• “Trump Inspired Death Threats Are Terrorizing Election Workers”
    It is very important to put an immediate stop to the death threats and harassment for two important reasons: 1) The 2020 Presidential Election was a free and fair election that did not have any fraudulent activity whatsoever. The numerous audits requested by Trump proved that it was fraudulent free and that Biden won. 2) These US Election Workers and Election Officials are being unfairly driven from their jobs by these Trump Extremists causing election workers to fear for their lives as well as their families lives. Besides receiving death threats, they have been harassed by these thugs by attempts to run them off the road, plus while driving they are being followed for 25 minutes. Plus getting threats of being killed by firing squad, and also in 21 counties there were threats of bombing polling sites, telling election workers unless Trump is guaranteed POTUS, no one would be spared at these bomb sites. As a result from the constant harassment, many election workers suffer from panic attacks. All of this harassment is still going on today! Fulton county’s election director, for 22 years, said, “ it seems like we are descending into a third world mentality. I never expected that from this country.” So many election workers and officials are leaving their jobs because they don’t want to be constantly harassed while they do their jobs. We need to stop this awful persecution ASAP!!!
    2,746 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Susan Dzialo
  • Increased Education on Race, Prejudice, and Privilege in schools
    The African diaspora is an essential part of the curriculum in school . It allows kids to express themselves and discuss critical themes such as racism and a variety of other difficulties. Suny African diaspora educates children on vital issues in such a way that pupils learn and grow as individuals, as well as educate themselves and the rest of the world so that history doesn't repeat itself .Students must also be educated and informed about racism, prejudice, and privilege. To do this, we suggest that schools should integrate racial problems education into academic curricula, provide online training modules on racial prejudice, and improve the diversity education provided in orientation materials. To demonstrate that we support the African-American community, particularly in light of the racial injustices that have happened across the country during this period of civil unrest.
    89 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kevin duran
  • Recall the Mission9 of Dandelion Chocolate SF
    On Wednesday 6/2 and Thursday 6/3, 9 employees were terminated or laid off. All 9 of these employees were outspoken supporters of the Dandelion Chocolate Union (DCU). All 9 of them were part of the DCU Organizing Committee. 2 employees had testified in front of the NLRB (National Labor Relations Board) in our post-election hearing two weeks prior. No workers who were vocally not in support of the union were laid off and remain employed. We believe this is no accident. It's obvious to us that these actions were taken in order to prevent us from exercising our rights to form a union and weaken our impact. It was made to scare and intimidate the current workers, to prevent them from the organizing effort. If this truly isn't possible because of company finances, the workers want your commitment - in writing - to give top priority to these 9 employees when hiring for open positions as finances are improved and stable. All of us are dedicated workers that care about our craft and truly want to make the company a better place with proper infrastructure and support. We know the work. We are committed to Dandelion. The only reason to not recall all of us would be an attempt to silence the workforce from exercising their rights to unionize. Thank you for taking the time to listen. - The Dandelion Chocolate Employee Union -- #RecallMission9
    1,021 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Armand B
  • The 4th Amendment is not for sale!
    The U.S. military, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Customs and Border Protection, and the Secret Service were *ALL* recently caught buying location tracking data from shady “data mining” tech companies. They’re using a flimsy legal loophole to bypass the Fourth Amendment and spy on all of us. This is unacceptable. Fourth Amendment protections exist to protect us all. U.S. government agencies should not be able to side-step these requirements just because data collection makes it easy. Sign now and demand Congress close these loopholes and protect our privacy by passing the Fourth Amendment is Not For Sale Act.
