rights. One way we can help fight back: pressure the federal government to break up Amazon. Sign the petition: Tell the federal government to support workers and break up Amazon! Amazon isn't just a tech giant, it's a global monster with tentacles gripping nearly every part of daily life. And Amazon workers, especially Amazon warehouse workers, continue to feel the squeeze. Amazon warehouse working conditions are notoriously bad. So much so, the National Council of Occupational Safety and Health named Amazon one of the most dangerous employers in the country.2 On top of that, during the historic heatwaves earlier this summer, Amazon warehouses pushed workers to their physical brink, without providing air-conditioning. But the tide is turning. Activists like you and me are speaking out and demanding Amazon be held accountable. In Alabama, that might mean a new worker union election. But we can't stop there. Amazon has proven time and again that they have too much power and influence, and use it to undermine their workers and their right to a safe workplace. So now it's time for action. Together we can raise our voices and pressure Congress to act boldly to break up Amazon's monopoly. Sign the petition: Tell the federal government to break up Amazon! Sources: 1. Vox, “The Amazon union drive isn't over yet,” August 3, 2021. 2. Futurism, “After Deaths, Amazon Lands on List of Most Dangerous Employers,” October 18, 2019.
    45 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Demand Progress
  • Hold DTE accountable for excessive power outages and lack of infrastructure investment & maintenance
    Hard working individuals and families across southeast Michigan have been adversely impacted by DTE Energy's continued failure as our sole electrical service provider for far too long. From frequent brownouts to complete power outages – citizens are left without much needed power and often significant financial loss resulting from damaged appliances and spoiled food with no compensation. DTE Energy continues to respond to outages with only promises made for improved infrastructure investment and maintenance that simply does not take place or produce lasting results. DTE Energy must be held accountable for the poor state of their system and make real financial investment to provide lasting and sustainable improvements that greatly reduce the frequency and duration of power outages.
    961 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by City of Southfield, MI
    We don’t have the luxury of hanging up on reality. There is so much at stake: Healthcare, poverty, racial equity, public safety, housing, social programs — the list goes on. We cannot let the Conservative party win and implement policies that sow hate and division and take away what we have worked so hard for. The party that embraces Trump and all that he stands for — xenophobia, racism, classism, white supremacy, extremism, snd so much more. Their top candidate is a Trump Republican who will unravel all that is good in our State, including the progress that we have made. The struggle for equity and dismantling of hate will be under attack. If you still aren’t feeling the pressure — remember that the power of a governor is immense. Imagine meaningful legislation that we have advocated for never being signed into law. Our hands will be tied. The poll results are in and show that if we don’t show up to vote, the recall will 100% happen. If you do nothing else in this stressful year, please make it voting and reaching out to others to VOTE NO on the recall. Please contact the author of this petition for details on how to GET INVOLVED and SPRED THE WORD. And vote. Vote. VOTE. Kimberly Adams [email protected] 714-325-5303
    112 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Kimberly Adams
  • Tell Congress: Denounce Amazon’s plan to build a South African HQ on sacred indigenous land!
    Amazon wants to build a new HQ in South Africa by bulldozing over sacred indigenous land.1 And just like when Amazon tried to build a new HQ in New York City, local activists in Cape Town are pushing back. Amazon didn't choose a sacred indigenous site by accident. They know it has historical, cultural and environmental significance.2 They just want to destroy and build on it anyway. But since Amazon is a US company, they're particularly vulnerable to grassroots pressure here in the US. You can show your solidarity with indigenous activists in South Africa by calling on your member of Congress to denounce this new Amazon headquarters. Sign the petition: Tell Congress to denounce Amazon's plan to build a HQ on sacred indigenous land in South Africa! The indigenous land sits on the banks of the Liesbeek River where in the year 1510 Khoi peoples successfully fought back Portuguese intruders. The area is still a source of pride and cultural heritage for the Khoi, which also survived decades of oppression under Apartheid. But now Amazon wants to bulldoze it and build a sprawling campus. Over 50,000 residents in Cape Town signed a petition opposing the construction, but Amazon is pushing ahead anyway. That's why folks on the ground there are asking for your help! If US elected officials publicly denounce this HQ project, Amazon will face an international political and PR nightmare. Activists here in the US successfully blocked an Amazon HQ in New York City. Together you can show solidarity with indigenous activists and help block this new Amazon HQ in South Africa. Sign the petition: Tell Congress to denounce Amazon's plan to build a HQ on sacred indigenous land in South Africa! Sources: 1. Reuters, "Heritage dispute engulfs site chosen for Amazon's new African HQ," June 3, 2021. 2. Africa News, "Controversy over the location of Amazon African headquarters in Cape Town," May 14, 2021.
    4,082 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Demand Progress
  • Hold Landlords Accountable For Tenant Harassment, Today.
    Homeless is due to shady practices from money hungry and powerful landlords. If we hold them accountable... the city wouldn’t have this catastrophic problem. Not all tenants have issues paying rent but landlords took their large down payments and started harassing them to immediately move out just to collect someone else large deposit.
    65 of 100 Signatures
    Created by M Shannon
  • Extend the COVID-19 Eviction Moratorium! Ask Congressman Raul Ruiz to Reconvene Congress ASAP!
    8 million Americans may become homeless if this eviction moratorium is not extended! The uptick in COVID 19 cases is rising rapidly again, due to the delta variant.
    51 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Patrick Weiss
  • Sign Now: Congress must implement oversight of Pegasus
    Pegasus, a spyware created by Israeli company NSO, surveilled over *50,000* individuals — including private citizens — through their phones: tracking their messages, monitoring their locations, and even remotely activating their microphones to listen in on their conversations. This kind of mass surveillance is a threat to each and every one of us. That’s why we’re calling on Congress to protect our privacy and implement oversight of Pegasus spyware. Will you add your name to join us in calling for an end to unchecked surveillance?
    61 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Win Without War Picture
  • Restore Press Freedom!
    Today the entire mainstream media is owned by only FIVE corporations, all of which are run by people who are invested in weapons and war. The result is a media that always starts with a pro-interventionist position and is staffed by former intelligence officials and generals that protect the government narrative instead of the truth. Additionally, it is extremely rare for mainstream media outlets to have on opposing viewpoints, especially from the left, to have debates and discussions. We need a return to fairness, truth and civil debate.
    174 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jason Kishineff
  • Raise SSI/SSDI permanently due to Changing economy due to COVID/Poverty
    I am not the only one in this mess. I know other people feel the crunch of their expenses and day to day lives. People are scared to ask for more, because they know they'll be denied. I say we ask anyway, can't try, can't do. What if we change things?! What if we find a solution! What if we are listened too! Sign your name, and work for positive change. Let's not give up!
    51 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ana Massien
  • Tell Mayor Ginther: Cancel the dangerous North Broadway crossing for the Olentangy Trail
    The City is planning to spend millions of dollars on an unnecessary bridge and trail segment ... that will take pedestrian and bicycle traffic directly to a highway off-ramp. There are far better and more cost-effective ways to improve trail safety on Milton from Kenworth over to Delhi! If built, this ill-advised crossing will be a permanent feature of our city infrastructure for DECADES. Let's demand that the City of Columbus do better.
    210 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Will Easton
  • Implement Teaching About Consent and Sexual Violence In The Education System
    Spreading awareness about sexual violence and teaching children about consent from a young age is important because it is simply not talked about enough. As stated before, 75% of people become a victim before the young age of 18. Many do not realize what has happened to them until years later because the topic is never discussed and is treated as taboo.
    1,162 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Khalese Ariyun