FLY THE AMERICAN FLAG ON THE BRIDGE OF LIONS!WE WILL DELIVER THE SIGNED PETITION ON MARCH 25 2013 TO THE CITY COUNSEL This petition asks for your support in regards to "Old Glory" to be allowed to fly on the Bridge of Lions here in St. Augustine FL, The City of St. Augustine has taken the stance in all media interviews that it may be Unconstitutional to fly only the American Flag on the Bridge, which is ridiculous and shameful that the city has expressed this as the reason not to fly "Old Glory". PLEASE COPY AND PASTE THE LINK TO VISIT AND LIKE OUR FACEBOOK PAGE http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Fly-Ole-Glory-on-the-Bridge-of-Lions/420783118005807......TO STAY INFORMED AND TO SUPPORT NEWS VIDEO LINK http://www.actionnewsjax.com/mediacenter/local.aspx?videoid=3980512 http://www.firstcoastnews.com/news/local/story.aspx?storyid=155050 YOUTUBE VIDEO http://youtu.be/_r8Q4UptO4k225 of 300 SignaturesCreated by JD LONG
Attorney Raymond King Quichocho for CNMI Superior Court Judge.Judge Perry Borja Inos was elevated from the CNMI Superior Court to the CNMI Supreme Court as a Associate Justice. Due to Judge Inos departure from the Superior Court, there is a vacant seat for a Judge at the CNMI Superior Court. The CNMI needs a Judge that had proven himself or herself and who had shown that no one is above the law.8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by CNMI Absentee Organization
Lorraine BurnsA gun taken from an unlocked vehicle could have caused a disaster besides the police stand-off and panic that paralyzed the neighborhood for hours.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Lorraine Burns
What time is it?With so many much more pressing issues, such as the state budget, decaying infrastructure, trasnportation, education, than changing time zones every few years, we strongly urge the legislature and governor to get on with serious business rather than waste taxpayer time and money on once again revisiting the question of whether Indiana, either in whole or in part, should be in the Eastern or Central Time zone.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Irving Anellis
Testing 1 2 3This is test.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sam Testing
keep Evergreen Gate/School Street turnstile unlocked during daylight hoursThe Evergreen Gate/School Street turnstile provides residents of our neighborhoods with pedestrian access to the newly improved (Measure M) San Leandro High School sports complex, reducing traffic congestion on Bancroft Ave. A recent proposal before the School Board requests that the gate be permanently locked at all times, because some residents of that short cul-de-sac have voiced concern about issues such as parking enforcement and littering. We ask that the turnstile be kept OPEN to pedestrians during daylight hours, and that any parking or other issues be addressed separately. If needed, maintenance staff can easily lock and unlock the turnstile as part of their daily routines.150 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Richard Cook
The Chuck Brown Memorial Park and Playground PetitionIn 2012 we lost Maryland Native and resident Chuck Brown, who was raised in Fairmount Heights MD. The Grammy Music Award Nominee Chuck Brown was active in lobbying Congress to fund Music and Arts in ur Schools. Your support will be forward to The Maryland National Park and Planning Commission, which owns the playground.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Arthur Jackson MBA
Change City of Lowell Light CodeWe are petitioning to have the city exterior light code changed for security purposes.60 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Wetleau Estates Residents
Utah Lawmakers: Stop Plans to Drain Our Resources for Land Grab LawsuitThe Transfer of Public Lands Act (HB 148) demands title to 30 million acres of federal land, and the filing of 22 lawsuits claiming highway rights-of-way for thousands of miles of dirt routes, including some in our national parks. Our national forests, the redrock deserts and canyons surrounding our national parks, and even Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, would be managed to maximize short-term revenues. If the state prevails in its rights-of-way claims, our national parks, wild lands, and other scenic treasures would be degraded as existing protections are nullified or diminished. These initiatives will cost millions of dollars, harm our rural tourism economies, and not produce any lasting benefits for education or our children.558 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Ty Markham
Make bandwidth-stealing auto-playing/auto-buffering streaming media website content illegal, just...It has long been illegal to send spam to fax machines because the recipient pays for the fax phone line and its minutes, and for the electricity to run the machine, and for the fax paper and ink or toner; and so sending fax spam steals those things from the recipient. Whenever one lands on a web page which contains streaming audio and/or video media that auto-starts playing (or that auto-buffers in anticipation of starting to play), the precious and limited bandwidth for which the site visitor pays his/her ISP is being similarly stolen. Only if the site visitor gives permission to use said bandwidth by clicking on a "Play" button to begin the playing of the streaming media content should any bandwidth be used for it; and so it should be illegal, just as it is with fax spam, for a website to steal bandwidth from site visitors by auto-starting/auto-buffering streaming media content. NOTE: Flash or Java/Javascript or Silverlight or other similar content which simply makes interactive the graphical elements of a website, while annoying, are nevertheless not the subjects of this petition. It is only music (background or otherwise), or either advertising or news videos, which auto-play/auto-buffer, and so use-up precious bandwidth for which the site visitor pays, that are the subjects of this petition.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Gregg L. DesElms
Put a Stop to Daylight Savings TimeWe must STOP this ridiculous changing of our clocks twice every year. The costs in terms of serious errors in judgment that lead to myriad accidents involving motor vehicles, medical care, machine-operators, etc. as well as lost productivity (including groggy students) affect all of us and DO NOT justify whatever benefits Daylight Savings Time might offer. Please contact your State and/or federal legislators and encourage them to bring this issue to their respective legislative Congresses for a vote. If pursued at the federal level, ALL states would be affected by the change. However, individual states can also choose (and some have) to opt-out of this archaic, useless and dangerous practice of Daylight Savings Time and the havoc it wreaks.124 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Danielle Weiner
Rockland County Legislature: Support NY SAFE ActJust like many of us, I have been deeply affected by the tragedy in Newtown, CT. After Governor Cuomo passed the NY SAFE Act, I was incredibly proud to be a resident of NY state. However, recently, I was troubled to learn that many of our Rockland County Legislators have voted in favor of a memorializing resolution to repeal the NY SAFE Act. Please join me in letting them know that we support the NY SAFE Act. In a March 11, 2013 the NY SAFE Act was supported by 61% of New Yorkers.330 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Gina Daschbach