    70 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Win Without War Picture
  • Petition For A Ticker-Tape Parade To Honor Essential Workers
    Will Rogers was once asked why he was not a war hero, in a time when many Americans were. His answer, just slightly elaborated on, went something like this: We can't all be war heroes. I mean, someone has to be left to handle the long and arduous job of sitting on the curb and applauding when they go by. For those of us who were not heroes during the Pandemic, that remains our job. I recently spoke with a friend, let's call her Ann-Marie, who served as a nursing administrator throughout the Pandemic at a major suburban medical facility. Her job, day in and day out, from which she never wavered, was to staff the facility with nurses willing to handle Covid-19 patients. It was not an easy job. Needless to say, some nurses and other ICU staffers resigned. At one point she was in competition with a New York City facility that was offering tens of thousands of dollars per month for nurses. At another point she was asked to staff a sports facility to do vaccinations. In return, the nurses would get early vaccinations. A handful of the nurses showed up, took the early vaccinations, and never came back. But that was all the easy part. The hard part came on the days when she was called to the Covid-19 wards to share the final moments of a patient who was dying without the accompaniment of any family members. Those were the hard days. A hundred years ago, during the Battle of Verdun in World War I, one of the longest, bloodiest and most ferocious battles of the War, each day the allied troops in their tunnels shared with each other in hushed tones this simple thought: Today: on ne passe pas" (French for, "they shall not pass"). So too, each day during the Pandemic, the essential workers and first responders who came together in hospitals across America brought with them only that same noble thought: as to this patient: "on ne passe pas." Mostly, they succeeded. We can at least do our job and applaud when they go by.
    53 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Maloof
  • #SaveRJJT
    The Legacy of Roberta Jones Community theatre in Santa Clara began when Roberta Jones and a small group of hardworking individuals conceived the idea of a theatre group. Roberta Jones picked the shows, directed some, and served as executive producer of the entire program and also as "Mom" for her young charges, working to instill a sense of responsibility and dedication in each child. Since 1968 and for over 50 years, the legacy of Roberta Jones Junior Theatre continues to serve the community. Roberta Jones Junior Theatre Mission In keeping with the vision of founder Roberta Jones, and its 52-year history, Roberta Jones Junior Theatre provides youth in Santa Clara with high-quality recreational experiences in Theatre Arts. All children are welcome to participate on stage and backstage in productions. The program fosters a strong sense of place and community for participants and the general public. Youths are given opportunities for self expression in a fun, safe environment where they improve self esteem, confidence and social skills while learning the value of personal responsibility from adult role models. Audiences are provided with excellent, affordable, family-friendly special events where young performers inspire joyful appreciation for the Performing Arts in the Santa Clara community.
    233 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Annabel Gong
    WHY: The Job Center opened in September 2020 and SETA is recommending defunding it. We CANNOT close its' doors. If ever there was ever a need for a Sacramento Job Center, it is NOW, especially coming out of the pandemic when more than ever the black and brown community is looking for work! Now more than ever we need a Job Center serving Oak Park and surrounding neighborhoods. Proposed Talking Points: 1. Oak Park is a critical community where a Job Center is needed. It is in the Promise Zone, Opportunity Zone, and designated an Enterprise Zone by HUD. 2. COVID 19 has significantly impacted Oak Park and has left many of its residents jobless and homeless. Having a Job Center in this area will be key to assisting residents find employment in order to provide for their families. Job Centers are designed to provide opportunities and resources to those most impacted by social determinants and racial equity. 3. The Fruitridge Career Center is part of a collective of non-profit organizations that work to develop the Oak Park community by reducing social and health disparities with children, adults and seniors. 4. SETA compared the performance of the newly established Fruitridge Career Center after seven (7) months of operation, during the pandemic, with the performance of Job Centers that have been open for decades, while acknowledging that even those centers under-performed because of the pandemic. 5. Pivot Sacramento as part of GoBiz operates an employment program that is consistent with the Job Center that targets people reentering from jail or prison. Through that program, we enrolled approximately 760 participants over 18 months, most enrolled during the pandemic. 6. The Fruitridge Career Center has developed relationships with employers and other community stakeholders, including the Black Child Legacy Campaign, CPS, DHA, Alchemist, River Oaks Resource Center, Unite Us and many others. 7. The Fruitridge Career Center partners with the Aggie Square Committee and Community Engagement Department at UC Davis to create employment opportunities for the Oak Park community. The termination of the Fruitridge Career Center will terminate those relationships. 8. SETA claims that funds are allocated to provide activities and services that assist unemployed and underemployed individuals to gain the skills necessary to enter high demand careers in the region. Closing the Fruitridge Career Center in Oak Park which has a high number of unemployed and underemployed individuals, especially as we near the end of the pandemic, contradicts those claims. We need you to SHOW UP and GET LOUD! MAKE A PUBLIC COMMENT ON JUNE 3RD (10AM): ~Make a verbal public comment during a meeting. The public comment phone line will open 15-minutes prior to the start of the meeting. ~Refer to the agenda and listen to the live meeting to determine when is the best time to call to be placed in queue to make a public comment (ITEM III-B – 3 – ACTION). ~Dial (916) 263-3827 and follow the prompts to be placed in queue for a specific agenda item (ITEM III-B – 3 – ACTION) on or off-agenda matter. Each agenda item queue will remain open until the public comment period is closed for that specific item.
