MoveOn: Stop slamming petitioners onto mailing lists"Slamming" is the practice of forcing people onto mailing lists without their explicit permission. The purpose of this petition is to ask MoveOn (SignOn) to add an opt-in checkbox that lets petitioners decide whether or not they want to be added onto mailing lists for MoveOn, MoveOn PAC, and SignOn when they sign petitions. SignOn's current policy is to add all petitioners onto these various mailing lists, with the understanding that "you may unsubscribe at any time." This isn't sufficient, especially in cases where someone wants to sign a petition relating to sensitive subjects (e.g. domestic violence) and doesn't want to receive confirmation emails and additional campaigns related to that same subject. SignOn and MoveOn: Please allow us to participate in democracy without obligating us to participate in your mailing lists.24 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Canton Becker
Say "NO" to Voter I D lawVoter I D bill to requires voter identification of everyone registered to vote in the state of Arkansas3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Helen Ticey
Equal Rights/Responsibilities For Joint Custody ParentsThe services offered to families by the government (assistance programs, child support programs, daycare & medical assistance, etc.) must have policy adjustments to accommodate parents that choose to share equal physical and legal custody. I have joint physical & legal custody of my three children, their mother has been receiving full cash, food, daycare, and medical assistance for six years (receiving full grants as though she's a soul custody parent). I am unable to receive assistance of any kind, and the county is allowed to seek child support from me. As a result, not only do I have the expense of providing a home and daily needs of the children, but the state takes $650/month from my children and I to pay for her welfare. For 6 years my children and I have paid for the living expenses of their mother who refuses to work. I am unable to cover the expenses of basic needs (mortgage, utilities, clothing, food, etc.). My credit has been destroyed, as well as my children's and my quality of life.69 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Michael Elliott
President Obama: Reinstate the White House toursI was hoping to take my children to our Nation's capital in April to visit the monuments and a White House Tour; I have been planning this trip since November 2012. On March 5th I received an email stating that “Due to staffing reductions resulting from sequestration, we regret to inform you that White House Tours will be canceled effective Saturday, March 9, 2013 .....". The White House is the house of the people and should not be used as a political pawn.25 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jane D
USFS SAVE SUGAR COVESugar Cove Road, Forest Service Road (FSR) 1188 was built by the Civilian Conservation Corps years ago in McDowell County, North Carolina. The road begins from NC 80, crossing three private land owners before entering into the Pisgah National Forest. The Forest Service is pursuing a Right of Way from the three willing land owners who wish for the Forest Service to acquire the Right of Way. However, a local resident who lives over a mile from FSR 1188 and who has no legal standing regarding the acquisition is trying to stop this from happening. That resident claims to have a Right of Way across the private portion of Sugar Cove Road, but legal documents and deeds dispute her claim. Forest Service officials are forced to listen to her because of the noise that she makes. However, many law abiding citizens have enjoyed Sugar Cove for generations. Sugar Cove is a pristine area of National Forest that many use for hunting, fishing, hiking, camping as well as gathering forest products to make an honest living. It is for the greater good of the public for the National Forest in NC to continue the pursuit of the acquisition so the area is accessible for generations to come. This acquisition is supported by all the private land owners that have legal standing. Let’s encourage the Forest Service to quickly obtain this legal access.204 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Sophie Slagle
Milwaukee County Needs A Sheriff, Not A CelebrityWhat was Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke doing today while several major accidents flared on the freeways, and illegal guns allegedly plagued the Milwaukee County streets by criminals? Was he knocking on doors, raiding drug houses, or even directing a new traffic safety program to deputies? No. Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke was hosting the right-wing Mark Belling Late Afternoon Show on News/Talk 1130 WISN AM radio. For at least 3 hours - not counting any travel, prep and production time - Sheriff Clarke was not defending Milwaukee County residents from the gang-bangers he proposes run rampant across the county with illegal weapons. He was not putting into place any new regulations to guard drivers on the roadways his department is responsible for against wrong-way or drunk drivers.294 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Lorraine Matthew
Investigate the Koch Brothers influence over American GovernmentThe Koch Brothers are the single greatest threat to our nation today. They are using their money and influence to literally take over both state governments, but also huge controls over the federal government. They have also influenced two SCOTUS judges, specifically Scalia and Thomas (also Thomas wife). The Kochs fund the Tea Party and Grover Norquist and his blackmail of members of congress. We the people MUST educate ourselves and see the threat of the Kochs and also their organization ALEC.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Daniel Pfoltzer
Governor Christie: Urge all NJ Shelters to sign "Just One Day" PledgeAsk the Governor and the State of New Jersey to support the animal life-saving event “Just One Day”, urging animal shelters across New Jersey to take a pledge not to kill any savable animals on June 11, 2013. Instead of clearing cages by euthanizing, animals will leave the shelters with their forever families. At the end of the day, the shelters will have many more empty cages than at the beginning of the day. Yet, no shelter animals will have had to die in order to make that happen. More about Just One Day can be found at www.justoneday.ws/974 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Christie Arlotta
Bonham, Tx. Animal ShelterThese animals need the state to step in. We have to be their voices, this facility stinks, it's filthy, the only hope these animals have are the volunteers that go there twice a week. The shelter does not follow the guidelines set forth by mandated laws as to what each animal must have. I was there, I cried for the animals, now something must be done on their behalf258 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Pam Woodall
Ban Horse Tripping competitions in Oregon Rodeos and EventsThe cruel and inhumane treatment of horses256 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Linda Dennis
Support Public EmployeesAs a retired teacher,my pension has been cut 1%;Do not cut our pensions any more!4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by LOREEN Thomas
Save lives! Ban texting/ phone use while drivingDistracted drivers are POOR drivers and threaten us all. Public safety should be our number one concern. Outlaw cell phone use and texting while driving.7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Keith Hilgenfeldt