    247 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Lisa Miller
  • More Pride Flag Emojis on Android and Apple Devices
    This is important because LGBTQ+ representation is essential. If they can add new face emojis on the phones, why can't they add new pride flag emojis? We should be able to have the emoji that represents our sexuality and gender identity!
    194 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Rae K
  • WhatsApp is enabling anti-Palestinian mob violence. It MUST stop.
    This was preventable. Facebook has willfully enabled anti-Muslim violence and genocide around the world—including Myanmar, India, Australia, Sri Lanka and more. Today, it's the Palestinians who are targeted. Will you sign this petition to Facebook right now and demand that they stop this violence from taking place. They have enabled so much death against vulnerable communities, it must stop.
    4,571 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Muslim Advocates Picture
  • Save the Children: Support HR 2590 - Save kids in occupied Palestinian territories
    For the first time, there is legislation in Congress to ensure that no US tax dollars fund multiple human rights violations carried out by the Israeli government against Palestinians. We need you to take action today to ensure that your representative is on this bill. The Palestinian Children and Families Act (H.R. 2590), introduced by Congresswoman Betty McCollum (D-MN), states that the U.S. will not fund the Israeli government's imprisonment and torture of Palestinian children; theft and destruction of Palestinian homes and property; or any further annexation of Palestinian land. This legislation couldn't come at a more critical moment. The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed systemic injustices across the globe, intensifying the harms of state violence and discrimination - Israel is no exception. During the pandemic, the Israeli government has continued to imprison Palestinian children under a military court system, putting them in grave danger of contracting COVID and separating them from their families. Horrifyingly, at a time when we are all asked to stay at home, the Israeli government has actually increased the rate at which it is demolishing Palestinian homes. Now is the time: The U.S. must stop funding the Israeli government's human rights abuses.
    273 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Save the Children Staff, friends , and colleagues
  • Help Stop Idaho's Wolf Slaughter
    Unless the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service intervenes, decades of progress recovering wolves in the region will be lost. The state's wolf population will be reduced to the threshold triggering protection under the Endangered Species Act. Last year Idaho received more than $18 million in federal funding for wildlife-management projects. The promise of these funds incentivizes states to enact sound conservation policies that benefit all wildlife. And a state becomes ineligible for these funds if it passes legislation contrary to the conservation purposes of the Pittman Robertson Act and other federal laws. Please ask the agency to disqualify Idaho from receiving federal funding for wildlife management unless the state immediately repeals its wolf-extermination legislation.
    27,395 of 30,000 Signatures
    Created by Center for Biological Diversity Picture
  • Demanding Excellence from USPS
    First Class Mail continues to provide an affordable and secure method of communication for millions of Americans. The Delivering for America Plan diverts resources and equipment away from letter processing to prioritize package services. This betrays the mission of the Postal Service to be a vehicle for communication that binds the nation together chasing profits for the private companies that are proposed to handle mail in the expanded implementation of Surface Transfer Centers. Diverting mail outside the Postal network is already creating service delays and increasing the incidents of lost mail as the Postal Service no longer maintains custody of mail throughout the delivery process. Individuals, small businesses, and local governments rely on First Class Mail to exchange information and ideas, receive remittance payments, or issue legal notices. Allowing Postmaster General DeJoy to bull doze the implementation of these changes past the public will forever alter the network that has been built to provide the excellence that has become synonymous with First Class. Do not settle for adequate when the opportunity for excellence is still attainable. Demand more!
    1,526 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Kimberly Karol